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Generic, radical technology is of interest because of its potential for value creation across a broad range of industries andapplications. Advanced materials ventures are attracted by this opportunity yet face distinctive challenges in... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementMaterials ScienceModels of Innovation
Internal corporate venturing enables radical innovation within established firms in mature markets. Without effectively designed and managed internal corporate ventures, the organizational constraints of established firms will strongly... more
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      Innovation statisticsCorporate EntrepreneurshipTechnology ManagementManagement of Innovation
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      EntrepreneurshipMaterials EngineeringMaterials ScienceTechnology Management
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      Materials ScienceInnovation statisticsDiffusion of InnovationsTechnology Management
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      Materials ScienceTechnology ManagementAdvanced materials in architectureMaterials Characterisation
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceModels of InnovationModels of Innovation Types and Processes
This study analyses the relationship between clusters and the growth performance of new U.S. technology-based firms. It is argued that firms benefit because clustering provides access to specialized resources that cannot be developed... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementClusters & NetworksTechnology Management
Advanced materials have been hailed as the third wave of revolutionary innovation after IT and biotech, but have been poorly studied in the management literature to date. Similarities and differences in commercialisation incentives and... more
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      TechnologyTechnology ManagementBusiness and ManagementOpen Systems
This paper examines the industrial incentives for commercialising advanced materials and, in particular, nanomaterials with reference to issues raised in the technology strategy and technology entrepreneurship literature. We draw on... more
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The logic of network embeddedness has been widely used in the technology entrepreneurship literature in recent years, yet its operationalisation and use are neither well understood nor agreed upon. This paper reviews the logic of network... more
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As scientists are able to understand and manipulate ever smaller scales of matter, research in the fields of biotechnology and nanotechnology has converged to enable such radical innovations as lab-on-a-chip devices, targeted drug... more
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Nanotechnology is frequently heralded as the next wave of technological advance, poised to enableradical innovation across many industries. But as yet little is known about how firms will ultimatelycreate that value. We do know that... more
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      MarketingNanomaterialsNanotechnologyRadical Innovation
Science-based businesses have become the main drivers of commercialization for radical technological advances, but face high technology uncertainty over long time frames, the need for significant complementary assets and require... more
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      NanomaterialsApplied EconomicsUncertaintyBusiness and Management
Abstract: How do advanced materials ventures overcome the daunting commercialization challenges of the sector: high technology and market uncertainty over long time frames, and the need for significant complementary assets and substantial... more
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Elicia Maine's research interests are in technology management, technology entrepreneurship, and the commercialization of innovation. She is most interested in understanding the growth of science-based ventures in the advanced materials,... more
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Nanoscience and nanotechnology encompasses a diverse range of knowledge fields which operate at the nanoscale, generally accepted as <100 nm. There has been a rapid increase in patenting activity in this field over the past two decades,... more
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This research explores two entrepreneurial decision-making processes utilizing effectuation and causation modes in the context of new venture creation in the biotechnology industry. Using a case study approach, we investigate the... more
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The confluence of nanotechnology and biotechnology provides significant commercial opportunities. By identifying, classifying and tracking firms with capabilities in both biotechnology and nanotechnology over time, we analyze the... more
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