Papers by Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback
Viso: Cadernos de estética aplicada, 2007
Este ensaio está dividido em três partes. A primeira consiste na leitura mais literal possível do... more Este ensaio está dividido em três partes. A primeira consiste na leitura mais literal possível do conto de Kafka Der Bau, "A construção". A segunda parte é uma crítica à proposta feita por Deleuze e Guattari de uma leitura de Kafka sem filosofia, ou seja, evitando toda hermenêutica interpretativa. A terceira parte, mais extensa, discute a necessidade de uma leitura desse conto de Kafka não evitando a filosofia, mas acolhendo o entre filosofia e literatura, conectando esse conto de Kafka com a colocação de Heidegger sobre a questão da técnica.
Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback's Time in Exile illuminates being in "gerundive time." The gerundiv... more Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback's Time in Exile illuminates being in "gerundive time." The gerundive tense (which is similar to the infinitive tense in English) captures how our being is always already "suspended" between worlds and meanings-how our being is a "non-final verb." Schuback considers such existence in the work of Martin Heidegger, Maurice Blanchot, and Clarice Lispector. Of the three thinkers, Lispector's writing best reveals how existence (especially existence in exile) is an "immense struggle for presence." Schuback's hope is that we may find a home in our homelessness.
Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback's Time in Exile illuminates being in "gerundive time." The gerundiv... more Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback's Time in Exile illuminates being in "gerundive time." The gerundive tense (which is similar to the infinitive tense in English) captures how our being is always already "suspended" between worlds and meanings-how our being is a "non-final verb." Schuback considers such existence in the work of Martin Heidegger, Maurice Blanchot, and Clarice Lispector. Of the three thinkers, Lispector's writing best reveals how existence (especially existence in exile) is an "immense struggle for presence." Schuback's hope is that we may find a home in our homelessness.
Crisis and Critique volume 8 issue 2, 2021
Abstract: The present article presents a discussion about the relation between the right of the u... more Abstract: The present article presents a discussion about the relation between the right of the universal and the universality of rights departing from Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. It tries to find in Hegel’s thought a path to think the crisis of universality that pervades our contemporaneity. It outlines some lines of thought that may contribute to further reflections on Hegel’s view on the tragic dialectic between the particular and the universal and to possible attempts to overcome it.
Research in Phenomenology, 2022
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license.

O presente artigo discute os desafios da estética contemporânea em tempos de profunda mutação nos... more O presente artigo discute os desafios da estética contemporânea em tempos de profunda mutação nos modos de sentir, pensar e existir. Assumindo que a presente mutação se dá no próprio sentido de forma e em todas as formas de sentido, o artigo considera que o grande desafio da “estética” é dar sentido ao em aberto dos sentidos, propor formas em aberto de convivência e ação, de pensamento e sensibilidade e não propor novos ou outros sentidos e formas fechadas e determinadas. Buscar formas formadas e sentidos fechados é o que caracteriza o fascismo em todos os seus modos de expressão e mobilização. A reflexão propõe uma poética do sendo, isto é, do gerúndio, que encontra nas experiências de esboço e ritmo algumas de suas palavras indicadoras. Considera que para resistir ao fascismo das formas contemporâneas de controle é preciso seguir as indicações dos restos resistentes aos processos de totalização de sentido e inventar uma linguagem que sente e pensa no gerúndio. Esse seria um modo ...
Words, Bodies, Memory A Festschrift in honor of Irina Sandomirskaja, 2019
Tidskrift för Literatturvetenskap TFL, 2019
A discussion about today's new form of fascism defined as fascism of ambiguity.
a reflexive critical satyr showing the manipulation of meaning in Brazilian politics
chaine youtube Philosopher en temps de pandémie, 2020
Philosopher en temps de pandémie-qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ?
5th pril 2020
Lignes nr 61, 2020
A reflection about internationalism today, in times of newfascism and new nationalisms
Tidens tecken, 2018
"The repressed return" presents in Swedish a discussion about the repressed wanting of wanting, s... more "The repressed return" presents in Swedish a discussion about the repressed wanting of wanting, something that may bring more clarity to the rise of right wings' desire of a return. in the article Freud's expression "return of the repressed" is turned against itself and is developed in terms of the disappearance not properly of resistance but rather of desire itself.
his article discusses Alejandro Vallega’s book, Latin American
Philosophy: From Identity to Radic... more his article discusses Alejandro Vallega’s book, Latin American
Philosophy: From Identity to Radical Exteriority, proposing a series
of questions in which the problem of situating Latin American
thought in the topos of Western philosophy is addressed. Further
questions considered here include how to rethink identity and
difference from the perspective of Latin American experience,
and, last but not least, what do “situated thinking” and “engaged
thought” mean?

A lot has been discussed in philosophy about the relation between sacrifice and gift 1. These tho... more A lot has been discussed in philosophy about the relation between sacrifice and gift 1. These thoughts are deeply indebted to a search to give being and existence back to a meaning beyond the overarching reification of being and existence in the present world. Before the impossibility to give being back to its innocence, to experience directly the splendor of its simplicity, the pure gift of being while being, discussions on the relation between sacrifice and gift aim to ground the difficult or rather tragic view that the sacrifice of being and existence is the gift of being and existence. At stake is a longing for difference within an epochal situation of in-differentiation and indifference, the situation of no way out from a world in which the gift in the sense of poison of the given seems to close all possibilities to experience the gift of being. In these discussions, the meaning of sacrifice is double. Sacrifice means on the one hand a destruction – the sacrificed, the animal, a human being, a god, is killed – and a restitution, thus the destruction is for the sake of salvation or redemption, aiming to give being and existence back to nature and life, back to the sacred and the divine. Among the sacrificial practices there is one very hard and difficult to account for in the realm of these discussions: I mean the practice of anthropophagy, the sacrificial practice of man eating man. To the current discussions on sacrifice and the gift, I would like to bring some anthropophagic thoughts on the sacrifice of difference accomplished in western modern culture, aiming both to bring some different aspects to 1 For a recent account on the huge philosophical litterature on sacrifice and gift, see Jason W. Alvis. Marion and Derrida on the Gift and desire: Debating the Generosity of Things (Springer).
the article discusses hermeneutic not as an art or technique of understanding and interpretation ... more the article discusses hermeneutic not as an art or technique of understanding and interpretation but as movement of understanding, and hence the attention to a coming to form, a coming to word, a coming to thought. This attention is described as the work of imagination through which hermeneutics introduces a "tiny trace" or a "comma" in consolidated meanings, opening a path for a transformative understanding.

IASPIS Request & Response. pdf
The atmosphere was much like when we return home from a trip: everything is hushed, and somewhat ... more The atmosphere was much like when we return home from a trip: everything is hushed, and somewhat still. The institutional body was working from home, and took turns being on site. The grant holders had ownership of the space, and fostered their own rhythms, mostly beyond the institutional. Although the usual climate of publicness was completely contracted, an internal, almost domestic space had advanced. It was a very singular moment. Instead of trying to make up for this lack of publicness, I looked instead into the institution as a space for and of knowledge-production by coming closer to the practices and grant holders on site. I acknowledged the internal aspects of the residency, reflecting over the knowledge that existed here. Until March 2021, we worked on the online spring Open Studios together. At the end of that project, an invitation was cast for me to stay on with the residency program for a few months. Pursuing a culture of gathering, from the stance of the grant holders´ practices, I rhymed the different questions they provoked, as a space for thinking together. So, Request & Response: conviviality and reflexiveness was born from a need to fluster things, seizing this energy of collectiveness, amidst that singular atmosphere that´d formed. The gatherings happened in the kitchen, on Tuesdays, usually between 11:00 and 12:00, in an effort to lay a rhythm. They were informal, amongst us, at times with a guest invited to come think with us. The format meant a request was put on the table, and we responded to it, in a convivial setting, and a reflexive manner. The requests were topics, questions, readings, exercises, and valuable elements of a process. Request & Response became a liminal space between internal questions, and a discursive digression with other practices, subjects, thinkers. Throughout Request & Response, 14 grant holders were in residency in different periods. We did not make the gatherings public, in an effort to maintain a level of trust and proximity-the convivial. When a guest was with us it was important, even from a Zoom screen on their end, to offer an internal quality of our gathering in the kitchen. A tentative program developed. Our tentative program, the gatherings formed, the dialogues that we shaped, blemished the different practices, and ourselves. Leaving space for the expressions and expansions that each gathering gave us, we invited the different guests that´d been with us to leave a trace of what had been. Some of the grant holders themselves have also offered to leave a trace. A trace is not the complete truth, but a sign, a symptom of the existence, or the passing of something. This transient quality is how we chose to relate to a possible record of Request & Response. I want to thank IASPIS, for the generous year in this institution; my colleagues, for their relentless support; all dear guests that openly came to think with us, and were so giving; Behin Roozbeh, for the beautiful work designing the folder and putting the traces together. I want to thank you, incredible grant holders, whom I have had the privilege to work with.
Papers by Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback
Philosophy: From Identity to Radical Exteriority, proposing a series
of questions in which the problem of situating Latin American
thought in the topos of Western philosophy is addressed. Further
questions considered here include how to rethink identity and
difference from the perspective of Latin American experience,
and, last but not least, what do “situated thinking” and “engaged
thought” mean?
Philosophy: From Identity to Radical Exteriority, proposing a series
of questions in which the problem of situating Latin American
thought in the topos of Western philosophy is addressed. Further
questions considered here include how to rethink identity and
difference from the perspective of Latin American experience,
and, last but not least, what do “situated thinking” and “engaged
thought” mean?