Papers by Marzenna A Weresa
This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Nov 15, 2022
The recent COVID-19 crisis, as well as the resulting international response, have demonstrated th... more The recent COVID-19 crisis, as well as the resulting international response, have demonstrated the importance of medical innovation in meeting current and future health challenges. Yet capacity for innovation differs from country to country, and policymakers are wise to find ways to increase each nation's ability to generate new solutions. This study examines medical innovation, measured as patents per capita, for 27 EU countries from 2004 to 2018. Modelling innovation as a function of international and domestic macroeconomic variables, government and private-sector R&D, the rate of return to physical and human capital, and a measure of risk, a dynamic panel analysis finds that real-exchange-rate volatility reduces patent applications for some countries, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe. The response to the explanatory variables differs by countries' overall innovation levels, with innovation in weaker innovators reduced by risk and increased by higher education levels. In stronger innovators, the internal rate of return most strongly drives innovation, suggesting that this process more closely resembles "traditional" investments.
Routledge eBooks, Jan 12, 2022

Ekonomia XXI Wieku, 2016
Streszczenie: Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja najważniejszych tendencji występujących we współc... more Streszczenie: Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja najważniejszych tendencji występujących we współczesnej polityce innowacyjnej, zarówno w ujęciu koncepcyjnym, jak i od strony praktycznej jej implementacji. W artykule przedstawiono teoretyczne podejście do polityki innowacyjnej, które uzupełnia szczegółowa analiza porównawcza celów i narzędzi tej polityki w państwach wiodących pod względem innowacyjności w gospodarce światowej. Są to: Finlandia, Stany Zjednoczone oraz Korea Południowa. Wyniki analizy wykazały, iż w państwach tych stosuje się postulowane w teorii, holistyczne podejście do kształtowania polityki innowacyjnej, które polega na dopasowaniu całego instrumentarium polityki do najważniejszych problemów i wzywań funkcjonowania narodowego systemu innowacji. Instrumentem polityki innowacyjnej, który nabiera na znaczeniu w drugiej dekadzie XXI wieku, zarówno w Korei Południowej, jak i w Stanach Zjednoczonych, a także do pewnego stopnia w Finlandii, są ulgi podatkowe związane z prowadzeniem działalności badawczo-rozwojowej.

Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Universities have a pivotal role to play in the challenging restructuring process that economies ... more Universities have a pivotal role to play in the challenging restructuring process that economies are undergoing due to higher education’s critical role in the information age. Universities can contribute to this process of change by creating new knowledge as well as by shaping new skills, which are necessary for exploiting modern technologies and understanding how technology interacts with society. The aim of this paper is to compare universities from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in terms of creativity related to research and educational activity. The knowledge triangle concept is employed to compare involvement of universities in education, research, and innovation. The divisive hierarchical clustering was used to group countries by knowledge triangle performance. Five clusters have been identified regarding research-education-innovation interactions. The study contributes by shedding light on education as the missing link between research and innovation in the CEE countries an...
Contributions to Economics, 2016
Both research and development policy and innovation policy are part of government economic policy... more Both research and development policy and innovation policy are part of government economic policy, as science, technology, and innovation are inextricably linked to entrepreneurship. However, the connection between economics and policies with respect to science, technology, and innovation is neither simple nor straightforward. This is due to the fact that the development of science and technology has many dimensions, and its impact on society refers to more than just economic results. This has some implications for innovation policy, as its regulations cannot be based solely on economic rules, but should also include some social, cultural and psychological aspects.

This book attempts to analyse, document and disseminate some basic information on the role of inn... more This book attempts to analyse, document and disseminate some basic information on the role of innovation in fostering competitiveness. It tries to consider the various variables that influence the implementation of innovative approaches in market economies, paying at the same time some attention to the barriers that prevent, inhibit or slow down further progress. Among other issues, the book discusses the « new Lisbon strategy and provides an analysis of the means to implement innovation policy and enhance competitiveness in the European Union and in the new EU States. Moreover, it compares how technological development and international competitiveness influence the 'old' and 'new' EU Member States, also critically analysing Poland's competitive position in the enlarged EU and considering its attractiveness for foreign investors from an income tax perspective. Due to its international scope, this publication is of special interest to educators, scientists and re...

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Cancer burden in the European Union (EU) is increasing and has stimulated the European Commission... more Cancer burden in the European Union (EU) is increasing and has stimulated the European Commission (EC) to develop strategies for cancer control. A common “one size fits all” prevention policy may not be effective in reducing cancer morbidity and mortality. The goal of this paper is to show that EU member states are not homogenous in terms of their exposure to risk factors for cancer (i.e., lifestyle, socio-economic status (SES), air pollution, and vaccination). Data from a variety of sources including Eurostat, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the European Health Interview Survey, Eurobarometer, and the European Environment Agency were merged across years 2013–2015 and used to develop a cluster analysis. This work identified four patterns of cancer prevention behaviors in the EU thus making it possible to group EU members states into four distinct country clusters including: sports-engaged countries, tobacco and pollutant exposed nations, unhealthy lifestyle countries, and a sti...

Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) gained prominence as an alternative teaching and learning platf... more Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) gained prominence as an alternative teaching and learning platform for many educators embarking on developing university courses online. In Malaysia, the initiative at lower secondary school was quite recent and not many teachers were willing to invest the time and effort to develop the MOOC courses. This study examined the secondary school gifted students' experience in learning a language subject using a new online course in a MOOC platform. All students from the lower secondary levels of a gifted education institution enrolled in the English subject MOOC and their engagements and experiences were recorded in their journal and classroom discussions. Their text and verbal responses were analysed and reported to better understand the various issues and challenges that they had encountered. Students accredited certain positive aspects of MOOC and they found it to be useful, flexible and engaging. More than 80 per cent relished the social meeting elements such as like, comment and share. The contents and activities helped them learn and practise the English language. The study outcomes disclosed the use of MOOC as a social learning platform that offers engaging learning. The online teaching and learning process could benefit from the social media features found in MOOC which are motivating to the gifted students. For educators, this platform offers useful alternatives and strategies to develop their teaching contents online and utilise it as an enrichment programme in the gifted and talented education institution.

The main objective of the book is to evaluate the effects of EU policy instruments that promote a... more The main objective of the book is to evaluate the effects of EU policy instruments that promote a stronger European dimension of the RD • Identifying whether EU research and innovation programs have industrydriven priorities and address societal challenges, how they impact innovation and to what extent SMEs are involved in these programs; • Evaluation of the advancement in the construction of priority European research infrastructures and their contribution to the innovation potential of the EU; • Investigating the state of implementation and assess the direct impact of global research infrastructures (GRIs) (which owing to cost can only be developed on a global scale) on the innovation potential of the EU; • Discussing how public sector innovation and social innovation are supported in the EU and identifying their impact on the EU economies; • Evaluation of the role of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology in stimulating innovation in Europe by integrating education, ...
Emerging European Economies after the Pandemic

Competitiveness of CEE Economies and Businesses, 2016
The aim of this paper is to investigate the implications of the fourth industrial revolution for ... more The aim of this paper is to investigate the implications of the fourth industrial revolution for technological competitiveness, its definition and measurement methods. An empirical part is aimed at identifying comparative advantages of the European Union in digital technologies. Recently new approaches have appeared to measure digital competitiveness, however they use a broad definition of competitiveness that encompasses not only technological factors but also the macroeconomic and institutional environment (IMD, 2017; WEF, 2018). There is still a limited number of studies focused on the technological dimension of competitiveness in digital technologies. This paper fills the gap by developing a conceptual framework based on patent indicators, i.e. Patent Share and Revealed Technological Advantage indices. It allows a consistent analysis of the comparative advantages of the EU member states in digital technologies to be conducted. The results confirm a huge diversity within the EU in terms of digital technologies, their global impact and comparative advantages.
Monographien, May 1, 2012
Contributions to Economics, 2014
The aim of the paper is to discuss European and Poland’s innovation policy and find out if the me... more The aim of the paper is to discuss European and Poland’s innovation policy and find out if the measures address crucial challenges of regional innovation system restructuring. Increasing innovativeness of Polish regions is extremely important for their investment attractiveness as their competitiveness, when expressed as labor costs in relation to the average of the EU-15 countries, has been gradually deteriorating.
Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management, 2013
The aim of this chapter is to identify, on the basis of the theory, the relationship between huma... more The aim of this chapter is to identify, on the basis of the theory, the relationship between human capital and innovativeness and international competitiveness of the economy. The previous parts of the monograph determined the analytical framework that will be used to conduct this evaluation.
Post-Communist Economies, 2001
ABSTRACT Over 75% of FDI in Poland originates from the EU. The EU also predominates in the export... more ABSTRACT Over 75% of FDI in Poland originates from the EU. The EU also predominates in the exports and imports of FDI companies. The objective of this article is to examine whether FDI is likely to replace trade or to create new trade flows. In particular, the article shows the influence of FDI on Poland's trade with the EU. The FDI impact on Polish trade can be seen as its contribution to export creation. Moreover, externalities caused by trade and FDI inflow are influencing Polish specialisation patterns, which is important in the process of integrating the economy into the world market.
Uwaga: Wskaźniki cen nominalnych papierosów z filtrem i bez filtra są konwertowane na wartości re... more Uwaga: Wskaźniki cen nominalnych papierosów z filtrem i bez filtra są konwertowane na wartości realne za pomocą wskaźnika cen konsumpcyjnych jako deflatora. Realne ceny netto na skutek ogólnego wzrostu cen w czasie, odzwierciedlają zatem dostosowanie do inflacji. Rokiem obliczeniowym jest tu 1990 (czyli indeks cen konsumpcyjnych w 1990 r.
International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, 2010
ABSTRACT This paper offers in-depth analysis of patenting activity in Poland, showing Poland’s st... more ABSTRACT This paper offers in-depth analysis of patenting activity in Poland, showing Poland’s strengths and weaknesses in the field of technology. To combine local and global perspective with regard to Poland’s competitiveness, two patent-based indicators are analysed: the Revealed Technological Comparative Advantage (RTCA) index and the Patent Share (PS) index. This analysis shows that both local and global dimensions of IP protection are not well developed yet in Poland, however, since 2004 there have been some emerging domains of technology, where Polish inventors have been gaining relative strengths.
Papers by Marzenna A Weresa