Characteristic of mahfuzhat is using of high register and contain cultural content and norms. Tha... more Characteristic of mahfuzhat is using of high register and contain cultural content and norms. That is bring own problems into student from memorizing procces, understanding a meaning and practicing. The goals of this study aims to describe and to provide a solution problematic that it has related with mahfuzhat learning. This research uses a case study approach, by observing field phenomena. As for the research subjects, namely students of the 1st semester of the Arabic Language Education Department. The data were collected using observation, interviews, and documentation, then the data analysis used was data display, data reduction and triangulation. The research findings show that the problem of competency aspects is due to aspects of vocabulary, rules and differences in several elements and characteristics between Arabic and Indonesian, the lack of time for practice, non-linguistic problems due to internal and external factors of the learners. The solutions include increasing th...
Cultivating character in children is highly recommended to be formed from an early age. Because e... more Cultivating character in children is highly recommended to be formed from an early age. Because early childhood is a critical period that will determine children's attitudes and behavior in the future. Parents need to instill moral values as the basis of religious norms and social norms adhered to by the family. Parents' upbringing for their children determines and influences the child's personality and behavior. Children will be good or not all depending on the parenting style of the parents in the family. Thus, a comprehensive character education model in the family is very necessary and important to understand and actualize. This library research is conducted through documentation study and qualitative data analysis. The findings of the research state that character education that has high values must be designed in an educational model. Goal setting is the first thing to do. These goals will guide where this program is directed. To fulfill this, a character education...
The development of an increasingly advanced world opens up opportunities for everyone, both men a... more The development of an increasingly advanced world opens up opportunities for everyone, both men and women, to take part openly in various fields of life. This is inseparable from the role and figure of women, whose work today cannot be ruled out, thus constructing gender equality, which means the claim that humans between men and women are created as creatures and that differences only lie in the quality and level of piety. There is no claim that men or women are special before God, so whoever wants to gain a high degree must be cautious. There is no reason for the difference between men and women in the capacity of humans as creatures. Both have the same potential and opportunities to become ideal beings. Thus, a comprehensive understanding of the conceptual gender and perceptions between gender and sex is very necessary and important to understand correctly. This library research is conducted through documentation study and qualitative analysis. The findings of the research result...
Keluarga merupakan ujung tombak dalam pembentukan pribadi anak karena keluarga mempunyai peranan ... more Keluarga merupakan ujung tombak dalam pembentukan pribadi anak karena keluarga mempunyai peranan paling penting dalam menumbuh kembangkan karakter anak sejak dini. Pendidikan dalam keluarga harus menjadi perhatian yang utama. Anak akan menjadi baik atau tidak semua tergantung dari pola asuh orang tua dalam keluarga.
Perkembangan dunia yang semakin pesat di jaman ini menimbulkan beberapa persoalan yang pelik. Per... more Perkembangan dunia yang semakin pesat di jaman ini menimbulkan beberapa persoalan yang pelik. Perubahan jaman berdampak adanya beberapa pergeseran di setiap lini kehidupan mulai dari ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sampai kepada penyadaran diri dan pemikiran. Perkembangan dunia yang semakin maju membukakan kesempatan bagi setiap orang untuk berkiprah secara terbuka di berbagai bidang kehidupan. Tak ayal tersebut tidak lepas dari peran dan sosok seorang perempuan yang hari ini kiprahnya tak bisa dikesampingkan. Banyak bidang yang semula dipegang oleh kaum Adam kini bergeser mampu ditempati oleh kaum Hawa. Peran perempuan di sini ternyata mampu setara dengan kaum laki-laki.
Perkembangan dunia yang semakin pesat di jaman ini menimbulkan beberapa persoalan yang pelik. Per... more Perkembangan dunia yang semakin pesat di jaman ini menimbulkan beberapa persoalan yang pelik. Perubahan jaman berdampak adanya beberapa pergeseran di setiap lini kehidupan mulai dari ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sampai kepada penyadaran diri dan pemikiran. Perkembangan dunia yang semakin maju membukakan kesempatan bagi setiap orang untuk berkiprah secara terbuka di berbagai bidang kehidupan. Tak ayal tersebut tidak lepas dari peran dan sosok seorang perempuan yang hari ini kiprahnya tak bisa dikesampingkan. Banyak bidang yang semula dipegang oleh kaum Adam kini bergeser mampu ditempati oleh kaum Hawa. Peran perempuan di sini ternyata mampu setara dengan kaum laki-laki.
Characteristic of mahfuzhat is using of high register and contain cultural content and norms. Tha... more Characteristic of mahfuzhat is using of high register and contain cultural content and norms. That is bring own problems into student from memorizing procces, understanding a meaning and practicing. The goals of this study aims to describe and to provide a solution problematic that it has related with mahfuzhat learning. This research uses a case study approach, by observing field phenomena. As for the research subjects, namely students of the 1st semester of the Arabic Language Education Department. The data were collected using observation, interviews, and documentation, then the data analysis used was data display, data reduction and triangulation. The research findings show that the problem of competency aspects is due to aspects of vocabulary, rules and differences in several elements and characteristics between Arabic and Indonesian, the lack of time for practice, non-linguistic problems due to internal and external factors of the learners. The solutions include increasing th...
Cultivating character in children is highly recommended to be formed from an early age. Because e... more Cultivating character in children is highly recommended to be formed from an early age. Because early childhood is a critical period that will determine children's attitudes and behavior in the future. Parents need to instill moral values as the basis of religious norms and social norms adhered to by the family. Parents' upbringing for their children determines and influences the child's personality and behavior. Children will be good or not all depending on the parenting style of the parents in the family. Thus, a comprehensive character education model in the family is very necessary and important to understand and actualize. This library research is conducted through documentation study and qualitative data analysis. The findings of the research state that character education that has high values must be designed in an educational model. Goal setting is the first thing to do. These goals will guide where this program is directed. To fulfill this, a character education...
The development of an increasingly advanced world opens up opportunities for everyone, both men a... more The development of an increasingly advanced world opens up opportunities for everyone, both men and women, to take part openly in various fields of life. This is inseparable from the role and figure of women, whose work today cannot be ruled out, thus constructing gender equality, which means the claim that humans between men and women are created as creatures and that differences only lie in the quality and level of piety. There is no claim that men or women are special before God, so whoever wants to gain a high degree must be cautious. There is no reason for the difference between men and women in the capacity of humans as creatures. Both have the same potential and opportunities to become ideal beings. Thus, a comprehensive understanding of the conceptual gender and perceptions between gender and sex is very necessary and important to understand correctly. This library research is conducted through documentation study and qualitative analysis. The findings of the research result...
Keluarga merupakan ujung tombak dalam pembentukan pribadi anak karena keluarga mempunyai peranan ... more Keluarga merupakan ujung tombak dalam pembentukan pribadi anak karena keluarga mempunyai peranan paling penting dalam menumbuh kembangkan karakter anak sejak dini. Pendidikan dalam keluarga harus menjadi perhatian yang utama. Anak akan menjadi baik atau tidak semua tergantung dari pola asuh orang tua dalam keluarga.
Perkembangan dunia yang semakin pesat di jaman ini menimbulkan beberapa persoalan yang pelik. Per... more Perkembangan dunia yang semakin pesat di jaman ini menimbulkan beberapa persoalan yang pelik. Perubahan jaman berdampak adanya beberapa pergeseran di setiap lini kehidupan mulai dari ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sampai kepada penyadaran diri dan pemikiran. Perkembangan dunia yang semakin maju membukakan kesempatan bagi setiap orang untuk berkiprah secara terbuka di berbagai bidang kehidupan. Tak ayal tersebut tidak lepas dari peran dan sosok seorang perempuan yang hari ini kiprahnya tak bisa dikesampingkan. Banyak bidang yang semula dipegang oleh kaum Adam kini bergeser mampu ditempati oleh kaum Hawa. Peran perempuan di sini ternyata mampu setara dengan kaum laki-laki.
Perkembangan dunia yang semakin pesat di jaman ini menimbulkan beberapa persoalan yang pelik. Per... more Perkembangan dunia yang semakin pesat di jaman ini menimbulkan beberapa persoalan yang pelik. Perubahan jaman berdampak adanya beberapa pergeseran di setiap lini kehidupan mulai dari ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sampai kepada penyadaran diri dan pemikiran. Perkembangan dunia yang semakin maju membukakan kesempatan bagi setiap orang untuk berkiprah secara terbuka di berbagai bidang kehidupan. Tak ayal tersebut tidak lepas dari peran dan sosok seorang perempuan yang hari ini kiprahnya tak bisa dikesampingkan. Banyak bidang yang semula dipegang oleh kaum Adam kini bergeser mampu ditempati oleh kaum Hawa. Peran perempuan di sini ternyata mampu setara dengan kaum laki-laki.
Papers by Ade Kartini