I though I'd do up a quick survey to get some activity on this community and such.
Basic... 1. Senshi name: TinNyanko 2. Nicks: Catt, Catt-chan, Catt Nyanko... 3. Email: [email protected]
Current... 4. ...school: I'm sort-of-not-really going to this adult ed program, but I think I'm going to switch to one that's less sketchy and better organized. And where the teaches don't get fired for fraud. Once I have my stupid HS out of the way I'll be going to UMD for a bit. 5. ...job: Nothing at the moment... I was a stripper for a while but the agency is stupid and stopped giving me work... so now I'm a starving artist... I'm going to start looking for a job really soon tho. More call center work prolly, but well paid call center work. 6. ...significant other: elizium is my boyfriend and luxnightmare is my sort of girl friend in NYC. Yay! 7. ...home: Gah, displaced! I have to move out by the end of the month and I don't know where I'm going to live... I'll prolly stay at my mum's till I find a place I really like. 8. ...style: Raver with a hint of kogal. 9. ...obsession: magical girls, kogals, Harry Potter, Livejournal and drawing furries 10. ...hobbies: drawing mainly, watching copious amounts of Star Trek, sitting at the computer hitting refresh on my friends page every five minutes, going for sushi... 11. ...close friends: Lee, Carolee, Lux, Amanda, Jasmine, Amber, Anna, Syd, Ash, Heather... I dunno too many to name here. 12. ...worry: I'm stressing badly about the whole moving thing... plus my health sucks right now, but it's nothing too horrible.
Future plans for... 13. ...a career: There's so much I want to do, and I'm determined to do it all... I want to be a fashion designer and make a career out of my hentai drawing somehow. 14. ...a home: Ideally when I'm rich, I want to have lots of homes... but right now the two main places I want to live are NYC and Japan... 15. ...a family: Ugh, children... :P 16. ...life: Maybe marry Lee in a few years, and become ridiculously successful and subsequently rich. ^__^
Favourite... 17. ...anime: Sailormoon, Excel Saga, Ebichu, Digi Charat... Anything odd or with pretty costumes. 18. ...food: Sushi, or anything with horseradish on it. 19. ...movie: Harry Potter, RHPS, the Star Wars Trilogy. 20. ...book: the Harry Potter books (whaaa I want the 5th one!) 21. ...TV show: Star Trek: TNG... 22. ...artist: Jamiroquai, EZ Rollers, Diesel Boy, Roni Size, Megumi Hayashibara, any music from DDR 23. ...game: DDR.
Random... 24. Do you still like Sailormoon? Yep... sadly I still haven't seen the whole series subtitled. 25. Still keep in touch with other senshi gals? Some of you... 26. Interested in having a senshi get together at a con someday? Yes I still say we all have to get together at a con one of these years... 27. Do you think we should add more people to the senshi and get more (some) activity on the list again? Might be a good idea... there seems to have been some interest in it since I started the community.
Anything else? Ugh... I'm too tired to think right now...