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The linkages between fluvial geomorphology and aquatic ecosystems are commonly conceptualized as a one-way causal chain in which geomorphic processes create the physical template for ecological dynamics. In streams with a travertine... more
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      GeomorphologyRemote Sensing
1] Field studies suggest that bedrock incision by granular flows may be the primary process cutting valleys in steep, unglaciated landscapes. An expression has been proposed for debris flow incision into bedrock which posits that erosion... more
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    • Laboratory experiment
One-dimensional numerical sediment transport models ͑DREAM-1 and DREAM-2͒ are used to simulate seven experimental runs designed to examine sediment pulse dynamics in a physical model of forced pool-riffle morphology. Comparisons with... more
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      Civil EngineeringHydraulic Engineering
1] River beds are often arranged into patches of similar grain size and sorting. Patches can be distinguished into ''free patches,'' which are zones of sorted material that move freely, such as bed load sheets; ''forced patches,'' which... more
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      Bed loadBed Load
A theoretical model is developed to describe the process of fine sediment infiltration into immobile coarse sediment deposits. The governing equations are derived from mass conservation and the assumption that the amount of fine sediment... more
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      Civil EngineeringHydraulic EngineeringMass ConservationWeighted Averaging
The saltation–abrasion model predicts rates of river incision into bedrock as an explicit function of sediment supply, grain size, boundary shear stress and rock strength. Here we use this experimentally calibrated model to explore the... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyEarth Surface Processes
1] Bed load sediment particles supplied to channels by hillslopes are reduced in size by abrasion during downstream transport. The branching structure of the channel network creates a distribution of downstream travel distances to a given... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied EconomicsGrain size distribution
Recent theoretical investigations suggest that the rate of river incision into bedrock depends nonlinearly on sediment supply, challenging the common assumption that incision rate is simply proportional to stream power. Our measurements... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGrain size distributionCoarse Grained Soil
We present results and analyses from flume experiments investigating the infiltration of sand into immobile clean gravel deposits. Three runs were conducted, each successive run with the same total sediment feed volume, but a 10-fold... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied Economics
1] The effectiveness of gravel augmentation as a river restoration strategy depends on the extent and duration of the topographic and bed texture changes created by the pulse of added sediment. Previous work has emphasized the strong... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied EconomicsRiver Restoration
Landscape evolution models are widely used to explore links between tectonics, climate, and hillslope morphology, yet mechanisms of hillslope erosion remain poorly understood. Here we use a laboratory hillslope of granular material to... more
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      Earth SciencesGeology
The saltation-abrasion model is a mechanistic model for river incision into bedrock by saltating bedload, which we have previously derived and used experimental data to constrain all parameter values. Here we develop a method for applying... more
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A geomorphic transport law is a mathematical statement derived from a physical principle or mechanism, which expresses the mass flux or erosion caused by one or more processes in a manner that: 1) can be parameterized from field... more
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    • Geomorphology
1] Abrasion by bed load is a ubiquitous and sometimes dominant erosional mechanism for fluvial incision into bedrock. Here we develop a model for bedrock abrasion by saltating bed load wherein the wear rate depends linearly on the flux of... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied Economics
Until recently, published rates of incision of bedrock valleys came from indirect dating of incised surfaces. A small but growing literature based on direct measurement reports short-term bedrock lowering at geologically unsustainable... more
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1] A mechanistic model is derived for the rate of fluvial erosion into bedrock by abrasion from uniform size particles that impact the bed during transport in both bed and suspended load. The erosion rate is equated to the product of the... more
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      Bed loadBed LoadChannel Morphology
Sediment management is frequently the most challenging concern in dam removal but there is as yet little guidance available to resource managers. For those rivers with beds composed primarily of non-cohesive sediments, we document recent... more
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      River Basin ManagementPhysical Modelling
1] In transient landscapes, adjustments in river channel width, roughness, and alluvial cover, in addition to slope, provide potentially important but poorly understood mechanisms by which bedrock channels accommodate changes in external... more
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      Potential FieldChannel Morphology
1] Field data from channels in the Henry Mountains of Utah demonstrate that abundant coarse sediment can inhibit fluvial incision into bedrock by armoring channel beds (the cover effect). We compare several small channels that share... more
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Fluvial features on Titan have been identified in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data taken during spacecraft fl ybys by the Cassini Titan Radar Mapper (RADAR) and in Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) images taken during descent... more
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