? ?
Chaser of Shadows
12 November 2011 @ 04:21 pm
This dream starts out with Eli finding a huge dead grasshopper. Not just one limp corpse, but body parts strewn across the darkened floor in a trail, first a long leg, then a wing, and so on. Subconscious forewarning settles over the scene, that uncanny knowledge that something horrible and unavoidable is ahead.

The pieces of the insect get larger as the trail progresses. Larger than a grasshopper should be. Bigger and bigger as if Eli is the one shrinking while he follows them, only then they start to change.
A spindly leg ends in a human hand. A sliver of carapace with a few strands of hair attached. A wing spattered with blood. The sense of suspense and foreboding becomes almost unbearably heavy, and at the end of the hall lies the corpse's head, not insect at all but human and very, very familiar -
Chaser of Shadows
19 December 2010 @ 07:52 pm
Who: Jalen (and Lucan, 12; Wacian, 8)
What: Nightmare from hell? Yeah, pretty much.
When: Night/early morning of Dec 17-18, 2010
Where: Rainbow's End
Status: Complete

The past always comes back to haunt youCollapse )
Chaser of Shadows
15 October 2010 @ 08:12 pm
I took an Ativan earlier for anxiety-related chest pain and I'm still kinda muddled, but whatever. I should've written about my trip with my cousins ages ago, but eh. I think I remember most of it. ^^;;

Trip with Jen & AshCollapse )

And now something that has absolutely nothing to do with the trip. Meet Oblivion!

It's a little blurry.Collapse )
Chaser of Shadows
There are so many of these that I'm not even gonna bother organizing them. It's Jen, Ashley and I. Jen is the short one. There's one pic missing of Igor and the sword, and hopefully they'll send that one soon. Got it. Bwahahahahaha.

22 large picsCollapse )
Current Mood: exhaustedexhausted