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Unlike research in reading which focuses on data from individuals reading independently, this study identified second language (L2) college students’ reading processes that occurred within dyadic peer interactions during shadow-reading, a... more
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      PsychologySecond Language AcquisitionStatistical AnalysisApplied Linguistics
This paper describes shadow-reading, a pedagogical technique aimed at fostering reading comprehension and retention in second (L2) or foreign language (FL) classrooms. The technique is an adaptation of “conversational shadowing,” a... more
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    • Psychology
The din phenomenon, first discussed in the literature of second language acquisition by Kmshen, is a form of mental rehearsal in which wordr. sounak, andphmses of the second languagearespontaneously replayed in the mind. Thispaper reports... more
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      PsychologySecond Language AcquisitionSecond LanguageLanguage Studies
In The Castle of My Skin (Lamming 1953) is more than a coming of age Caribbean novel. The author invoques various narrative techniques to convey the process by which the protagonist embraces his own identity. Lamming’s novel offers more... more
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    • Contemporary Caribbean Literature
Heroes in Caribbean neocolonial literature may at times present fragmented, ambivalent, and dysfunctional identities that resemble the isolated, variegated, and broken islands they inhabit. Sometimes, the character of the hero in... more
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    • Contemporary Caribbean Literature