Papers by Catherine Tinker

Panorama of Brazilian Law, May 26, 2018
This paper aims to explore new trends in Brazilian refugee and migratory law in the last 20 years... more This paper aims to explore new trends in Brazilian refugee and migratory law in the last 20 years. In doing so it addresses the evolution of the definition of "refugee" in Brazil, expanding the eligibility grounds provided by the 1951 Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees (1951 Convention). Reviewing international and regional refugee law, the article analyzes the broader understanding of the notion of "refuge" and its complexity expressed in regional and national legal frameworks, taking account of lawyers, scholars and activists who criticize the narrow scope of the classical refugee definition from 1951 which has become distant from current refugee voices and struggles. At the domestic level, although the 1980 Aliens Statute (Act. n. 6815/80) is still in effect, there have been important changes in refugee law in Brazil since the implementation of the 1997 Refugee Statute (Act n. 9.474/97), influenced by the 1984 Cartagena Declaration (a regional soft law instrument) regarding the definition of "refugee". Exploring the interconnection of the Refugee Statute and complementary forms of human rights protection which fall outside the scope of international refugee law, the article concludes that in the

Panorama of Brazilian Law, May 26, 2018
This paper aims to explore new trends in Brazilian refugee and migratory law in the last 20 years... more This paper aims to explore new trends in Brazilian refugee and migratory law in the last 20 years. In doing so it addresses the evolution of the definition of "refugee" in Brazil, expanding the eligibility grounds provided by the 1951 Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees (1951 Convention). Reviewing international and regional refugee law, the article analyzes the broader understanding of the notion of "refuge" and its complexity expressed in regional and national legal frameworks, taking account of lawyers, scholars and activists who criticize the narrow scope of the classical refugee definition from 1951 which has become distant from current refugee voices and struggles. At the domestic level, although the 1980 Aliens Statute (Act. n. 6815/80) is still in effect, there have been important changes in refugee law in Brazil since the implementation of the 1997 Refugee Statute (Act n. 9.474/97), influenced by the 1984 Cartagena Declaration (a regional soft law instrument) regarding the definition of "refugee", Exploring the interconnection of the Refugee Statute and complementary forms of human rights protection which fall outside the scope of international refugee law, the article concludes that in the specific case of Haitians in Brazil, the broader protections of Brazilian refugee law should be available rather than the complementary system of humanitarian visas.
ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law, 2016

ANT()NIO HERMAN BEN)AMIN* CU.COlA LIM/\ MARQUES * * CATHERI:\F TI:-lKER*** "Né dans le5 turbulenc... more ANT()NIO HERMAN BEN)AMIN* CU.COlA LIM/\ MARQUES * * CATHERI:\F TI:-lKER*** "Né dans le5 turbulenccs, le dlOl1 de I'CIl\'irOlmemcnt, a peine sorU de r adolesccllu, L1 r,'ussi la prouesse, si il11 parfait fI inachevé soU ,i!. d'Nre UH df'Oil de solidarité ri de 1,1 réconciliation" MLlRA~m-DEV1U ER. ]acqueline. Le droil de l'envirOlH1Cl11cnr. 7, ed.. Paris: Pl;F, 2000. p. 3 PARTE INTRODUTORIA É com muito prazer e honra que traduzimos e atualizamos nosso artigo publicado exclusiva mente nos Estados Cnidos i para homenagear a querida professora de todos nós. Dra, jaqueline Morand-Deviller da Universidade de Paris 1 Culta e generosa,jaqueline Morand-Deviller éuma das intelectuais mais brilhantes e produ tivas que conhecemos e, sobretudo. uma grande amiga do Brasil. Neste sentido, para bem home , nagear esta magnífica ambienta lista escolhemos traduzir este artigo que traça um panorama do Direito das águas no Brasil, uma das preocupa ções constantes de nossa mestra, Foi a convite de Jane Cohen, da parceira Universidade do Texas-Austin, que elaboramos a seis mãos este anigo, em que o mérito maior foi de Antônio Herman Benjamin, hoje Ministro do STj, e de Catherine Tinker, agora de retorno aos Estados Unidos. Agradecemos aos acadêmicos do Grupo. de Pesquisa CNPq-CFRGS, liderado por Claudia Lima Marques, a tradução primeira do artigo, que mantivemos na linguagem direta e coloquial de sua versão original em inglês. Antes, porém, de introduzirmos o tema das águas, gostaríamos de homenagear a proLjaque line Morand-Deviller com algumas palavras sobre aCÍtação que escolhemos para abrir este artigo, Um Direito de solidariedade e reconciliação. assim define a nossa homenageada o essencial do Direito AmbientaL Efetivamente. reconciliar osinteresses da economia e do desenvolvimento Com a preservação do meio ambiente e o bem comum é a tarefa e a função maior do Direito
Its territory encompasses several gigantic water basins, 3 including the
This course explores the history and nature of international law addressing selected issues confr... more This course explores the history and nature of international law addressing selected issues confronting the global community, with a focus on the creation, sources and implementation of international law; institutions of global governance; and relations between states and non-state actors.
Revista de Direito do Consumidor, Aug 23, 2018
Choice Reviews Online, Jul 1, 1992
Pace Environmental Law Review, Sep 1, 1995
U.N. Doc. DPI/1307, reprinted in 31 I.L.M. 818 [hereinafter Biological Diversity]. 2. Only five n... more U.N. Doc. DPI/1307, reprinted in 31 I.L.M. 818 [hereinafter Biological Diversity]. 2. Only five negotiating sessions were held in 1991 and 1992. There were major problems and areas of disagreement literally up until the last night in Nairobi in the final negotiating session; Dr. Tolba, the Executive Director of United Nations Environment Programme, took a direct hands-on approach to finally concluding the treaty negotiating in late May, which resulted in the document that was sent on to Rio at the beginning of June, 1992, a very tight time frame. The Law of the Sea treaty, by comparison, took over two decades, with formal negotiating sessions lasting nine years. Edith Brown Weiss, Interna.
Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 1990

Panorama of Brazilian Law, May 26, 2018
This paper aims to explore new trends in Brazilian refugee and migratory law in the last 20 years... more This paper aims to explore new trends in Brazilian refugee and migratory law in the last 20 years. In doing so it addresses the evolution of the definition of "refugee" in Brazil, expanding the eligibility grounds provided by the 1951 Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees (1951 Convention). Reviewing international and regional refugee law, the article analyzes the broader understanding of the notion of "refuge" and its complexity expressed in regional and national legal frameworks, taking account of lawyers, scholars and activists who criticize the narrow scope of the classical refugee definition from 1951 which has become distant from current refugee voices and struggles. At the domestic level, although the 1980 Aliens Statute (Act. n. 6815/80) is still in effect, there have been important changes in refugee law in Brazil since the implementation of the 1997 Refugee Statute (Act n. 9.474/97), influenced by the 1984 Cartagena Declaration (a regional soft law instrument) regarding the definition of "refugee". Exploring the interconnection of the Refugee Statute and complementary forms of human rights protection which fall outside the scope of international refugee law, the article concludes that in the

Cadernos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito - PPGDir./UFRGS, Jan 30, 2015
Este ensaio tem por objetivo descrever alguns dos elementos do curso de pósgraduação em Direito n... more Este ensaio tem por objetivo descrever alguns dos elementos do curso de pósgraduação em Direito na disciplina Direito Internacional Ambiental (DIA). Nesse sentido, o termo DIA foi usado para enfatizar que o campo é baseado principalmente no Direito Internacional, com visões adicionais de direito, política e ecologia ambientais. O termo também foi usado para enfatizar que é um estudo de peso, profundo e abrangente, que requer preparação, estudo, dedicação em direito internacional sobre o assunto, e não só um estudo 1 A autora faz uma homenagem à sua mãe, MILDRED HELEN GALLMEIER TINKER, nascida em St. Louis, Niissouri, em 5 de abril de 1915: "Minha mãe trabalhou como bibliotecária na Universidade no Estado do Iowa por muitos anos. Após aposentttr-se mudou-se para, a cidade de Nova Iorque, onde mora e trabalha há mais de 10 anos, parte da semana, na biblioteca de uma ONG da ON[), o Conselho de População (Population CounciV, um centro de pesquisas. Ela chegou comigo ao Brasil em agosto de 2004, e desde então participa ativamente da minha experiência de Professora Visitante do CAPES, na UFRGS Faculdade de Direito. Apesar da idade, está sempre pronta para os eventos e festas do grupo, mesmo sem falar nenhuma palavra em português. Contudo, está sempre bem espiritualmente, sempre gentil e graciosa. Eu agredeço a ela por todo o seu amor e dedicação e por estar comigo aqui em Porto Alegre, participando de um momento tão peculiar em minha vida profissional".
Papers by Catherine Tinker