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A huge array of personalized healthcare and wellness systems are introduced into the portfolio of digital health and quantified-self movement in recent years. These systems share common capabilities including self-tracking/monitoring and... more
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      Decision Support SystemsText Mining and Information RetrievalPrecision Medicine
Background: A wealth of clinical data exists in clinical documents in the form of electronic health records (EHRs). This data can be used for developing knowledge-based recommendation systems that can assist clinicians in clinical... more
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      Machine LearningDecision TreesKnowledge AcquisitionClinical Decision Support System
The volume of traveling websites is rapidly increasing. This makes relevant information extraction more challenging. Several fuzzy ontology-based systems have been proposed to decrease the manual work of a full-text query search engine... more
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      Information RetrievalOntologyInformation ExtractionOpinion Mining (Data Mining)
The volume of obstacles encountered in the marine environment is rapidly increasing, which makes the development of collision avoidance systems more challenging. Several fuzzy ontology-based simulators have been proposed to provide a... more
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      Information RetrievalOntologyAutonomous VehiclesKnowledge Representation and Reasoning
Information extraction and mining opinions from traveler-generated reviews are a hot topic in natural language processing and information engineering research. The increase of travel websites on the internet has made the information... more
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      Information RetrievalOntologyInformation ExtractionOpinion Mining (Data Mining)
Traffic congestions are rapidly increasing in urban areas. In order to reduce these problems, it needs real-time data and intelligent techniques to quickly identify traffic activities with useful information. This paper proposes a Fuzzy... more
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      OntologyData MiningFuzzy LogicOpinion Mining (Data Mining)
With the explosion of Social media, Opinion mining has been used rapidly in recent years. However, a few studies focused on the precision rate of feature review's and opinion word's extraction. These studies do not come with any optimum... more
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      Machine LearningData Mining
Diabetes mellitus is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in humans. Early diagnosis is the first step toward the management of this condition. However, a diagnosis involves several variables, which makes it difficult to arrive at an... more
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    • Recommender Systems
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT, hereafter abbreviated SCT) is a comprehensive medical terminology used for standardizing the storage, retrieval, and exchange of electronic health data. Some efforts have... more
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      Information SystemsGeomatic EngineeringClinical Sciences
Android has been dominating the smartphone market for more than a decade and has managed to capture 87.8% of the market share. Such popularity of Android has drawn the attention of cybercriminals and malware developers. The malicious... more
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      Materials EngineeringComputer ScienceInterdisciplinary EngineeringNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
Traffic congestion is rapidly increasing in urban areas, particularly in mega cities. To date, there exist a few sensor network based systems to address this problem. However, these techniques are not suitable enough in terms of... more
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    • Engineering
The Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) procedure of IEEE 802.15.6 Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols for the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) use an Alternative Binary Exponential Backoff (ABEB)... more
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      Analytical ChemistrySensorsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
The prevalence of diabetes is rising globally. Diabetes patients need continuous monitoring, and to achieve this objective, they have to be engaged in their healthcare management process. Mobile health (MH) is an information and... more
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    • Computer Science
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have great potential to revolutionize the future of automotive, energy, and healthcare sectors by working as wireless relays to improve connectivity with ground networks. They are able to collect and... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceDistributed Computing
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) utilize a sensor network-based system to gather and interpret traffic information. In addition, mobility users utilize mobile applications to collect transport information for safe traveling.... more
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      Computer ScienceAnalytical ChemistryMedicineSensors
In this paper, we present a new technique of image forgery detection. The proposed technique uses digital signatures embedded in the least significant bits of the selected pixels of each row and column. The process maintains a symmetry in... more
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      Computer ScienceSymmetry
The rapid growth of GPS-enabled mobile devices has popularized many location-based applications. Spatial keyword search which finds objects of interest by considering both spatial locations and textual descriptions has become very useful... more
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      Computer ScienceAnalytical ChemistryMedicineSensors
A cloudlet is an emerging computing paradigm that is designed to meet the requirements and expectations of the Internet of things (IoT) and tackle the conventional limitations of a cloud (e.g., high latency). The idea is to bring... more
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    • Computer Science
Radio-over-fiber (RoF) links successfully provide high data rates and bandwidth capacity with a low complexity system architecture, as compared to its counterpart digital-RoF. In addition, the compound of quadrature amplitude modulation... more
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      Computer ScienceElectronics
Airline industry has witnessed a tremendous growth in the recent past. Percentage of people choosing air travel as first choice to commute is continuously increasing. Highly demanding and congested air routes are resulting in inadvertent... more
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      Materials EngineeringInterdisciplinary EngineeringNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics