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"İktidar, on sekizinci yüzyıldan itibaren yaşamın içerisinde ortaya çıkan birtakım ilişkiselliklerin bir gereği olarak devleti kuşatan ve çeşitli söylemler yoluyla bir taraftan devletin hareket alanını sabitleyen, diğer taraftan da... more
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      Fethullah Gülen MovementAkpFethullah GulenRecep Tayyip Erdoğan
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      Developmental PsychologyCognitive developmentEmotional DevelopmentParental Socialization of Emotions
Kaplumbağa’ nın Heybesi, İstanbul ve New York’ ta kurulmuş bir çocuk medyası platformudur. Amacımız iyi çocuk medyası hakkında aileleri ve eğitimcileri bilgilendirmek, kaliteli içerik üretmek ve çocuk medyası alanındaki profesyonelleri... more
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      Gelişim PsikolojisiÇocuk Kütüphaneleri
Death is a hard concept to understand and a delicate subject to talk about, especially with children. The primary purpose of the current study was to investigate the development of the death concept in children between the ages of 3-10.... more
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      Cognitive developmentChildren's and young people's spirituality
Death is a hard concept to understand and a delicate subject to talk about, especially with children. The primary purpose of the current study was to investigate the development of death concept in children between the ages of 3-10. We... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyCognition
Globalization had attracted millions of students around the world and there is a huge flux of students who are travelling abroad for educational purposes. The aim of these students is to gain education and achieve their dreams. But... more
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      School BullyingCognitive Behavioural therapyAdjustment of International StudentsPhubbing
Globalization had attracted millions of students around the world and there is a huge flux of students who are travelling abroad for educational purposes. The aim of these students is to gain education and achieve their dreams. But... more
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      GlobalizationSchool BullyingCognitive Behavioural therapyAdjustment of International Students
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İnsan çevresinde olup bitenleri öğrenme isteği olan bir canlıdır. Haberdar olmak, bilgi edinmek insanoğlu için önemlidir. Günümüzde de medya bu bağlamda önemli bir organdır. Refia Palabıyıkoğlu da belirtmiştir ki, basın ve yayın organları... more
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Medipolis Akdeniz Araştırmaları Merkezi tarafından 28 Mayıs 2016 tarihinde İstanbul'da, Medipol Üniversitesi'nin Haliç kampüsünde gerçekleştirilen çalıştayda, Türkiye'de yaşayan Arap ülkelerinden akademisyenlerin sorunları ele alınıp,... more
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      Migration StudiesUluslararası GöçGöç Sosyolojisi
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      Cognitive PsychologyInattentional Blindness
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      History Of PsychologyNeuroticism
Personality disorders are common in subjects with panic disorder. Personality disorders have been shown to affect the course of panic disorder. The purpose of this study was to examine which personality disorders affect clinical severity... more
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      PsychologySexual AbusePsychometricsPersonality Disorders
People with schizophrenia are amongst the most stigmatized of those with mental illnesses. The purpose of this study was to examine whether an antistigma program which consists of education, contact, and viewing a film that depicts an... more
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      Program EvaluationCognitive SciencePsychiatrySchizophrenia
Several studies indicate that nitric oxide (NO) is involved in the aetiopathogenesis of many neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, Alzheimer's disease, Hungtington disease and stroke. Although it... more
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      AutismChildNitric oxidePeptides
Background: There is evidence that oxygen free radicals play an important role in the pathophysiology of many neuropsychiatric disorders. Although it has not been investigated yet, several recent studies proposed that nitric oxide (NO)... more
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      Oxidative StressPeroxidaseChildNitric oxide
A psychiatric disorder would be associated with extensive, unsightly lesions on exposed body parts. Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) has long been endemic in Sanliurfa and is called 'beauty scar'. The aim of this study was to determine... more
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      DepressionQuality of lifeAdolescentAnxiety
Personality disorders are common in subjects with panic disorder. Personality disorders have been shown to affect the course of panic disorder. The purpose of this study was to examine which personality disorders affect clinical severity... more
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      PsychologySexual AbusePsychometricsPersonality Disorders
This article reports the results ofqualitative research conducted to investigate the change in the traditional manner of giving and accepting condolences in Sanliurfa, a city with a unique sociocultural structure in the southeastern part... more
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      SociologyPsychologyDeath StudiesCulture