? ?
Journal created:
on 11 February 2004 (#2188767)
on 26 May 2009
18 July 1984
I am a musical daydreamer whose raindrop tears are preludes to fits of giggles.
My life is craziness and funtimes - hence the subtitle of my lj!
The love of my life is my dog Toddie.

I like musical theatre and opera - a lot.

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-Created by: allbottledup

80's music, acceptance, acting, advice, affection, art, astrology, attention, beauty, bernadette peters, best friends, bette midler, blankets, blue, books, broadway, cancerians, candles, cards, cello, changing the world, chocolate, choral music, christianity, christmas, clingy, coffee, comfort, concerts, contradictions, cooking, crabs, cuddles, cuddling, dahling, depth, disciples of christ, drama, dreams, ee cummings, ella fitzgerald, empathy, escape, friends, giving, gone with the wind, guys, happiness, holding hands, hope, hugging, hugs, insanity, into the woods, intuition, jack and karen, jazz, judy garland, kairos, kaplan university, kids, kissing, laughter, learning, listening, literature, love, loyalty, lunar phases, madeleine l'engle, makeup, manhattan, manicures, massage, massages, massaging, memories, men, metropolitan opera, moon, movies, mozart, music, music teachers, musical theatre, musicals, my dog, new york, nurture, opera, parks, peace, pearls, performing, piano, poems, prayer, psychic, psychology, puppies, quiet, quizzes, reading, rent, robert frost, romance, scrapbooking, sensitivity, sex and the city, sheet music, showtunes, silver, singers, singing, sleeping, smiles, sopranos, spanish, stage, stars, stephen sondheim, tallulah bankhead, teaching, teaching music, tears, tenacity, the beatles, the clique, the nanny, the ocean, the wind, theatre, theology, time, touch, trees, voice, walking on water, water, water signs, wicked the musical, will and grace, writing, zodiac, zoos
