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      EconomicsMathematical SciencesWorking PapersNash Equilibrium
If the tax rate is endogenously determined by majority voting, then a fully effective and costless reform resulting in full tax compliance may not be supported by a majority even when the evaders (or, avoiders) are only a minority.
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyApplied Economics LettersMajority voting
We analyze the e¤ectiveness of some commonly discussed anti-corruption reforms on political corruption, using a theoretical model of competition between two candidates in a probabilistic voting setup. Candidates, who may di¤er both in... more
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      Political EconomyPublic GoodAsymmetric InformationBudget Constraint
This paper proposes a mechanism for the regulation of duopolies: a revenue contests among the firms. Under the mechanism, the firm with the lower revenue is to pay a penalty to the firm with the higher revenue proportional to the... more
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      EconomicsRegulationWorking PapersOligopoly
We study the effects of stochastic (probabilistic) voting on equilibrium locations, equilibrium vote shares and comparative statics in a setup with three heterogenous candidates and a single-dimensional issue space. Comparing the... more
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      Political SciencePublic ChoiceApplied EconomicsNash Equilibrium
Prior studies of strategic voting in multi-party elections potentially overestimate the extent of it by counting erroneously votes cast under different motivations as strategic votes. We propose a method that corrects some of this... more
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      Voting BehaviorPolitical SciencePublic ChoiceApplied Economics
We study the effects of stochastic (probabilistic) voting on equilibrium locations, equilibrium vote shares and comparative statics in a setup with three heterogenous candidates and a single-dimensional issue space. Comparing the... more
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      Political SciencePublic ChoiceApplied EconomicsNash Equilibrium