Update 4/2017: There hasn't been an update in 3-4 years, last one out, turn out the lights.
SexExpert is an open forum for you to ask sexual questions or share what you know. Share true stories, sex facts, compare notes, ask questions and learn. This forum is open to all genders and sexual preferences. We are sex-positive and sex-powerful! Enjoy it.
Spam, pyramid schemes, excessively x-posted material, quiz results, and promotions for off-topic communities will be deleted on sight. Please keep all posts on the topic of sexual Q/A. Links to sites that provide sexual information or discussion about sexuality are welcome. If your personal blog is focused on discussing some aspect of sexuality, feel free to promote it here. Promote your blog, not every post you make.
As this is an adult themed and not an adult content group, please do not embed explicit pictures or videos, there are plenty of other places to share. Please keep linking to explicit sites to a minimum due to LJ's adult content policy.
Some Useful Links:
Please be aware that many of these links are not safe for work usage.