? ?
16 January 2011 @ 06:24 pm
 So, I admit it's been a while.

My desktop computer that had photoshop kind of bit the dust and I didn't know what to do with my Mac. My dad finally got me photoshop compatible for my laptop, so I'm looking at making so more graphics in the near future. I have a couple ideas of what I want to make, but I was wondering if anyone had any fandom requests. Below is a list of what I will be working on:

Gilmore Girls
Iron Man
True Blood

Thanks! Sorry to have been absent for so long.
Current Mood: productiveproductive
Current Music: Halford - Twist | Powered by
14 August 2008 @ 09:40 pm
Gilmore Girls: [1-32]
House: [33-52]
Heroes: [53-68]
Grey's Anatomy: [69-84]
Bedford Diaries: [85-96]
Red Sox: [97-108]


01. Photobucket 02. Photobucket 03. Photobucket
04. Photobucket 05. Photobucket 06. Photobucket

Current Mood: thirstythirsty
Current Music: Helloween - You Always Walk Alone | Scrobbled by
31 July 2008 @ 01:41 am
Gilmore Girls: [1-20]
Heroes: [21-37]
Bedford Diaries: [38-53]
Dirty Deeds: [54-71]
Milo Ventimiglia: [72-77]
Red Sox: [78-89]

01. Photobucket 02. Photobucket 03. Photobucket
04. Photobucket 05. Photobucket 06. Photobucket

Current Mood: artisticartistic
Current Music: Kashmir - Ruby Over Diamonds | Scrobbled by
27 July 2008 @ 12:48 am
Gilmore Girls: [1-46]
Heroes: [47-72]
House: [73-90]
Bedford Diaries: [91-105]
Kamelot lyrics: [106-112]

01. Photobucket 02. Photobucket 03. Photobucket
04. Photobucket 05. Photobucket 06. Photobucket
07. Photobucket 08. Photobucket 09. Photobucket

Current Mood: excitedexcited
Current Music: "Majesty" Gamma Ray
23 July 2008 @ 11:59 pm
Red Sox with text: [1-21]
Red Sox without text: [22-40]

01.Photobucket 02.Photobucket 03. Photobucket

Current Mood: busybusy
Current Music: "Vacuum Bag" Stroke 9
Pirates of the Caribbean icons: [1-14]
Pirates of the Caribbean friends only banners: [15-18]

01. Photobucket 02. Photobucket 03. Photobucket

Current Mood: artisticartistic
Current Music: "The Shadow of Uther" Kamelot
20 July 2008 @ 12:58 pm
Heroes: [1-14]

01.Photobucket 02. Photobucket 03. Photobucket

Current Mood: contentcontent
Current Music: "The Departed [Sun is Going Down]" Helloween
20 July 2008 @ 01:39 am
Red Sox icons: [1-10]
Red Sox friends only banners: [11-18]

01. Photobucket 02. Photobucket 03. Photobucket

Current Mood: frustratedfrustrated
Current Music: "Memento Mori" Kamelot
20 July 2008 @ 12:51 am
Literati: [1-12]
Javajunkie: [13-15]
Characters: [16-32]

01. Photobucket 02. Photobucket 03. Photobucket

Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful
Current Music: "Memento Mori" Kamelot
20 July 2008 @ 12:49 am
Red Sox: [1-21]

01. Photobucket 02. Photobucket 03. Photobucket

Current Mood: determineddetermined
Current Music: "Memento Mori" Kamelot