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      Climate ChangeGreen Economy & Green Jobs PerspectivesEmploymentGlobal Warming
Chapter 9 in C. Lipsig-Mummé and S. McBride (Eds). (2015). Work in a Warming World. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press.
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      Climate ChangeWork and LabourCitiesGreen Economy
In Michigan and Ontario, the “green economy” has been touted by government as a “win-win” solution to reducing greenhouse gasses and replacing thousands of manufacturing jobs lost before and during the global financial crisis. Some... more
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      Renewable EnergyGreen Economy
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    • Green Economy
analytical chapter
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    • Green Economy
Syllabus introduction: Agenda setting, formulation, implementation, and evaluation of public policy are among the most critical functions of modern governments. Various theories of policymaking explain the role of ideas, interests, and/or... more
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      EconomicsEnvironmental policyEnvironmental PoliticsLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
Argumentative discourse has been essential to the construction, re-construction, and hegemony of neoliberal ideas and policies, and in the assimilation of other discourses, including those around climate change, sustainability, and the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnergy PolicyEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceSubnational Politics
In Michigan and Ontario, the “green economy” has been touted by government as a “win-win” solution to reducing greenhouse gasses and replacing thousands of manufacturing jobs lost before and during the global financial crisis. Some... more
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