Papers by Bambang Samsul Arifin
International Journal Corner of Educational Research, Jun 24, 2024
Edumaspul : jurnal pendidikan, Mar 1, 2024

Edumaspul : jurnal pendidikan, Oct 1, 2023
Character education is important in shaping the character of quality students. The implementation... more Character education is important in shaping the character of quality students. The implementation of character education based on national cultural values in madrasah is very important to foster students' moral and ethical awareness. This research aims to find out the importance of character education based on national cultural values in madrasas, the phenomenon of problems that arise, and solutions to overcome these problems. The research method used is descriptive method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Respondents in this study were principals, teachers, and students in one of the madrasahs in Indonesia. The results showed that character education based on national cultural values in madrasah is very important in shaping the character of quality students. The implementation of national culture-based character education can be done through subjects and extracurricular activities as well as building a conducive school environment. However, there are several challenges that must be faced, such as students' lack of understanding of the importance of character education, lack of support from the principal and teachers, and lack of adequate resources. In conclusion, the implementation of character education based on national cultural values in madrasah is very important in shaping the character of qualified students who have high moral awareness. Therefore, there needs to be continuous support and efforts from the principal, teachers, and all stakeholders in strengthening the implementation of national culture-based character education in madrasah.

Deleted Journal, Jan 26, 2022
Phonemena the emergence of ethnic and religious conflicts is one of them due to the lack of insig... more Phonemena the emergence of ethnic and religious conflicts is one of them due to the lack of insight into understanding of cultural diversity that should be an inevitability. Responding to this, Islamic Religious Education is important to be developed in multicultural insight so that the reality of multicultural society can be accommodated in it. This research uses a qualitative approach with this type of case study, with the location of. Research in SMPN 1 Garut West Java. The informant of this study is pai principal and teacher, with data retrieval methods through interviews, observations and documentation studies. Dor implementation of the research, what results are obtained, and the benefits of the research. The data that has been obtained is analyzed, interpreted and interpreted in a descriptive quality. The results of the findings obtained are the formulation of pai curriculum that is applied is flexible and based on the analysis of the situation faced by the community. Pai's design takes into account the multicultural aspects of society by paying attention to the situation of students, and teachers who carry out learning activities. The strategy used is to include multicultural values such as a sense of justice, love, and compassion, mutual respect both between teachers and students, between school institutions and elements in the school and with the community.

Jurnal Cakrawala Ilmiah, Jan 13, 2023
The development of world civilization in the era of globalization shows two opposite sides of a c... more The development of world civilization in the era of globalization shows two opposite sides of a coin. On the one hand, the inhabitants of the earth are increasingly spoiled by technological achievements that make it easier for anyone to access information and communicate with anyone in any part of the world. On the other hand, the inhabitants of the earth are increasingly losing their individual identities. Local culture that has wisdom values is increasingly being marginalized, replaced by a hedonic culture, promiscuity, and a culture that is far from polite. Educational institutions are parties that should take a role in overcoming the problems of the community. Higher education as a center of excellence is the hope for a better future. Universities will become institutions that give birth to cadres of national fighters who are ready to be involved in carrying out development agendas. Religious education in tertiary institutions aims to help orderly students who have faith and are devoted to God Almighty, have noble character, think philosophically, be rational and dynamic, have broad views, participate in interreligious cooperation in the framework of developing and utilizing science and technology and art for human and national interests. Islamic religious education in tertiary institutions is considered capable of tackling student moral degradation such as brawls, drug consumption, alcohol, free sex and so on. The portrait of the implementation of Islamic Religious Education in Higher Education is an interesting object to study. In this case, research was conducted at Pasundan University using research through information sources from online media and directly involved in the research location. The research results are presented with a descriptive analytic pattern.

This article aims to analyze the development of character education in Islamic boarding schools b... more This article aims to analyze the development of character education in Islamic boarding schools based on Islamic values and Sundanese culture. The method used to write this article is qualitative. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observations, and literature studies. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the development of character education in Islamic boarding schools based on Islamic values and Sundanese culture is an important step in nurturing a young generation right away. Upright, virtuous, and religious. and culture. The development of character education in Islamic boarding schools based on Islamic values and Sundanese culture requires the support and cooperation of thought leaders, educators, parents, and the community. local community. With a comprehensive and integrated approach, it is hoped that Thepounds can become an educational institution capable of training young people with a Muslim character and a strong love for Sundanese culture.

Jurnal Sosial dan Sains, Nov 16, 2023
Background: Indonesia is one of the countries that is prone to earthquakes, especially tectonic e... more Background: Indonesia is one of the countries that is prone to earthquakes, especially tectonic earthquakes, because of its geographical location between three large plates. As an Indonesian society, studying natural phenomena from an early age is very important. Therefore, the involvement of educated young people is needed to minimize the impact of earthquakes. Stacked (Stacko for Education) is present as a learning medium for earthquake disaster preparedness based on card games derived from paper waste. The Uno card comes from recycled paper. After that, paper is used to print cards containing questions about earthquake disaster preparedness. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze programs, program implementation, elaborate on internalization and contribution, leadership impact, program evaluation and supporting and inhibiting factors of kiai pesantren efforts in internalizing the independence attitude of students. Method: The approach chosen in this study is a qualitative approach with analytical descriptive methods. Results: shows that: First, the kiai leadership program consists of learning programs, training programs and practice in the field. Second, the implementation of the program is carried out by providing exemplary attitudes, providing motivation, and instilling positive behaviors, especially in the individuals of students. Third, internalization and contribution of kiai leadership by adhering to the values of honesty through, candid and objective speech impacts the attitudes and behaviors of saritri to be honest not manipulative, especially in entrepreneurship. Fourth, the impact is the growth of the spirit of independence of students through the management process of pesantren education to foster and realize the independence attitude and entrepreneurial skills of students. Fifth, program evaluation is carried out through non-attitude scale tests. Sixth, Inhibiting factors, there is a public view that pesantren are not to give birth to entrepreneurs but to produce scholars, the lack of resources (human and natural), equipment, raw materials and capital / finance pesantren, lack of partnership

Karakter merupakan watak dan kepribadian seseorang yang diperoleh dari hasil internalisasi berbag... more Karakter merupakan watak dan kepribadian seseorang yang diperoleh dari hasil internalisasi berbagai kebijakan yang diyakini dan sebagai landasan sebagai cara pandang, berfikir, bersikap dan bertindak. Dalam konteks pendidikan Islam, karakter memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam perkembangan peserta didik. Pendidikan karakter bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sikap, watak dan karakter peserta didik. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk menggambarkan konsep pendidikan karakter secara ideal. Pendekatan yang digunkana dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-kualitatif dengan menggunakan studi literature. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa karakter merujuk pada sifat, kebiasaan, akhlak atau kepribadian individu yang terbentuk melalui internalisasi berbagai kebijakan yang diyakini menjadi dasar pandangan, pemikiran, sikap dan tindakan. Ada beberapa landasan yang menjadi dasar dalam pendidikan karakter, diantaranya yaitu landasan ontology, epistemology dan aksiologi. Pendidikan karakter ini perlu ditanamkan kepada peserta didik sejak dini dan dilakukan secara berkesinambungan, mulai dari lingkunagn keluaraga, sekolah hingga masyarakat luas.

Buana Ilmu, Nov 21, 2023
Saat ini terasa sekali sulitnya untuk mendidik dan mengarahkan seorang anak kepada hal yang baik,... more Saat ini terasa sekali sulitnya untuk mendidik dan mengarahkan seorang anak kepada hal yang baik, cerdas, mandiri, kreatif, serta berani mengambil keputusan. Hal tersebut terjadi kurangnya teladan dan bimbingan dari keluarga dalam memakai berbagai model mendidik anak kearah yang positif yaitu pembentukan karakter dalam lingkungan keluarga. Seorang anak seharusnya menjadi aset luarbiasa dalam membahagiakan keluarga agar harmonis dengan adanya anggota baru. Mewujudkan hal tersebut perlu kerja keras dari orangtua maupun lingkup keluarga yang harus diterapkan dan diperktekkan dengan berbagai hal yang baik bagi perkembangan anak. Dengan model seperti itulah bisa menjadikan perkembanagan anak akan tumbuh normal dan selalu mengarah pada hal yang baik, namun akan tetapi jika terjerumus kepada hal yang salah anak akan langsung sadar dari perbuatan yang salah. Anak memiliki rem jika salah jalan apabila ia telah menginjak dewasa dan jauh dari keluarga.

Edumaspul : jurnal pendidikan, Oct 1, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan manajemen kurikulum pembelajaran keagamaan di Al-Ma'so... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan manajemen kurikulum pembelajaran keagamaan di Al-Ma'soem boarding school. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Boarding school atau sekolah berasrama yang memadukan antara sistem pendidikan pesantren dan sistem pendidikan nasional. Integrasi kedua sistem pendidikan ini melahirkan bentuk pendidikan yang lebih sinergi dan independent. Adanya model integrasi pendidikan pesantren dengan pendidikan sekolah yang menjadi cikal bakal sekolah berasrama atau boarding school. boarding school lebih menekankan kepada moralitas dan menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai tentang kemandirian, kesederhanaan dan sejenisnya. Al-Ma'soem boarding school bertujuan mewujudkan manusia paripurna (Insan Kamil) yang kemudian menjadi motto dalam bahasa Sunda "Cageur, Bageur, Pinter", tujuan ini diwujudkan melalui kurikulum pembelajaran keagamaan yng diimplementasikan melalui materi dan pembiaasan peserta didik.

Deleted Journal, Sep 21, 2023
This research is motivated by the rampant cases of decline and moral decadence among Indonesian s... more This research is motivated by the rampant cases of decline and moral decadence among Indonesian students. Various factors are involved in encouraging and giving birth to behavioral and moral damage. Cases of youth violence, sexual misconduct, and bullying are indicators of moral decay that still occurs in schools and communities. Several cases caused prolonged trauma for the victims. Because of this, this research tries to reveal how SDIT Bina Insan Qur'ani educators use communication technology as a solution to student character problems. This paper aims to understand how information technology can help teachers in efforts to improve student character. This study uses a qualitative approach by collecting data by observation and document review. The author then analyzes the findings of the data to be presented as an alternative to new ideas. It is hoped that from this research new ideas will emerge that can be used as input for improving the nation's character. The use of information technology can become a new strategy for managers of national education so that character and moral problems can be corrected according to the spirit of the times.

JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan
Pendidikan karakter adalah suatu sistem penanaman nilai- nilai karakter kepada warga sekolah yang... more Pendidikan karakter adalah suatu sistem penanaman nilai- nilai karakter kepada warga sekolah yang meliputi komponen pengetahuan, kesadaran, kemampuan, dan tindakan untuk melaksanakan nilai-nilai yang bertujuan untuk membentuk bangsa yang tangguh, kompetitif, berakhlak mulia, bermoral, bertoleran, bergotong royong, berjiwa patriotik, berkembang dinamis, berorientasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang semuanya dijiwai oleh iman dan takwa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitataif dengan instrument library research. Data penelitian ini adalah data kualitatif berupa uraian, paparan dan tulisan yang dirujuk dari sumber yang berikaitan dengan masalah penelitian, baik dalam bentuk buku, jurnal, dan artikel. Metode penelitian ini deskriptif, yaitu memaparkan data dalam bahan pustaka sesuai kajian yang relevan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang yang dijadikan alat untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik dokumenter: yakni, data digali melalui...

JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan
Artikel ini membahas pentingnya nilai-nilai karakter dalam membentuk peradaban manusia. Pendekata... more Artikel ini membahas pentingnya nilai-nilai karakter dalam membentuk peradaban manusia. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan metode studi pustaka. Data dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber seperti buku, jurnal, dan penelitian. Analisis konten digunakan dalam metode analisis. Nilai-nilai dalam pengembangan pendidikan budaya dan karakter bangsa yang dirumuskan oleh Kemendiknas melalui Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pusat Kurikulum dengan judul Pengembangan Pendidikan Budaya dan Karakter Bangsa yang telah diberlakukan mulai tahun pelajaran 2011, seluruh tingkat pendidikan di Indonesia harus menyisipkan pendidikan berkarakter tersebut dalam proses pendidikannya. Kesimpulan dari pembahasan ini adalah bahwa penanaman nilai-nilai karakter dan etika sangat penting dalam membentuk peradaban manusia. Hal ini bertujuan agar Indonesia tetap diakui sebagai negara yang memiliki etika yang kuat dan tidak terpengaruh oleh pengaruh buruk dari negara-negara lain.

Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan, Mar 19, 2016
Kebahagiaan menjadi tujuan dari hidup, dengan berbagai macam cara dilakukan untuk mencapainya. Mo... more Kebahagiaan menjadi tujuan dari hidup, dengan berbagai macam cara dilakukan untuk mencapainya. Mortality salience sebagai salah satu cara melalui kognisi kita untuk mengarahkan perilaku agar hidup lebih bermakna dan bahagia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara mortality salience dengan kebahagiaan pada masa dewasa awal. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif-korelasional dengan menggukan skala mortality salience dan skala kebahagiaan. Subjek berjumlah 361 mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat hubungan positif antara mortality salience dengan kebahagiaan individu masa dewasa awal. Katakunci: Mortality salience, nilai-nilai islam, self-esteem, kebahagiaan. Happiness was purpose of life, we are used anything way to get it. Mortality salience is several way from cognition access to behaviors direction for meaningfull and happiness of life. This research aimed to find out the correlation between mortality salience and happiness. Research used was quantitative-correlational method, using mortality salience scale and happiness scale as the collecting data toll. The total number of subjects was 361 students. The result revealed that there is positive correlation between mortality salience and happiness from early adulthood.

Al-Hayat, Mar 22, 2023
This research is motivated by the need to teach the values of religious moderation at the senior ... more This research is motivated by the need to teach the values of religious moderation at the senior secondary education level as a response to the phenomenon of spiritual understanding of some groups in Indonesian society, which tend to be extreme. Considering that at the senior secondary education level, entering an age vulnerable to influences both from within and outside education. Therefore, it is essential to internalize the purpose of this research, especially in the Madrasah Aliyah (MA) environment. Otherwise, a qualitative approach with a field study research design will gradually lead to national instability. Data were obtained through observation, interviews and documentation of actual conditions and facts that occurred in the field, supported by books, the latest journals and other sources in the form of related information. Data analysis was performed by condensation, presentation and verification. The implementation of religious moderation is pursued in 4 strategies, namely, First, insert moderation content in each lesson. It is second, optimizing the learning approach. Third, organizing specific programs, education, training and debriefing. Fourth, the teacher makes observations simultaneously. The implementation of religious moderation within Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Al-Huda has been running, realized in textbooks of integral and interconnected subjects, starting from regulation to the level of learning.

Schools must be managed properly by all interested parties to advance the world of education. The... more Schools must be managed properly by all interested parties to advance the world of education. The problems that have occurred until now that schools that seriously pay attention to the health, cleanliness and comfort of the school environment as a place of learning have not been maximized and relatively few. From these problems, principals, teachers and parents are expected to be able to develop educational programs in realizing healthy and superior schools. This research uses a comparative qualitative approach using descriptive methods. This research place consists of two different but similar schools that are developing a healthy and superior school model, namely, Al Amanah Islamic Elementary School Bandung Regency and Plus Bakti Nusantara 666 Elementary School Bandung Regency The results of this study show that the programs developed in character education, love cleanliness and care for the environment, among others:: Education/socialization, habituation, exemplary and processing and utilization of waste in schools. The implementation of the program through methods include: the implementation of education / socialization, the implementation of habituation, the implementation of exemplary and the implementation of waste management and utilization, this as a management of character education love of cleanliness and care for the environment has an impact on the realization of healthy and superior schools

Jurnal Basicedu, Jun 25, 2022
Pesantren tidak dapat memanage lembaganya menjadi sebuah lembaga yang memiliki role model untuk p... more Pesantren tidak dapat memanage lembaganya menjadi sebuah lembaga yang memiliki role model untuk pengelolaan lembaga pendidikan yang berkarakter, misalnya. Padahal Pesantren acap kali disebut sebagai sebuah tempat yang menjadi bengkel akhlak bagi para santri/peserta didiknya..Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode library research dengan menggunakan beberapa literatur buku-buku Kepesantrenan, Manajemen Pendidikan serta Pendidikan Karakter sebagai bahan rujukan untuk kemudian penulis bahas dan tindaklanjuti hasil pembahasan ini menjadi studi kritis dan analitik berdasarkan eksperimen penulis dalam upaya berijtihad menciptakan salah satu alternatif model pengelolaan Pendidikan Karakter yang penulis tawarkan. Semoga salahsatu solusi alternatif ini dapat diterapkan di lembaga-lembaga pendidikan terutama pesantren dalam membangun pendidikan yang berkarakter. Model pengelolaan pendidikan berbasis "TADZKIROH" merupakan salah satu ikhtiar model pengelolaan pendidikan karakter yang bisa menjadi solusi alternatif untuk mengembangkan Model Pengelolaan Pendidikan Karakter di Pesantren ataupun lembaga pendidikan lainnya.
Papers by Bambang Samsul Arifin