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The past decade has seen a flurry of experimental work on the psychological basis of conversational implicature, focusing in particular on the questions of whether implicature processing is automatic or effortful and whether pragmatic... more
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      Dual Process TheoryScalar ImplicaturesNeo-Gricean pragmaticsConversational Implicatures
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In this paper I argue that none of the most influential theories of truth in fiction can adequately handle the generation of fictional truths via the common literary device of the unreliable narrator. After providing a philosophically... more
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      Fiction WritingPhilosophyAestheticsLiterature
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      Computer SciencePhilosophyAestheticsVideo
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      Philosophy of ArtOntology of ArtVideogamesVideogames and Philosophy
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      PhilosophyEmpathy (Psychology)Empathy (Philosophy)
In this thesis I present and defend a theory of empathy, and then apply that theory of empathy to understanding how we engage with stories. I argue that empathy should be understood as a well grounded demonstrative ascription of the form... more
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      NarrativePhilosophy of LiteraturePhilosophy of ArtEmpathy (Philosophy)
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I present some considerations regarding how we ought to use the tools of argumentation theory in the analysis of persuasive communication material, with implications for the way such material can be modelled for use with persuasive... more
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      AdvertisingArgumentation Theory
This paper is intended to serve four primary purposes: first, to show why a common argument purporting to describe why videogames are artistically valuable fails. Second, to show that the failure of that argument is actually in the best... more
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      Video GamesPhilosophy of ArtPhilosophy of Computer Games
The problem formerly known as 'The Puzzle of Imaginative Resistance', currently known variously as 'The Fictionality Puzzle' or 'The Alethic Puzzle', is the problem of why it should be the case that we find it hard to engage with... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of ArtAnalytic Aesthetics
We observe that the current UK safeguarding guidance makes no reference to the possible harms of radicalisation, unlike the other areas in which relevant organisations are under a duty to prevent specific harms to vulnerable people. We... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsPoliticsSafeguarding
We often credit artworks, especially narrative fictions, with having some significant role in the evolution of our moral attitudes. Speaking for myself, I might say of All Quiet on the Western Front that it made me less tolerant of the... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of ArtAesthetics and Ethics
In a 2016 paper, Jeanine Diller usefully distinguishes between Global and Local theisms and atheisms. A Local (a)theist directs their (dis)belief towards one particular conception of God, a Global (a)theist directs their (dis)belief... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionAnalytic Philosophy of Religion
There are countless examples of stories that appear to successfully induce audiences to experience emotional, aesthetic, humorous and moral responses to their represented events in ways that seem surprising, given how we would expect... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of LiteratureAnalytic Aesthetics
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Human rights apply to all humans, so why do some complain that they exclude women? Although human rights are regarded as universal by definition, a multitude of feminist scholars have criticized the human rights discipline for excluding... more
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