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San Francisco LJ Bash's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in San Francisco LJ Bash's LiveJournal:

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Thursday, November 18th, 2010
12:07 am
HEY!! thought you will like to know that Candi_Cruz its now live on dirtystage watch it now.. don miss it!
Tuesday, September 5th, 2006
5:13 pm
80's fantasy classic DRAGONSLAYER, free on the big screen
Thurdsays, 8 PM
at Melt Cafe, North Beach, SF
700 Columbus Ave. (just across from the Washington Square playground)

This Thursday night, our fantasy series continues with DRAGONSLAYER

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Admission is FREE, but a donation in the form of a food purchase is what keeps us able to show great, classic movies at this cool venue.

upcoming films-

/80's "Kids on a quest" series/

Sept. 14- Stand By Me
Sept. 21- Explorers ('85- Phoenix, Hawke)
Sept. 28- The Goonies

/Swashbuckler series/

Oct. 5- Captain Blood
Oct. 12- Scaramouche
Oct. 19- Cutthroat Island

"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"
Tourist Trap
Monday, September 4th, 2006
7:21 pm
Tuesday, August 29th, 2006
6:42 pm
70's animated classic the Hobbit, free! in North Beach
Thursday, August 31st, 8 PM
Cafe Melt, 700 Columbus Ave.
(Across from the Washington Square playground)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Admission is FREE
but please! tell your friends, buy some food, help support free, rarely seen classics in San Francisco

More great flicks to come... Hopefully.
Monday, December 13th, 2004
12:15 am
Sweet beautiful cat to loving home
I am moving back home with my mother, and cannot take my baby girl with me.

Boo is 2 years old, fixed and very calm. She is poly/kink aware and has been known to fall asleep on a leather corset or on top of a cane... She loves to just watch people, and cars or birds. She is beautiful and soft, and while she may be a bit shy, she loves to sit next to me in the morning when i have my tea. She will stand almost all the way up for a treat. She is very quiet, and lovse to play. She doesn't bite, and when you play rough with her, she'll lunge like she's going to bite, stop short, and lick instead. She loves boxes and curling up in closets. I've never had a problem with her scratching at drapes or clothes.

Right now I have a friend who is willing to give her a home, but somehow I just can't see my indoor only kitty living happily with chickens and ducks and dogs and other cats in a house right next to a very busy street.

Free litter box, drinkwell water fountain, food, food dishes and cat carrier to whoever can take her.

Please see the poor qualitypictures.Collapse )

Here are 2 pictures of Boo from when she was a kitten. Her markings are still as bold and exactly the same, she's just bigger and a bit more well loved.

Please respond to phoenixice2002 on AIM, kelleygrl02 on Y!, on MSN messenger, or send an email to

Sincerly, and with much hope,
Phoenix ~aka~ Meg

P.S. sorry about any cross posting...

Current Mood: optimistic
Saturday, November 27th, 2004
4:45 pm
I'm currently a junior in high school. This year, I left my traditional Catholic school and am attending high school online (the high school is based in California) and also taking dual-credit college classes at a community college. I'm currently trying to establish residency in California. Two years ago I ended up at a rock camp in Northern California and fell in love with the place. I had always just planned to go back to Scotland(that's where I moved to Florida from) for college, but California changed my mind. I've been back several times and my friend is letting me use the address of her adpartment for residency. I'm getting a CA license and I have someone to say I worked for them. I want to go to a college around the bay area probably for music and/or business.Now here's my questions

1. Can anyone give me the name of a west coast bank where I can set up an account online? Bank of America is trying to tell me I'm not a permanent US resident, even though I do hold a valid green card.
2. Do you know anyone else who has established residency in Ca while not living there? Did they have a problem?
3. College suggestions also appreciated.
Monday, November 1st, 2004
9:25 am
m about to be homeless in san francisco and I don't know anyone. the guy who was supposed to meet me at the airport bailed at the last minute and left town. so i may be stranded or living in the woods. does anyone need a roommate or know of a good place to camp? thanx
Sunday, February 22nd, 2004
11:30 pm
Japanese Girls SAMURAI US tour 2004

Petty Booka: Ukulele-playing duo
BLEACH: 3 girls Thrashy punk from Okinawa
Noodles: All Girl Alternative Guitar band
Kokeshi Doll: The new breed of Japanesque noise!
TSU SHI MA MI RE: Japanese Girlie Rock Trio

March 26th
@ Studio z / SF
*Time :8:00pm - 2:00am * Genres : Rock/Pop, /punk/World Music
*Price F$10 *Age F21+ w/ID
*address: 14 11th Street SF San Francisco,CA 94103-4314
*P: 1.415.252.7666 *
*Petty Booka , Noodles , Bleach , Kokeshi Doll
Wednesday, January 14th, 2004
10:42 am
sanjoseanime San Jose Anime is a community for those who live in the San Jose, San Faransico, Morgan Hill or Gilroy area who enjoy anime, manga, jpop and jrock. This community is for those who want to search for people with similar interest and live somewhat close to each other.

Feel free to join the communitiy and fill out the survey, who knows who'd you find. sanjoseanime !!

Current Mood: accomplished
Wednesday, June 25th, 2003
5:35 pm
Tuesday, May 27th, 2003
5:36 pm
Does anybody know where you can buy poppy pods like you could make tea from at a flower shop in town?
Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003
5:45 pm
(X-posted. Sorry)

Is anyone going to Alice@97.3's Chantal Kreviazuk show? (This Saturday)

If not, are there any huge Chantal Kreviazuk fans out there?

Current Mood: curious
Wednesday, November 20th, 2002
5:34 pm
But of course.
An answer to your question: Yes, you can come after the Kool Keith show. We're gonna be partying till late.

Only 2 and a half more hours till activation!
Tuesday, November 19th, 2002
4:09 pm
Gathering for evil genii, twisted superheros, guerrilla pranksters, etc etc etc
Dear inquisitive individual,

Do you hate labels? Are you an evil genius? Mad scientist? Jaded burner? Are you a twisted clown? Guerrilla prankster? Insanitist superhero? Dashing discordian? (through the snow, Mr. Pinnafork) Are you post-meta-uber-randomcore? (just kidding) Are chaos and irony your personal play toys? Did you answer "yes" to 23 or more of those questions? Would you like to come to my birthday party? Would you like to bring your voices? Would you like to bring your guitars? Would you like to bring your drums? Would you like to bring your techno toys? Would you like to bring your art? Would you like to bring your conspiracy theories? Would you like to get down and rock out and shift reality to a new dimension? Are you your own god? Do you have your own cult? Do you have your own religion? Would you like to exchange plots for world domination? Would you like to give poison cupcakes to the dominant paradigm? Does this intrigue as opposed to frighten you?

Would you like to come to Ocean Beach on November 20 Wednesday night at 8? (it's ok to show up after the Kool Keith show cause we'll be partying till late) Would you like to ride down Van Ness 101 and take a left at Fell Street? Would you like to take a left at Kezar? Would you like to take a right at Lincoln? Would you like to go down to the beach and go two block lefts to Judah? Would you like to park and align yourself with the part of the beach that aligns itself with Judah and find yourself at my party?

Would you like to see a fire there? Would you like to see other evil genii, mad scientists, jaded burners, twisted clowns, guerrilla pranksters, insanitist superheros, and dashing discordians? Would you like to bring party enhancers? (drinks, elixirs, gifts- use your imagination) Would you like to wear the most bizarre costume that you can think of?

Would you like to find out how to get to the party location by train? Would you like to take the N all the way to the beach? Would you like to align yourself with the part of the beach that aligns itself with Judah and find yourself at my party?

Would you like to find out more? Would you like to call me (my name is Paradox, yo) at 646-456-7610 for more information?

Paradox (
Sunday, October 20th, 2002
11:53 am
Well. The San Francisco LJ Meetup appears to be at Happy Doughnuts, 1794 Haight St, San Francisco, CA. They're not open at 8:00pm. I just called them, just to make absolutely sure, and they said they close at 6:00pm on Tuesday. (Happy Doughnuts was even removed as a choice after I told that it wasn't going to be open. They need to fix their software.)

Better idea: Location change to People's Cafe, 1419 Haight St, San Francisco, CA. It's three blocks from Happy Doughnuts, towards Market St. (Three blocks in the other direction would put you inside Golden Gate Park.)

Since I live in the upper Haight I'll go put up a sign at Happy Doughnuts, pointing everyone to People's Cafe.

Full details:

San Francisco LiveJournal Meetup
8:00pm Tuesday, 22nd of October
People's Cafe, 1419 Haight St, San Francisco, CA

Everyone welcome!

(I'm doing this for the people here on LiveJournal. After this can probably go screw themselves. The other regular host, tidus, has already bailed on them.)
Wednesday, October 9th, 2002
3:51 pm
SF LiveJournal Meetup update finally changed the Happy Doughnuts location choice in San Francisco, about a week after I told them that it wasn't open late enough for the Meetup. The new choices are:

People's Cafe, 1419 Haight St, San Francisco, CA
Donuts & Things, 1549 Polk St, San Francisco, CA
Rockin Java Coffee House, 1821 Haight St, San Francisco, CA

I have no idea if this new donut place is actually open late enough. And what is it with and donut places? And bowling alleys? They obviously aren't getting initial suggestions from local people.

Now go and vote for People's Cafe, you know you want to. (:
Thursday, October 3rd, 2002
9:36 pm
October LiveJournal Meetup
Voting for the next LiveJournal Meetup is open. It's on Tuesday, October 22 at 8:00PM.

The showing for the last SF one was pretty dismal. It could have been even worse for the next one, considering the locations chosen by However, I sent them e-mail and they changed one of the locations, from Peet's Coffee & Tea in Mill Valley to People's Cafe on Haight Street.

Here are the possible San Francisco Meetup locations:

People's Cafe, 1419 Haight St, San Francisco, CA
Happy Doughnuts, 1794 Haight St, San Francisco, CA
Rockin Java Coffee House, 1821 Haight St, San Francisco, CA

I also told them at Happy Doughnuts isn't even open at 8:00pm, when the Meetup takes place, but for some reason they decided not to change it.

Rockin Java Coffee House was the last location, and it wasn't a good choice. They had an open mic. night that evening, with really bad performers.

Here's the other Bay Area location choices:

East Bay ("Oakland-Alameda")

Jupiter, 2181 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA
Bowling Center, 300 Park Street, Alameda, CA
Java Rama, 1333 Park St., Alameda, CA

(Hey, look, another bowling alley! :)

South Bay ("San Jose")

Starbucks Coffee, 1037 El Monte Ave, Mountain View, CA
Coffee Society, 21265 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino, CA
Blue Rock Shoot, 14523 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, CA
Monday, August 26th, 2002
8:53 pm
LiveJournal Meetup tomorrow (Tuesday)!
Wow, no one's posted in here in a while.

The worldwide LiveJournal Meetup day is tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8:00pm.

The San Francisco Meetup is at Cafe Royale, 800 Post Street, San Francisco, CA. That's one block north of Geary, at Leavenworth (which becomes 7th, south of Market).

The East Bay ("Oakland-Alameda") Meetup is at Jupiter, 2181 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA.

The South Bay ("San Jose") Meetup is at Coffee Society, 21265 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino, CA.

If you're interested, click on one of the links above and sign up on the list.
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002
12:06 am
so do you have to be of legal age? aha. i'm new. and a teenager. and bored.

Current Mood: awake
Thursday, August 1st, 2002
3:28 pm
Next meetup locations are up
For San Francisco:, 314 11th Street, San Francisco, CA
Thirsty Bear Brewing Company, 661 Howard St, San Francisco, CA
Cafe Royale, 800 Post Street, San Francisco, CA

So we've seen what has to offer. Many of us are surely familiar with Thirsty Bear. I've never been to Cafe Royale, but I found a couple reviews here and here. It sounds nice.

Thirsty Bear, while cool and all, is expensive and can be crowded, so Cafe Royale is getting my vote.

For Oakland-Alameda:

Jupiter, 2181 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA
Chevy's Restaurant, 1890 Powell Street, Emeryville, CA
Pacific Coast Brewing Company, 906 Washington, Oakland, CA

Sorry, folks, no bowling alley choices in Fremont, this time. (:

For San Jose:

Blue Rock Shoot, 14523 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, CA
Round Table Pizza, 4302 Moorpark Ave., San Jose, CA
Coffee Society, 21265 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino, CA
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