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The objective of the present work was to analyze the technological investment made by the petrochemical industries in patents, based on the analysis of historical data series, on competitiveness, technical progress and revenue generation.... more
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      TechnologyPetrochemical industry
O monitoramento por patentes é uma ferramenta informacional de tomada de decisão que promove uma melhor inserção de tecnologias na cadeia produtiva. O artigo objetiva apontar quem são os principais players mundiais no âmbito da aplicação... more
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    • Solid Waste Management
Prepare a surface means to remove surface irregularities in order to achieve a visual cleanliness pattern, to obtain the required roughness profile for the coating and the substrate decontamination. The surface preparation makes use of an... more
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      Environmental SustainabilitySurface Engineering
The present paper presents the results and discussions established in the tests developed to enable the application of microencapsulated abrasive inside polyurethane sponge media, reusable, clean, dry, low dust generation, in the internal... more
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      Environmental SustainabilitySurface Engineering
The article presents a theoretical and conceptual review of the polyurethane sponge media containing micro encapsulated abrasive, reusable, dry and with low dust generation application from the standpoint of Clean Technologies and Safety,... more
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      Environmental SustainabilitySurface Engineering
O presente short paper objetiva subsidiar a proposição de estratégias na área de SST para as MPE baianas com base na experiência do Programa SEBRAETEC e, por conseguinte, municiar os tomadores de decisão com informações que permitam... more
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      Innovation and Creativity (Business)Occupational health and safety
A realização do referido estudo considerou como prioridade a elaboração de um texto básico como referencial teórico sobre os modelos lógicos existentes, sistematização e estruturação dos indicadores e a formulação dos indicadores para os... more
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      Sustainability IndicatorsEnvironmental Sustainability
O livro contém 29 artigos agrupados nos temas: Fundamentos da Produção Limpa; Indicadores Ambientais para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Gestão Ambiental com Foco na Produção Limpa; Racionalização do Uso de Água e Energia na Indústria;... more
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    • Environmental Sustainability
The process of producing synthetic fertilizers requires a large amount of energy and generates a considerable amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that motivate global warming. Based on historical data series from 1994 to 2016, the... more
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Japan, Europe, the USA, Korea, India and Brazil are among the most prominent countries in the field of patent publications for waste management for the production of biofertilizers. This assertion is ratified by a total of 1,952 patent... more
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Proposta de Minuta de Política de Inovação para o SEBRAE/BA sob o formato de trabalho apresentado à disciplina QUIC22 – Políticas Públicas de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação e o Estado Brasileiro, turma de 2017.1, lecionada pela professora... more
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      Public AdministrationTechnologyManagement of Innovation
In the year 2018 the Petrochemical Complex of Camaçari completes 40 years of operation and stands out in Brazil and the world. This moment of celebration also generates, with it, a need for reflection, of how to remain competitive in the... more
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      Public AdministrationTechnologyPublic Administration and PolicyIndustry 4.0
Projeto de cunho prático estruturado para abordagem durante a disciplina QUIC31 - Projetos em Ciências, Tecnologia e Inovação, semestre 2017.1, lecionada pelo professor Hugo Saba Pereira Cardoso no âmbito do Mestrado em Propriedade... more
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      Public AdministrationManagement of Innovation
Apresentação realizada durante o IV International Symposium on Innovation and Technology - IV SIINTEC e VIII Research and Innovation Workshop - VIII PTI 2018.
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      Public AdministrationPublic Administration and PolicyIndustry 4.0
In 2016, the Paris Agreement became effective at the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Approved by 195 countries, it encourages the formulation of adaptation strategies for climate change... more
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      TechnologyPublic ManagementPublic Administration and Policy
The data resulting from monitoring allow to indicate which countries present best conditions for investment in the technological world scenario and, thus, subsidize actions aimed at the development of business. The objective of this work... more
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      TechnologyInnovation statisticsPetroleum refining and petrochemicals
Biofertilizer is a fertilizer that has living microorganisms, among them bacteria and fungi, that contribute to soil fertility. The objective of this paper is to analyze historical patent data to determine the main world institutions that... more
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      TechnologyInnovation statistics
A motivação para o enfoque do jateamento interno de tubos sob a perspectiva do respeito ao meio ambiente é proveniente do “Comissionamento com Sustentabilidade”, quando da análise voltada para a economia de água da Refinaria RNEST,... more
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability
O projeto utiliza os indicadores de sustentabilidade ambiental aliado aos tradicionais indicadores sócio-econômicos. Permite, dessa forma, uma avaliação sistemática das decisões governamentais em relação à trajetória de sustentabilidade... more
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      Sustainability IndicatorsSustainable Water Resources ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability