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Muğla ili, Ula ilçesi, Akyaka Beldesi sınırları içinde yer alan Küçük Asartepe yamaçlarında kurulmuş olan Idyma antik şehrinin Azmak kıyısında yer alan Kale bölgesi burçları ve yapı kalıntılarının tarihlendirilmesi, sarnıç, güney yamaç... more
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    • Ceramics (Archaeology)
Idyma antik kenti, günümüzde Muğla ili, Ula ilçesi, Akyaka beldesi sınırları içinde kalmaktadır. Kentin Azmak kıyısında Bizans Dönemi'ne tarihlenen bir kale yapısı yer almaktadır. Idyma Akyaka Kale Kazısı çalışmalarında sarnıç sistemi,... more
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Herodotos’un bahsettiği 12 Ion kentinden biri olan Erythrai, İzmir’in Çeşme ilçesinin hemen kuzeyindeki Ildırı körfezinde, Karaburun (Mimas) Yarımadası’nın Khios (Sakız) Adası’na bakan batı kıyısında yer alır. Erythrai’de yürütülmüş... more
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    • Roman Archaeology
This paper aims to present glaze ceramics recovered from ST (South Trench), A4 (Area 4), and Op.54 (Operation 54) trenches of Gordion in Phrygia. As a working method, instead of casting the finds of each trench separately, grouping them... more
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      Late Middle AgesGlazed Ceramics
This article aims to evaluate the commercial interaction of the Black Sea region through the distribution of amphorae by typological study of imported amphoras dating back to the Roman imperial period. The 35 imported commercial amphorae... more
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Giresun Island is located 17 kilometres off the city Kerasous (modern Giresun) which was one of the important Greek colony settlements of East Pontus region in ancient times. Its square measure is approximately 40 hectare and shores have... more
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    • Roman Lamps
Giresun (Aretias/Khalkeritis) Island is located 1.7 km off the mainland of Giresun province in Turkey. It has an area of 4 hectares and has been settled since the Classical period to the present day. During excavations carried out on the... more
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    • Death and Burial (Archaeology)
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    • Archaeological Excavation
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      Underwater ArchaeologyAncient Harbors
Kekova Island is located in today's Antalyaprovince and within the borders of Demre county. It islocated in Central Lycia within the borders of the Ly-cian Region in Antiquity. The Kekova Island, whichruns parallel to the coast, is... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Hellenistic Pottery
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    • Archaeology
There are three different coastal settlements in three different regions of the island in the researches on the island of Kekova, which is located in Demre district of Antalya province. One of these settlements is the Tersane Bay... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesUnderwater ArchaeologyRoman Lamps
Cnidus, southwest of Anatolia is located at the tip of the peninsula called as the Datça Peninsula or Reşadiye, was known as the Cnidus Peninsula in Antiquity. The city, which is located within the borders of the Carian Region has two... more
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      Amphorae (Archaeology)Harbour Archaeology
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      Underwater ArchaeologyAmphorae (Archaeology)
Cnidus, southwest of Anatolia is located at the tip of the peninsula called as the Datça Peninsula or Reşadiye, was known as the Cnidus Peninsula in Antiquity. The city, which is located within the borders of the Carian Region has two... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyAmphorae (Archaeology)
The Tek Ada Shipwreck was discovered during underwater surveys around Kekova Adası, which is located within the district of Demre in the province of Antalya. The shipwreck, first detected in 2015, had been damaged by illicit diggings in... more
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