Papers by James Fitzmaurice
ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830, 2019
Liza Blake's free website is sure to become the first stop for anyone beginning work with Poems a... more Liza Blake's free website is sure to become the first stop for anyone beginning work with Poems and Fancies. Most importantly for those who want to explore Cavendish's poetry in depth is that fact that Blake's website provides an easy means of comparison of versions of poems printed in the 1653, 1664, and 1668 editions.
Huntington Library Quarterly, 1993
... by James Fitzmaurice ... Thomas Povey, to intervene: "I could send you seveall letters f... more ... by James Fitzmaurice ... Thomas Povey, to intervene: "I could send you seveall letters from Sr Peter Pett, in which he does not only promise to represent to the King and Councell, but offers me a Certificate, how advantageous my service was to the Kings Interest in that business ...
in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 2002
... Borrowings, as Paulina Kewes has shown, were commonplace, but well-established playwrights di... more ... Borrowings, as Paulina Kewes has shown, were commonplace, but well-established playwrights did not borrow dialogue that they took to be weak.5 One of ... but Lacy ' s part, the Dancing Maister, the best in the world." The Diary of Samuel Pepys ed. Rob-ert Latham and William ...
Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 1985
South Central Review, 1988
Sixteenth Century Journal, 1988
Sixteenth Century Journal, 1998
Sixteenth Century Journal, 1985
Renaissance Quarterly, 2007
1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6dp Oxford University Press is a department of the Universit... more 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6dp Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong ...

President Barack Obama's Dreams of My Father (1995) and The Audacity of Hope (2006) have received... more President Barack Obama's Dreams of My Father (1995) and The Audacity of Hope (2006) have received positive and extensive critical attention from both professional reviewers and University scholars. While literary intellectuals have praised Obama's memoirs for the style in which he composed them, social scientists and partisan political analysts have thus far generally monopolized discussion of President Obama's writings. Yet there has been a recent surge of interest in the literary merits of Obama's writings. Our volume understands "literary" to indicate a host of a priori relationships that successful, artful writing brings to the surface of a written work. These are instantiated in narrative form, thereby revealing what Edward W. Said famously defined as the "worldliness" of the literary object. In the case of President Obama's writings, and Dreams from My Father in particular, those relationships are evident in the author's negotiation of literary tradition, rhetorical modes and historical narratives. By positioning the "literary" at this vantage, at the point where writing and the world converge, the volume's contributors assert the indispensable, and urgent, import of understanding the President not only in political terms, but, more importantly, in literary terms that place him within a long tradition of American literary-political authorship.
Women's Writing, 1997
ABSTRACT Margaret Cavendish added prefaces to and then subtracted several from the two editions o... more ABSTRACT Margaret Cavendish added prefaces to and then subtracted several from the two editions of Natures Pictures (1656 and 1671). She also first included and then removed a frontispiece which shows herself, her husband, and a group of people seated around a fire. Finally, ...
Other by James Fitzmaurice
Table of contents for Journal of Mediterranean Studies 25.1 (2016), special issue on 'Othello and... more Table of contents for Journal of Mediterranean Studies 25.1 (2016), special issue on 'Othello and his Islands: Papers from the First Three Othello's Island Conferences'
Drafts by James Fitzmaurice
The play was acted on 8 April 2017 at the CVAR Museum in Nicosia, Cyprus. Student actors from Sh... more The play was acted on 8 April 2017 at the CVAR Museum in Nicosia, Cyprus. Student actors from Sheffield Hallam University and the University of Sheffield. Director - Henry Bell, Lecturer in Performance, Sheffield Hallam University. Produced by James Fitzmaurice, Northern Arizona University and the University of Sheffield, and Michael Paraskos, Imperial College, the University of London. Thanks for funding to Othello's Island Conference, the University of Sheffield Foundation, and Sheffield Hallam University's Department of Performance.
Papers by James Fitzmaurice
Other by James Fitzmaurice
Drafts by James Fitzmaurice