Selcuk University (Selçuk Üniversitesi)
Mechanical Engineering
This study presents a new method to determine multi-objective optimal cutting conditions and mathematic models for surface roughness (Ra and Rz) on a CNC turning. Firstly, cutting parameters namely, cutting speed, depth of cut, and feed... more
In this study, the average surface roughness values obtained when turning AISI 4140 grade tempered steel with a hardness of 51 HRC, were modeled using fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks (ANN) and multi-regression equations. Input... more
This article proposes for predicting the surface roughness of AISI 1040 steel material using the artificial intelligent. Cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, and nose radius have been taken into consideration as input factors and... more
We applied combined response surface methodology (RSM) and Taguchi methodology (TM) to determine optimum parameters for minimum surface roughness () Ra and vibration () Vb in external cylindrical grinding. First, an experiment was... more
This study presents a new method to determine multi-objective optimal cutting conditions and mathematic models for surface roughness (Ra and Rz) on a CNC turning. Firstly, cutting parameters namely, cutting speed, depth of cut, and feed... more
In this work, a technique is proposed to predict surface roughness by using neural network. Surface roughness could be predicted within a reasonable degree of accuracy by taking feed rate, cutting speed, depth of cut and three orthogonal... more
In bandsaw machines, it is desired to feed the bandsaw blade into the workpiece with an appropriate feeding force in order to perform an efficient cutting operation. This can be accomplished by controlling the feed rate and thrust force... more
In this paper response surface methodology (RSM) was used to study the transesterification reaction of safflower for biodiesel production. Biodiesel is alternative fuel, with catalyst and alcohols reaction production, from vegetable oils,... more
In this study, Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) reinforced High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) materials were used. Mechanical properties of the samples reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes at weight ratios of 1%, 3% and 5% were investigated.... more
Статья посвящена анализу резолюции № 239, предложенной сенатором Ванденбергом и обеспечившей Соединѐнным Штатам возможность участия в региональных организациях безопасности за пределами американских континентов вопреки "Прощальной речи"... more
The common exercise in investigations and industrial applications for tires and specifically tractor tires is experimenting. However, there are difficulties which will be detailed in the text. Similar issues are encountered in fluid... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, karbon nano tüp (CNT) takviyeli plastik boruların deniz suyu içerisinde kullanılabilirliği ve bunun sonucunda mekanik özelliklerdeki değişimi incelemektir. Deneylerde kullanılan cam/epoksi borular, [±55]3 fiber... more
Today, image processing applications in agriculture seems to spread rapidly. Image processing in agriculture are used in many areas such as classification of products, the detection of weeds, crop yields and weight estimation. In this... more
Tires are important parts of every vehicle including tractors and other off-road vehicles. Thus, structural and operational characteristics determination of the tires is too important. Tire deflection and tire contact area are functions... more
Utilization of shape memory alloys is rapidly spreading to many technological areas. From this point, alloys with shape memory are used in various fields such as temperature sensors in electronics, test valves in medicine, radiator fans... more
This paper proposes a Fuzzy Expert System design to determine the wearing properties of nitrided and non nitrided steel. The proposed Fuzzy Expert System approach helps the user and the manufacturer to forecast the wearing properties of... more
The work presents the metal injection molding (MIM) of carbon nanotubes reinforced aluminium matrix nanocomposite. The paraffin wax (PW), high density polyethylene (HDPE), stearic acid (SA) is used as a binder. Sintering of aluminium is a... more
In this study, mechanical properties of multiwalled carbon nanotubes / high density polyethylene (MWCNT/HDPE) nanocomposite materials produced by method of injection molding have been investigated experimentally. Multi-walled carbon... more
Many studies on tractive performance of tractor tires have been carried out to solve soil-wheel interaction problems in the last decades. The purpose of this study is to experimentally determine effects on tractive performance of radial... more