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One species of Dryadella and nine species of Pleurothallis from Brazil are described and illustrated.
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The Chapada Diamantina is located in the northern region of the Espinhaço Range, and its main vegetation type is the "campo rupestre", but other vegetational types also occur such as gallery forests, cerrado and caatinga, and the whole... more
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One species of Dryadella and nine species of Pleurothallis from Brazil are described and illustrated.
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    • Botany
A partir de consultas a herbários nacionais e estrangeiros, cinco espécies e duas variedades de Phymatidium Lindl. foram encontradas no Paraná: Phymatidium aquinoi, P. delicatulum, P. delicatulum var. curvisepalum, P. falcifolium, P.... more
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    • Biodiversity
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    • Botany
Lectotypifications are proposed for two obscure names published by the Brazilian botanist João Barbosa Rodrigues: Aristholochia alpestris and Monostychosepalum monanthum.
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    • Botany
During preparation of generic taxonomic treatments of the Pleurothallidinae of Brazil, the authors examined critical material and literature of several species. Their morphologies and identities were elucidated. In this article we focus... more
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    • Botany
A new species of Zygostates Lindl. from Bolivia is described and illustrated, and a new combination in Ornithocephalus Hook is proposed.
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A taxonomic revision of the genus Phymatidium Lindl. is presented. Ten species and two varieties are recognised. One species, P. glaziovii Toscano, and one variety, P. delicatum var. curvisepalum Toscano, are newly described. A key to... more
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Two new Brazilian species of the orchid genus Acianthera, Acianthera calopedilon and Acianthera cephalopodiglossa, are described and illustrated. The identities of Acianthera bidentula, Acianthera saundersiana, and Acianthera serpentula... more
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One new species in the genus Acianthera, A. imitator, is described and illustrated. Sixteen species are proposed as synonyms. They are listed in alphabetical order: Acianthera gradeae as synonym of A. agathophylla; A. spilantha as synonym... more
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    • Taxonomy Orchidaceae
In the course of preparing a generic treatment of the genus Stelis for Flora do Paraná, southern Brazil, historical material and literature of several taxa related to Stelis ciliaris have been studied and their morphologies and... more
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    • Systematics (Taxonomy)
A partir de consultas a herbários nacionais e estrangeiros, cinco espécies e duas variedades de Phymatidium Lindl. foram encontradas no Paraná: Phymatidium aquinoi, P. delicatulum, P. delicatulum var. curvisepalum, P. falcifolium, P.... more
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      BiodiversityAtlantic ForestFloral diversity
ABsTrAcT. Phymatidium glaziovii is proposed as a new synonym for P. geiselii. A lectotype and an epitype are selected for P. geiselii. Illustrations and taxonomic discussions are also provided.
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    • Systematics (Taxonomy)
We discuss a group of four species from the Venezuelan Guayana, two of them closely related to Anathallis nanifolia (based on Pleurothallis nanifolia). These two species, Pleurothallis deborana and P. pemonum, were erroneously placed in... more
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Two new species, Pabstiella calimanii and Pabstiella recurviloba, are described and illustrated. One new combination, Pabstiella deltoglossa, is proposed. Eight species and one variety are proposed as synonyms. They are listed in... more
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Zygostates consiste de ca. 26 espécies, das quais 15 ocorrem no Brasil. Através de consultas a herbários nacionais e estrangeiros, além da realização de trabalho de campo, oito espécies de Zygostates foram encontradas no Paraná:... more
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The genus Centroglossa consists of six species, all endemic to the Atlantic Forest in southern and southeastern Brazil. It was known to occur in the State of Paraná based on three specimens of C. tripollinica collected by the Swedish... more
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      BiodiversityAtlantic Forest
Resumo Anathallis compreende cerca de 165 espécies distribuídas no Neotrópico. Através da análise de material depositado em herbários nacionais e estrangeiros e da realização de trabalho de campo, 17 espécies foram identificadas para o... more
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