Morya Federation Student Papers by Morya Federation

INTRODUCTION Many of us share a deep interest in the field of education - whether as students, te... more INTRODUCTION Many of us share a deep interest in the field of education - whether as students, teachers, or lay-persons concerned about our schools and universities. So, what exactly is education? Turning to a dictionary, I found the following definition: “1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgement, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.”1
Thus we can see that education is an essential component of preparing one for life in every field of endeavor, from Agriculture to Zoology. In what ancient time might the process of education have begun? How might it have changed and evolved since that beginning? These questions have led to this general study into the beginnings of education and to obtain a better understanding of its evolution until approximately 5,000 BCE, which archaeologists currently consider the advent of writing (which they believe first occurred in parts of southwestern Asia). If we do not study and understand our beginnings, we can become confused with where we are and where we are going. “Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”2 [emphasis mine]
To understand the beginnings and evolution of education, I believe it important to understand the beginnings and evolution of our planet and of humanity itself - not only from the current scientific viewpoint, but also from an occult perspective. Therefore I have included in this paper brief discussions on planetary evolution, human evolution, and educational evolution.
Each of these discussions compares the scientific and occult viewpoints and timelines. Due to the potential for this study of becoming a long dissertation, I have limited the time period as stated above. There are no resources available in the outer world literature prior to that time, so a fair amount of conjecture - both scientific and occult - about these subjects is necessary.
Many people may find the occult conjectures made to be unreasonable. However, that which is currently taught in our schools regarding the evolution of our planet and of humanity is based on limited knowledge and much conjecture anyway, so I think it reasonable to seek a balance, and perhaps find and realize deeper truths than those found only in outer appearances.
By Michael Stacy
Part I. Qabalah and The Tree of Life
The Fundamentals of Esoteric Wisdom ... Qabalah, means lite... more Part I. Qabalah and The Tree of Life
The Fundamentals of Esoteric Wisdom ... Qabalah, means literally, “The Reception.” By tradition it refers to the ageless wisdom gained from an inner vision founded on a sure vision from Tetragrammaton (the unmentionable name of God) and inspired by the Spirit of God.
“Qabalah reveals the mystical aspects of Judaism and Christianity. . . . It does not offer fixed ideas but rather is a training in new ways to think.”. . . the teachings are received by the ready pupil from one who is already more awakened.
By Dorothy Roeder
The threefold personality as the tool of the Soul is portrayed in the Bible through a series of t... more The threefold personality as the tool of the Soul is portrayed in the Bible through a series of triplicities: Moses, Aaron and Joshua; Job and his three friends Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite; Daniel and his friends: Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego; the three kings in Bethlehem; the three disciples at the Transfiguration; the three Crosses on Calvary.
By Laura Ghiurca
In 'A Treatise on Cosmic Fire' (TCF 7) are mentioned some points about the relation between the O... more In 'A Treatise on Cosmic Fire' (TCF 7) are mentioned some points about the relation between the Over-soul and the Creation, either if the creation is about an atom or a Logos. This points can be summarized in:
1.Every form in Creation is permeated by a Soul, and all the souls are identical with the Over-soul.
2.The goal of the evolutionary process—for every single part of the manifested universe—is an ever-growing consciousness —from the self-consciousness of the atom to the God-consciousness of a Planetary Logos.
3.The more complex is the nature of the conscious being the wider is its consciousness
4.The more complex is the nature of the conscious entity the wider will be it's consciousness - i.e. the Solar Logos is the sum total of the state of consciousness within the solar system.
By Sandra Reyes

Why does God continually send forth parts of Himself into manifestation? Wouldn’t it be better if... more Why does God continually send forth parts of Himself into manifestation? Wouldn’t it be better if the Divine Sparks just stayed safe at their Fathers house in a transcendent state of Beingness? Obviously, there must be a Purpose and a great Divine Plan beyond the Universe. The Bible tells us that God as transcendent Being is the source of all creation and that humanity lives in exile from heaven in a state of sin. This doctrine created a split between matter and spirit, causing the world to be seen as separate from its creator. From an esoteric point of view, this is not so.
The Ageless Wisdom has told us that there is ONE LIFE which periodically and regularly seeks to express ITSELF in myriads of forms. Everything in the Universe from subatomic particles to planets and galaxies has all emanated from the same Boundless source. The One reveals Himself in multiplicity. From a theosophical point of view, God is both immanent and transcendent. God is in all and all is God.
By Heidi Horpestad
The magical story of the spark of Mind 18 million years ago, fog and misty clouds covered the Ear... more The magical story of the spark of Mind 18 million years ago, fog and misty clouds covered the Earth and dark shadows swept over the ancient continent called Mu. It was the darkest era in the history of humanity. A giant creature is sitting inside his cave gazing out upon the muddy swamp surrounding him.
Sharp shrieks from large threatening birds fill the air, but he knows instinctively he will be safe in his cave. His huge muscular body is tense and his nostrils are vibrating as if he could sniff something in the air. He can sense murdering beasts and evil reptiles passing outside his shelter, but he is also aware of something else that he doesn't understand. Instinctively, he knows something will come to pass.
By Heidi Horpestad
This is the first fundamental of the Ancient Wisdom. It conveys the idea of a principle,
#which... more This is the first fundamental of the Ancient Wisdom. It conveys the idea of a principle,
#which precedes all manifestation,
#which is beyond all form and formlessness,
#which is the source of both purusha and prakriti (spirit and matter),
#which is both the Zero (No-thing) and the One (Unity),
#which has no limits; thus it is complete,
#which has no qualities; thus it is empty,
#which is beyond all conception, impossible to describe, like a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.
By Malcolm McKellar

Many spiritual teachers have told us of a spiritual power which resides in precious stones.
... more Many spiritual teachers have told us of a spiritual power which resides in precious stones.
According to Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274),
. . . there is no doubt that gemstones have something of the hidden power of the bodies that are above the vault of heaven . . . they have something in them that is beyond the powers of the four basic elements of nature . . . it appears evident that some stones have something of the fifth essence . . . some stones have something in them of the nature of the stars. [G. Ronald Murphy, S.J., Gemstone of Paradise, pp. 66-67.]
According to Hildegard of Bingen, stones possess the qualities of the ancient elements of fire and water:
All stones have fire and wetness within them. But the devil finds precious stones abhorrent, he hates and despises them because they are a reminder – their beauty shone forth before he corrupted the glory given to him by God. He also hates them because precious stones are born of fire, the thing in which he has his punishment.[ Hildegard of Bingen, “De Lapidibus,” in Patrologia Latina, ed. Jacques-Paul Migne (Paris: Migne, 1844), vol. 197, col. 1247, quoted in Murphy, Gemstone of Paradise, p. 55.]
Hildegard further theorizes that gems are created when seawater contacts hot volcanic rock and forms a foam, which adheres to rock, hardens and dries into a gemstone within a few days in the heat of the sun. These gems are then carried by rivers to all the parts of the earth. Because the gems are formed from fire and water, they possess great inner, radiatory energy. Those who know the secrets of releasing their great condensed energy, according to Hildegard, will be able to use their powers for healing.[ G. Ronald Murphy, S.J., Gemstone of Paradise, pp. 55-56.]
The Tibetan Master tells us that:
The mineral kingdom is responsive to that type of energy which is the lowest aspect of fire, of those internal furnaces which exert an influence upon the elements in the mineral world, and which resolve these atomic lives into a gradual series of ever-higher types of mineral energy.
By Celeste Jamerson
In this paper, I hope to show how detailed knowledge of the constitution of man, as seen from an ... more In this paper, I hope to show how detailed knowledge of the constitution of man, as seen from an esoteric and spiritual point of view, helps to give life purpose and direction, as well as giving a better understanding of physical existence.
Thus, enabling us to make the most of our time here on Earth, and enable us to be guided by our spiritual self. If we were to ask the average person in the street to describe themselves, answering the question, “Who am I?” most people would start by telling you their name, where they live, what they did for a living, and so on.
by Angela Ovenden

At first glance, one would assume the Law of Economy has everything to do with the increase in yo... more At first glance, one would assume the Law of Economy has everything to do with the increase in your personal financial growth and abundant prosperity. We may assume by learning the laws of the Divine one may tap into His resources and know the riches of God. This is misguided and misunderstood premise and will not be supported in this paper. This particular writing will not address the law’s of wealth, it will, however, offer you a clear, short understanding of the complexities of evolutionary principles in man.
In this paper, I shall offer a brief theoretical assertion on the Law of economy. It is the intention to further explore the Tibetan’s teachings centered around the Law of economy and how it influences daily living. This paper will avoid topics on the “power of manifestation” and how to attract abundance and prosperity regarding material wealth, you will find that the substance offers much more than that!
Tiffany Gallop

What is man? What is the constitution (composition, structure, make-up) of a human being? The hum... more What is man? What is the constitution (composition, structure, make-up) of a human being? The human form in the three worlds of human endeavor (physical-etheric, emotional/astral, lower/concrete mental) is what the personality tends to identify within manifestation, even though the early stages on the Path of Return. If we look up “human being” in a dictionary, not surprisingly, it is defined in terms limited to the veil of illusion, the three lower worlds of human endeavor.
It refers us to “human”; used as a noun, the definition is restricted to the lower/concrete mental level and solely references the physical level in scientific terminology (the institution of science being a constituent of the veil of illusion, as distinct from scientific method). The dictionary tells us that a human is “a bipedal primate mammal (Homo sapiens),” “any living or extinct member of the family (Hominidae) to which the primate belongs.”1 This essay was written to review the answer to this question from the point of view of the Ageless Wisdom.
By Lorraine Peidle

Our purpose is to address the Fixed Cross ‘in context’ in order to provide greater clarity and pe... more Our purpose is to address the Fixed Cross ‘in context’ in order to provide greater clarity and perspective for disciples seeking to move from the Probationary Path through the first several initiations. The interplay of influencing forces at work is complex and difficult to sort out for a disciple at this point of the Path. Those who seek to move through the psychological readjustments required for effective service to humanity will be well served in seeking greater understanding and appreciation of the nature of the challenges ahead on this Cross. Such an investigation may reveal some illusions, bring greater receptivity to soul guidance and increase our intelligent love for ourselves and fellow travellers.
Humanity stands at yet another critical juncture in its history so it behoves disciples to work with all due speed and care. Incredibly we are not alone; many have trodden the Path ahead and support and guide us in ways yet unknown to us. It is therefore up to us to do our inner work and seek the knowledge that helps us to expand our view, alter our methods and offer our service so that we ‘will’ to add our positive potencies to the Forces of Light and Love.
By Peg Rosenkrands

At the present time, the sixth sub-race of the fifth Aryan Root Race is beginning to emerge into ... more At the present time, the sixth sub-race of the fifth Aryan Root Race is beginning to emerge into the world. Following on from the Victorian era of austerity and restriction came the flower-power movement in the 1960s, at the time of the Vietnam War-"Make Love, not War." Many people wanted to "stop the world and get off," to drop out of the conventional 9 to 5 routine and become self-sufficient. This showed dissension and unwillingness to pursue the old ways and adopt old outdated values. Even if tainted by the psychedelic drug culture, by tripping out people were able to experience something of the psychic and spiritual dimensions in life, even if sometimes their experiences were far from pleasant.
These trends are early indications of new energies arising in the world-the influence of the Aquarian Age and the beginnings of the sixth sub-race. The new cannot replace the old without a period of destruction. And eventually, the Phoenix will rise once more from the ashes of destruction, enabling a new civilisation to be built, on new lines and new principles.
Fifty years on, the current world situation reflects this imminent change, with all the turmoil and unrest, the wars, famines, floods, earthquakes and the financial crisis. The old crystallised forms are being broken down and destroyed to make way for the new. It is as if the pond of life is being stirred, bringing up to the surface all the hidden dross and sediment accumulated over the centuries.
By clearing this away, the room will be made for the incoming spiritual energies to influence the world as it moves towards a higher phase in its evolution.
By Angela Ovenden
A Great Age, a Manvantara or world period covers 432,000,000 solar years. During a Great Age, the... more A Great Age, a Manvantara or world period covers 432,000,000 solar years. During a Great Age, there are seven root-races. Each root–race has seven sub-races. Each sub-race is composed of innumerable tribes and offshoots.
By Francois Boulanger
To the normal physical eye, man is a form amongst myriads of many differing forms inhabiting the ... more To the normal physical eye, man is a form amongst myriads of many differing forms inhabiting the Earth, Esotericists have questioned, sought and even fought for answers to this profound question; they have explored the depths and breadths searching for what exactly is behind these forms, especially those of man. A few determined men have wrestled their way to arriving at some of the answers to this age-old and eternal question.
By Lee Michell
Today we are very individualized in our way of living but we are also becoming more and more glob... more Today we are very individualized in our way of living but we are also becoming more and more global and open to the whole world and the understanding of the humanity as one being and one expression in the world is growing. This paper tries to give a view of the root races and the work and goal of the present fifth root race.
· Introduction to the root races
· The root races before the fifth root race
· The sub races of the fifth root race
· The fifth root race and the mental plane
· The future root races
By Birgitte Rassmusen

My focus in this paper is to expound on initiatic responsibilities of disciples during the fall o... more My focus in this paper is to expound on initiatic responsibilities of disciples during the fall of Atlantis juxtaposed with current initiates and disciples task. Both custodians have been charged with ushering in monumental events within human history. As we carry the torch today as the forerunners for the Reappearance of the Christ and Externalisation of the Hierarchy,
Atlantean initiates too carried a heavy burden for humanity. Atlantis was considered the land of the strong and beautiful giants. Full of intrigue and mystery, where initiates commemorated images of the five races in stone for instructions to future generations (Rise and Demise of Atlantis, 36). It was the onset of the divine Dynasties that the first civilizations were created.
By Tiffany Gallop
More favored by their karma then less developed men that populated the earth, Atlanteans were better-equipped through assistance offered by the divine intelligence (Rise and Demise of Atlantis, 36). This intelligence compelled them to build cities and cultivate arts and sciences while only gradually obtaining their wondrous powers. Before the advent of the Atlantean race, the majority of humanity had fallen into iniquity.
“Vocation” holds multiple meanings in our times, it can be used for a mundane job, a career that ... more “Vocation” holds multiple meanings in our times, it can be used for a mundane job, a career that requires a certain refined skill, or it may contain a religious meaning “a call from God”. Vocation comes from the Latin word “vocatio” which means “a call” or “summons.” In this paper, I explore “vocation” from an esoteric point of view as “a call” or “summons” from “the Higher Self”. I highlight the importance of certain houses and their esoteric rulers, which may help us gather some clues about our calling from the astrological charts.
By Dilara Aslandogan
Why is it that Sirius, the blue sun, has such an importance to our solar system? In this paper I ... more Why is it that Sirius, the blue sun, has such an importance to our solar system? In this paper I intend to explore this relationship esoterically, using the AAB books and exoterically with other sources of information on the subject. I'll be delving into the history of this star cluster and its importance to earth and many ancient cultures as well to our current and future civilizations so as to understand in a small way what this cluster means to our system and the planet we inhabit.
By Lynn Gitter
According to Ageless wisdom teachings humanity is getting ready to the phase of transitioning fro... more According to Ageless wisdom teachings humanity is getting ready to the phase of transitioning from 5th root race to 6th root race, which takes about 25,000 years. USA particularly plays an important role in this transition. 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic deeply impacted humanity and continues its impact around the world and especially in the USA.
In my paper, I present how this crisis is related to our place in history and may present an opportunity for humanity to move to a greater consciousness, which seeds the qualities of the next race.
By Dilara Aslandogan
Morya Federation Student Papers by Morya Federation
Thus we can see that education is an essential component of preparing one for life in every field of endeavor, from Agriculture to Zoology. In what ancient time might the process of education have begun? How might it have changed and evolved since that beginning? These questions have led to this general study into the beginnings of education and to obtain a better understanding of its evolution until approximately 5,000 BCE, which archaeologists currently consider the advent of writing (which they believe first occurred in parts of southwestern Asia). If we do not study and understand our beginnings, we can become confused with where we are and where we are going. “Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”2 [emphasis mine]
To understand the beginnings and evolution of education, I believe it important to understand the beginnings and evolution of our planet and of humanity itself - not only from the current scientific viewpoint, but also from an occult perspective. Therefore I have included in this paper brief discussions on planetary evolution, human evolution, and educational evolution.
Each of these discussions compares the scientific and occult viewpoints and timelines. Due to the potential for this study of becoming a long dissertation, I have limited the time period as stated above. There are no resources available in the outer world literature prior to that time, so a fair amount of conjecture - both scientific and occult - about these subjects is necessary.
Many people may find the occult conjectures made to be unreasonable. However, that which is currently taught in our schools regarding the evolution of our planet and of humanity is based on limited knowledge and much conjecture anyway, so I think it reasonable to seek a balance, and perhaps find and realize deeper truths than those found only in outer appearances.
By Michael Stacy
The Fundamentals of Esoteric Wisdom ... Qabalah, means literally, “The Reception.” By tradition it refers to the ageless wisdom gained from an inner vision founded on a sure vision from Tetragrammaton (the unmentionable name of God) and inspired by the Spirit of God.
“Qabalah reveals the mystical aspects of Judaism and Christianity. . . . It does not offer fixed ideas but rather is a training in new ways to think.”. . . the teachings are received by the ready pupil from one who is already more awakened.
By Dorothy Roeder
By Laura Ghiurca
1.Every form in Creation is permeated by a Soul, and all the souls are identical with the Over-soul.
2.The goal of the evolutionary process—for every single part of the manifested universe—is an ever-growing consciousness —from the self-consciousness of the atom to the God-consciousness of a Planetary Logos.
3.The more complex is the nature of the conscious being the wider is its consciousness
4.The more complex is the nature of the conscious entity the wider will be it's consciousness - i.e. the Solar Logos is the sum total of the state of consciousness within the solar system.
By Sandra Reyes
The Ageless Wisdom has told us that there is ONE LIFE which periodically and regularly seeks to express ITSELF in myriads of forms. Everything in the Universe from subatomic particles to planets and galaxies has all emanated from the same Boundless source. The One reveals Himself in multiplicity. From a theosophical point of view, God is both immanent and transcendent. God is in all and all is God.
By Heidi Horpestad
Sharp shrieks from large threatening birds fill the air, but he knows instinctively he will be safe in his cave. His huge muscular body is tense and his nostrils are vibrating as if he could sniff something in the air. He can sense murdering beasts and evil reptiles passing outside his shelter, but he is also aware of something else that he doesn't understand. Instinctively, he knows something will come to pass.
By Heidi Horpestad
#which precedes all manifestation,
#which is beyond all form and formlessness,
#which is the source of both purusha and prakriti (spirit and matter),
#which is both the Zero (No-thing) and the One (Unity),
#which has no limits; thus it is complete,
#which has no qualities; thus it is empty,
#which is beyond all conception, impossible to describe, like a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.
By Malcolm McKellar
According to Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274),
. . . there is no doubt that gemstones have something of the hidden power of the bodies that are above the vault of heaven . . . they have something in them that is beyond the powers of the four basic elements of nature . . . it appears evident that some stones have something of the fifth essence . . . some stones have something in them of the nature of the stars. [G. Ronald Murphy, S.J., Gemstone of Paradise, pp. 66-67.]
According to Hildegard of Bingen, stones possess the qualities of the ancient elements of fire and water:
All stones have fire and wetness within them. But the devil finds precious stones abhorrent, he hates and despises them because they are a reminder – their beauty shone forth before he corrupted the glory given to him by God. He also hates them because precious stones are born of fire, the thing in which he has his punishment.[ Hildegard of Bingen, “De Lapidibus,” in Patrologia Latina, ed. Jacques-Paul Migne (Paris: Migne, 1844), vol. 197, col. 1247, quoted in Murphy, Gemstone of Paradise, p. 55.]
Hildegard further theorizes that gems are created when seawater contacts hot volcanic rock and forms a foam, which adheres to rock, hardens and dries into a gemstone within a few days in the heat of the sun. These gems are then carried by rivers to all the parts of the earth. Because the gems are formed from fire and water, they possess great inner, radiatory energy. Those who know the secrets of releasing their great condensed energy, according to Hildegard, will be able to use their powers for healing.[ G. Ronald Murphy, S.J., Gemstone of Paradise, pp. 55-56.]
The Tibetan Master tells us that:
The mineral kingdom is responsive to that type of energy which is the lowest aspect of fire, of those internal furnaces which exert an influence upon the elements in the mineral world, and which resolve these atomic lives into a gradual series of ever-higher types of mineral energy.
By Celeste Jamerson
Thus, enabling us to make the most of our time here on Earth, and enable us to be guided by our spiritual self. If we were to ask the average person in the street to describe themselves, answering the question, “Who am I?” most people would start by telling you their name, where they live, what they did for a living, and so on.
by Angela Ovenden
In this paper, I shall offer a brief theoretical assertion on the Law of economy. It is the intention to further explore the Tibetan’s teachings centered around the Law of economy and how it influences daily living. This paper will avoid topics on the “power of manifestation” and how to attract abundance and prosperity regarding material wealth, you will find that the substance offers much more than that!
Tiffany Gallop
It refers us to “human”; used as a noun, the definition is restricted to the lower/concrete mental level and solely references the physical level in scientific terminology (the institution of science being a constituent of the veil of illusion, as distinct from scientific method). The dictionary tells us that a human is “a bipedal primate mammal (Homo sapiens),” “any living or extinct member of the family (Hominidae) to which the primate belongs.”1 This essay was written to review the answer to this question from the point of view of the Ageless Wisdom.
By Lorraine Peidle
Humanity stands at yet another critical juncture in its history so it behoves disciples to work with all due speed and care. Incredibly we are not alone; many have trodden the Path ahead and support and guide us in ways yet unknown to us. It is therefore up to us to do our inner work and seek the knowledge that helps us to expand our view, alter our methods and offer our service so that we ‘will’ to add our positive potencies to the Forces of Light and Love.
By Peg Rosenkrands
These trends are early indications of new energies arising in the world-the influence of the Aquarian Age and the beginnings of the sixth sub-race. The new cannot replace the old without a period of destruction. And eventually, the Phoenix will rise once more from the ashes of destruction, enabling a new civilisation to be built, on new lines and new principles.
Fifty years on, the current world situation reflects this imminent change, with all the turmoil and unrest, the wars, famines, floods, earthquakes and the financial crisis. The old crystallised forms are being broken down and destroyed to make way for the new. It is as if the pond of life is being stirred, bringing up to the surface all the hidden dross and sediment accumulated over the centuries.
By clearing this away, the room will be made for the incoming spiritual energies to influence the world as it moves towards a higher phase in its evolution.
By Angela Ovenden
By Francois Boulanger
By Lee Michell
· Introduction to the root races
· The root races before the fifth root race
· The sub races of the fifth root race
· The fifth root race and the mental plane
· The future root races
By Birgitte Rassmusen
Atlantean initiates too carried a heavy burden for humanity. Atlantis was considered the land of the strong and beautiful giants. Full of intrigue and mystery, where initiates commemorated images of the five races in stone for instructions to future generations (Rise and Demise of Atlantis, 36). It was the onset of the divine Dynasties that the first civilizations were created.
By Tiffany Gallop
More favored by their karma then less developed men that populated the earth, Atlanteans were better-equipped through assistance offered by the divine intelligence (Rise and Demise of Atlantis, 36). This intelligence compelled them to build cities and cultivate arts and sciences while only gradually obtaining their wondrous powers. Before the advent of the Atlantean race, the majority of humanity had fallen into iniquity.
By Dilara Aslandogan
By Lynn Gitter
In my paper, I present how this crisis is related to our place in history and may present an opportunity for humanity to move to a greater consciousness, which seeds the qualities of the next race.
By Dilara Aslandogan
Thus we can see that education is an essential component of preparing one for life in every field of endeavor, from Agriculture to Zoology. In what ancient time might the process of education have begun? How might it have changed and evolved since that beginning? These questions have led to this general study into the beginnings of education and to obtain a better understanding of its evolution until approximately 5,000 BCE, which archaeologists currently consider the advent of writing (which they believe first occurred in parts of southwestern Asia). If we do not study and understand our beginnings, we can become confused with where we are and where we are going. “Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”2 [emphasis mine]
To understand the beginnings and evolution of education, I believe it important to understand the beginnings and evolution of our planet and of humanity itself - not only from the current scientific viewpoint, but also from an occult perspective. Therefore I have included in this paper brief discussions on planetary evolution, human evolution, and educational evolution.
Each of these discussions compares the scientific and occult viewpoints and timelines. Due to the potential for this study of becoming a long dissertation, I have limited the time period as stated above. There are no resources available in the outer world literature prior to that time, so a fair amount of conjecture - both scientific and occult - about these subjects is necessary.
Many people may find the occult conjectures made to be unreasonable. However, that which is currently taught in our schools regarding the evolution of our planet and of humanity is based on limited knowledge and much conjecture anyway, so I think it reasonable to seek a balance, and perhaps find and realize deeper truths than those found only in outer appearances.
By Michael Stacy
The Fundamentals of Esoteric Wisdom ... Qabalah, means literally, “The Reception.” By tradition it refers to the ageless wisdom gained from an inner vision founded on a sure vision from Tetragrammaton (the unmentionable name of God) and inspired by the Spirit of God.
“Qabalah reveals the mystical aspects of Judaism and Christianity. . . . It does not offer fixed ideas but rather is a training in new ways to think.”. . . the teachings are received by the ready pupil from one who is already more awakened.
By Dorothy Roeder
By Laura Ghiurca
1.Every form in Creation is permeated by a Soul, and all the souls are identical with the Over-soul.
2.The goal of the evolutionary process—for every single part of the manifested universe—is an ever-growing consciousness —from the self-consciousness of the atom to the God-consciousness of a Planetary Logos.
3.The more complex is the nature of the conscious being the wider is its consciousness
4.The more complex is the nature of the conscious entity the wider will be it's consciousness - i.e. the Solar Logos is the sum total of the state of consciousness within the solar system.
By Sandra Reyes
The Ageless Wisdom has told us that there is ONE LIFE which periodically and regularly seeks to express ITSELF in myriads of forms. Everything in the Universe from subatomic particles to planets and galaxies has all emanated from the same Boundless source. The One reveals Himself in multiplicity. From a theosophical point of view, God is both immanent and transcendent. God is in all and all is God.
By Heidi Horpestad
Sharp shrieks from large threatening birds fill the air, but he knows instinctively he will be safe in his cave. His huge muscular body is tense and his nostrils are vibrating as if he could sniff something in the air. He can sense murdering beasts and evil reptiles passing outside his shelter, but he is also aware of something else that he doesn't understand. Instinctively, he knows something will come to pass.
By Heidi Horpestad
#which precedes all manifestation,
#which is beyond all form and formlessness,
#which is the source of both purusha and prakriti (spirit and matter),
#which is both the Zero (No-thing) and the One (Unity),
#which has no limits; thus it is complete,
#which has no qualities; thus it is empty,
#which is beyond all conception, impossible to describe, like a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.
By Malcolm McKellar
According to Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274),
. . . there is no doubt that gemstones have something of the hidden power of the bodies that are above the vault of heaven . . . they have something in them that is beyond the powers of the four basic elements of nature . . . it appears evident that some stones have something of the fifth essence . . . some stones have something in them of the nature of the stars. [G. Ronald Murphy, S.J., Gemstone of Paradise, pp. 66-67.]
According to Hildegard of Bingen, stones possess the qualities of the ancient elements of fire and water:
All stones have fire and wetness within them. But the devil finds precious stones abhorrent, he hates and despises them because they are a reminder – their beauty shone forth before he corrupted the glory given to him by God. He also hates them because precious stones are born of fire, the thing in which he has his punishment.[ Hildegard of Bingen, “De Lapidibus,” in Patrologia Latina, ed. Jacques-Paul Migne (Paris: Migne, 1844), vol. 197, col. 1247, quoted in Murphy, Gemstone of Paradise, p. 55.]
Hildegard further theorizes that gems are created when seawater contacts hot volcanic rock and forms a foam, which adheres to rock, hardens and dries into a gemstone within a few days in the heat of the sun. These gems are then carried by rivers to all the parts of the earth. Because the gems are formed from fire and water, they possess great inner, radiatory energy. Those who know the secrets of releasing their great condensed energy, according to Hildegard, will be able to use their powers for healing.[ G. Ronald Murphy, S.J., Gemstone of Paradise, pp. 55-56.]
The Tibetan Master tells us that:
The mineral kingdom is responsive to that type of energy which is the lowest aspect of fire, of those internal furnaces which exert an influence upon the elements in the mineral world, and which resolve these atomic lives into a gradual series of ever-higher types of mineral energy.
By Celeste Jamerson
Thus, enabling us to make the most of our time here on Earth, and enable us to be guided by our spiritual self. If we were to ask the average person in the street to describe themselves, answering the question, “Who am I?” most people would start by telling you their name, where they live, what they did for a living, and so on.
by Angela Ovenden
In this paper, I shall offer a brief theoretical assertion on the Law of economy. It is the intention to further explore the Tibetan’s teachings centered around the Law of economy and how it influences daily living. This paper will avoid topics on the “power of manifestation” and how to attract abundance and prosperity regarding material wealth, you will find that the substance offers much more than that!
Tiffany Gallop
It refers us to “human”; used as a noun, the definition is restricted to the lower/concrete mental level and solely references the physical level in scientific terminology (the institution of science being a constituent of the veil of illusion, as distinct from scientific method). The dictionary tells us that a human is “a bipedal primate mammal (Homo sapiens),” “any living or extinct member of the family (Hominidae) to which the primate belongs.”1 This essay was written to review the answer to this question from the point of view of the Ageless Wisdom.
By Lorraine Peidle
Humanity stands at yet another critical juncture in its history so it behoves disciples to work with all due speed and care. Incredibly we are not alone; many have trodden the Path ahead and support and guide us in ways yet unknown to us. It is therefore up to us to do our inner work and seek the knowledge that helps us to expand our view, alter our methods and offer our service so that we ‘will’ to add our positive potencies to the Forces of Light and Love.
By Peg Rosenkrands
These trends are early indications of new energies arising in the world-the influence of the Aquarian Age and the beginnings of the sixth sub-race. The new cannot replace the old without a period of destruction. And eventually, the Phoenix will rise once more from the ashes of destruction, enabling a new civilisation to be built, on new lines and new principles.
Fifty years on, the current world situation reflects this imminent change, with all the turmoil and unrest, the wars, famines, floods, earthquakes and the financial crisis. The old crystallised forms are being broken down and destroyed to make way for the new. It is as if the pond of life is being stirred, bringing up to the surface all the hidden dross and sediment accumulated over the centuries.
By clearing this away, the room will be made for the incoming spiritual energies to influence the world as it moves towards a higher phase in its evolution.
By Angela Ovenden
By Francois Boulanger
By Lee Michell
· Introduction to the root races
· The root races before the fifth root race
· The sub races of the fifth root race
· The fifth root race and the mental plane
· The future root races
By Birgitte Rassmusen
Atlantean initiates too carried a heavy burden for humanity. Atlantis was considered the land of the strong and beautiful giants. Full of intrigue and mystery, where initiates commemorated images of the five races in stone for instructions to future generations (Rise and Demise of Atlantis, 36). It was the onset of the divine Dynasties that the first civilizations were created.
By Tiffany Gallop
More favored by their karma then less developed men that populated the earth, Atlanteans were better-equipped through assistance offered by the divine intelligence (Rise and Demise of Atlantis, 36). This intelligence compelled them to build cities and cultivate arts and sciences while only gradually obtaining their wondrous powers. Before the advent of the Atlantean race, the majority of humanity had fallen into iniquity.
By Dilara Aslandogan
By Lynn Gitter
In my paper, I present how this crisis is related to our place in history and may present an opportunity for humanity to move to a greater consciousness, which seeds the qualities of the next race.
By Dilara Aslandogan
When she was fifteen, on June. 30, 1895, her Master came to her; He said [ P. 48 Vietnamese version; p. 36 English version – The Unfinished Autobiography] “there was some work that it was planned that I could do in the world but that it would entail my changing my disposition very considerably; I would have to give up being such an unpleasant little girl and must try and get some measure of self-control. My future usefulness to Him and to the world was dependent upon how I handled myself and the changes I could manage to make. He said that if I could achieve real self-control I could then be trusted and that I would travel all over the world and visit many countries, "doing your Master's work all the time”.
By Ngo Duy Sang
By Adrienne Frazer
Since childhood, he was trained in the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom. His father had a great influence on him and introduced him at a young age to the teachings of dervishes, Christian mystics and others. His father would take him to secret spiritual ceremonies and rituals where Haroutium learned music and dances performed symbolically during spiritual teachings.
by Victor Dutro
We went to 319 West 107th Street on the upper west side of Manhattan, where the Nicholas Roerich Museum1 resides in a lovely old townhouse, on a quiet tree-lined street. From the moment of entering this sanctuary of a museum, one feels a shift, an opening of the heart that is beyond time and space. Exploring the two floors of galleries filled with Nicholas Roerich’s art, I was deeply moved by his paintings.
Through the metaphor of the great Himalayan range, mystics and Masters there contained the overarching spiritual theme of aspiring to the greatest heights of consciousness possible. I was hooked. Later on, I would discover the spiritual genius he and his beautiful, ethereal wife Helena embodied and what a mesmerizing, adventurous, and fearless family they were.
This paper will give an overview of Professor Roerich’s life, adventures, aspirations and many accomplishments, as well as some of his challenges and controversies. His life will also be looked at through the lens of his astrological, Chakra and Ray make-up, and his possible placement along the Path of awakening. As his artwork is a powerful reflection of him, several paintings will also be included throughout.
By Nathalie Rawat
This paper will give a short summary of the life and work of Nicholas Roerich, followed by an analysis of his astrological chart and a discussion of his rays. In addition, some of the most significant fixed star patterns in Roerich’s chart will be examined for possible exoteric and esoteric meanings.
At the same time, he became a tutor to his classmates and lower grades and used the money earned to further his own education. He studied philosophy, mathematics and natural science. When he was 18 years old, he started teaching school and lived with the families of children he tutored.[ Rudolf Steiner, The Story of My Life, p 135]
Most of this biography will be taken from his autobiography, The Story of My Life, by Rudolf Steiner.
"I have made it clear that even in my childhood, I lived in the spiritual world as in that which was self-evident to me, but that I had to strive earnestly for everything which pertained to a knowledge of the outer world. For this reason, I am a man slow in development as to all aspects of the physical world."
By Ahni Atkins
Great Quest Year 1
November 26, 2013
His full birth name was Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci. Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452, in the Tuscan hill town of Vinci, in the lower valley of the Arno River, Italy. He was an illegitimate son of Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci, a public notary and Caterina, a peasant that may have been a servant from the Middle East. Little is known about his mother Caterina. Leonardo spent his first five years living in a farmhouse with his mother in the hamlet of Anchiano. Then he lived in the household of his father, grandparents and uncle, Francesco in Vinci.
By Vera Vostinar
The misunderstanding of Mozart has been exacerbated by the popular fictional play Amadeus and the movie of the same name, which essentially portrays Mozart as a talented idiot.
The present paper will attempt to shed new light on Mozart’s life and genius from an esoteric perspective, emphasizing his soul development. Methods employed will include esoteric astrology and rayology, as well as the use of insights from the work of the Tibetan master of the Ageless Wisdom, Djwhal Khul, hereafter referred to as D.K.
Carl Gustav Jung started his professional life as an assistant to the psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler, at the Bugholzli Clinic, in Zurich. In 1902, he obtained his doctorate at the University of Zurich, with the dissertation "Psychology and Pathology of the So-called Occult Phenomena". In 1904, he set up an experimental laboratory where he started applying his thesis for psychiatric diagnosis, through the association of words. He identified repressed psychic contents as being what he called “complexes”, a study that was much investigated by Freud.
The family were from the Dissenting tradition which involved private devotion and Bible reading at home, rather than attending public services. They believed that it was up to the individual to interpret the scriptures rather than a priest, that Christ came to free souls from the tyranny of the church and state.
William was not sent to school but was educated at home by his mother. In his notebooks he says
“Thank God I never went to school
To be flogd into following the style of a fool.”
By Zenaide Moret
“What made Hitler so dangerous and an enemy of the human family is that during the last two thousand years, mankind has advanced to a point where it can also be responsive to certain aspects of this first ray force. Hitler, therefore, found associates and cooperators who added their receptivity to his so that an entire group became the responsive agents of the destructive energy, expressing itself in its lowest aspect. This is what enabled them to work ruthlessly, powerfully, selfishly, cruelly and successfully at the destruction of all that attempted to impede their projects and desires. There is only one way in which focussed evil Will, with its responsiveness to the Shamballa force, can be overcome, and that is by the opposition of an equally focussed spiritual Will, displayed by responsive men and women of goodwill who can train themselves to be sensitive to this type of new incoming energy and can learn how to invoke and evoke it.” (EA p.585)
The story of Sir Winston Spencer Churchill is the story of such a man.
of the exoteric human kind of which such "higher buddhas" the "highest Pratyeka Buddhas" and "lofty spirits, liberated dhyâni-chohans" are far above such human tendencies as are the above Pratyeka Buddhas also. The former work in the realm of the "fifth class of lofty beings which directly links us with the gods. Their place in nature is in fact the realm of the Silent Watcher" who is the Lord of the World.
Elsewhere In her esoteric Instruction HPB indicates that their work is in co-operation with the 'Silent Watcher' and also, "three are spoken of as residing in the silence." The three Pratyeka Buddhas are also known as the Buddhas of Activity of which the Tibetan DK further instructs via AAB. Asanga indicates they work in small groups here numerated as three and serving the One Silent Watcher.
It is recognized even by some with less severe Autistic spectrum symptoms that many sufferers fail to register completely in the physical world and seem to be detached from some awareness and cognitive registration. They lack communication skills, hidden language abilities and understanding, normally registered by non-sufferers.
HPB was DK' first amanuensis. It is mentioned in 'collected writings' that DK had taken the fifth Initiation and it is recorded in 'Initiation Human and Solar' as follows..."He is the latest of the adepts taking initiation, having taken the fifth initiation in 1875."
Sustainability being the question in mind, do we fully understand that the problem of excessive sexual appetite, in general throughout the human race, has called in too many souls as DK mentions, thus amplifying the extinction or pressure on animal and plant resources in general to the point at which we now globally find.
We should carefully note that the cause of this "major world problem" is the "unnatural preservation of life" triggering the "herd life in humanity" and is according to the Tibetan the cause of much suffering, the economic problem, many wars, the world overpopulation and all contrary to the karmic intentions of the planetary logos.
I also feel that there may be a case for the planet earth being given consideration in part as the logoic splenic centre, for reception, intensification, vitalisation and feeding of the base centre kundalini good or bad according to its state of health! If not this then which centre acts as this important solar pranic organ of systemic kundalini for distribution and vitalisation of the lower minor centres of the scheme?
Conversation with VSK and JPC
The Lesser Third Ray
"Ray Three: In manifestation since 1425 A.D.”
Lesser Racial period: 900 years
Peak Emergence: 450 years
Sub-ray periods: 65years
Peak Outgoing: 1875 A.D.
Ingoing cycle: 1875-2325 A.D.
Outgoing period: 2325 – 2775 A.D.
Outgoing Peak: 2775 A.D.
Present sub-ray: 3rd 2005-2070 A.D.
This is the Path of the Third Great Department within the Hierarchy and is the embodiment of the Green Ray of Active Intelligence. The master-activity of the Green Ray impulses the development of all forms of philosophical thought, communication, trade, commerce, technology, interchange of ideas, transportation, finance, banking and monetary exchange. The cyclic impulses of the Green Ray stimulate significant developments, or lack thereof, the various epochs, in these various interrelated fields of intelligible human activity.
“I have always remembered the phrase from [Frank] Alexander’s In the Hours of Meditation. He asked how to know the Master, and the answer came in the hour of meditation that to know the Master was not to have seen his form but to have understood his will. That is knowing the Master. This does not mean a mental understanding, but rather to stand up to his will and let him work through you.” [Talk to Arcane School students; final talk given Spring 1943.]
The Tibetan states in EXH that every October the Master R. meets with the co-workers of his vast 3rd ray Ashram. The period of the 3rd ray inspired Libra full moon then, is timely for a brief discussion on the Great Ray of the Mahachohan. SDP.
There is a clear referral and meaning to Shamballa and the seven jewels within the Monadic centre of power or macro cosmically the seven head centres of OAWNMBS. This sacred centre can be identified in oriental terms as the "inner city" otherwise known as the "forbidden city or palace" of 14th century Beijing.