Papers by Ahmet Fatih ÖZMEN

The aim of this paper is to investigate the use of pigeon figure in
Contemporary Turkish Painting... more The aim of this paper is to investigate the use of pigeon figure in
Contemporary Turkish Painting. It is seen that all kinds of culture elements of the long-established nations have been used extensively in art as in many other fields. In this context, pigeon figure is one of the most preferred figures in Contemporary Turkish Art. However, despite the fact that this figure was used by many painters, it was seen that there was no research that could be used as an example for the
literature. For this reason, in order to set an example for the use of pigeon figure in Contemporary Turkish Painting; KadirŞişginoğlu, one of the most important names of Contemporary Turkish Painting, has been identified and examined. It is thought to be important.
Research is limited by one of the artists who produced works in
Contemporary Turkish Painting; KadirŞişginoğlu's pigeon contact is limited to the examples of works.
Qualitative research methods and techniques were used in the research which is based on general screening model.

Öz "Dijital Baskı Teknolojilerinin Türk Resim Sanatındaki Yeri" konulu makale çalışması kapsamınd... more Öz "Dijital Baskı Teknolojilerinin Türk Resim Sanatındaki Yeri" konulu makale çalışması kapsamında baskı teknolojilerinin resim sanatındaki kullanımına dair örneklerin araştı-rılması amaçlanmıştır. Zira, içerisinde yaşanılan teknoloji çağında birçok resim sanatçısı-nın eserlerini üretirken farklı teknolojik teknikleri geleneksel yöntem ve tekniklere tercih ettiği görülmektedir. Söz konusu tercih çağın bir getirisi olarak bir kısım sanatçıyı isteye-rek bir kısım sanatçıyı da istemeyerek de olsa kendisine dâhil etmektedir. Bu bağlamda hızla gelişmekte olan teknolojilerinden dijital baskı teknolojisi de, resim sanatında sıkça kullanılan günümüz yöntemlerindendir. Bu nedenle dijital baskı teknolojilerine ait kav-ramların araştırılması ve söz konusu dijital baskı teknolojilerinin resim sanatındaki yan-sımalarına ait örneklerin tespit edilerek bulgu ve yorumlarına ait sonuçların bir başlık altında toplanması, ilgili literatüre katkıda bulunulması ve bu yolla alan araştırmacılarına yeni bir kaynak oluşturulmasının oldukça önem arz ettiği düşünülmüştür. Araştırmada 1975-2015 yılları arasında Türk resim sanatı içerisinde eser üreten sanatçı-lardan; Atilla İlkyaz, Balkan Naci İslimyeli, Burhan Doğançay, Devrim Erbil, Ekrem Kah-raman ve Mehmet Yılmaz'a ait dijital baskı teknolojileri etkilerinin görüldüğü eser örnek-leri incelenmiştir. İncelenmek üzere seçilen sanatçıların araştırma konusu kapsamındaki istikrarlı çalışma tutumları tercih edilmelerinde referans olmuştur. Genel tarama modelinin esas alındığı araştırmada, nitel araştırma yöntem ve teknikleri kullanılmıştır.
Books by Ahmet Fatih ÖZMEN
Resim Sanatı Üzerine Okumalar I, 2024
Papers by Ahmet Fatih ÖZMEN
Contemporary Turkish Painting. It is seen that all kinds of culture elements of the long-established nations have been used extensively in art as in many other fields. In this context, pigeon figure is one of the most preferred figures in Contemporary Turkish Art. However, despite the fact that this figure was used by many painters, it was seen that there was no research that could be used as an example for the
literature. For this reason, in order to set an example for the use of pigeon figure in Contemporary Turkish Painting; KadirŞişginoğlu, one of the most important names of Contemporary Turkish Painting, has been identified and examined. It is thought to be important.
Research is limited by one of the artists who produced works in
Contemporary Turkish Painting; KadirŞişginoğlu's pigeon contact is limited to the examples of works.
Qualitative research methods and techniques were used in the research which is based on general screening model.
Books by Ahmet Fatih ÖZMEN
Contemporary Turkish Painting. It is seen that all kinds of culture elements of the long-established nations have been used extensively in art as in many other fields. In this context, pigeon figure is one of the most preferred figures in Contemporary Turkish Art. However, despite the fact that this figure was used by many painters, it was seen that there was no research that could be used as an example for the
literature. For this reason, in order to set an example for the use of pigeon figure in Contemporary Turkish Painting; KadirŞişginoğlu, one of the most important names of Contemporary Turkish Painting, has been identified and examined. It is thought to be important.
Research is limited by one of the artists who produced works in
Contemporary Turkish Painting; KadirŞişginoğlu's pigeon contact is limited to the examples of works.
Qualitative research methods and techniques were used in the research which is based on general screening model.