Papers by Majlinda Fetaji
Review of Podcasting and Case Study of Issues and Solutions in using Podcasting in South East European University

IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2019
Intelligent control techniques and technologies can be used to control border activities which ca... more Intelligent control techniques and technologies can be used to control border activities which can become chaotic when there are large movements of people. This creates a lot of delays in processing of documentation and human movement. This paper provides a preliminary survey of intelligent techniques which are good candidates for controlling this migration challenge at frontiers. The paper presents certain queueing techniques and recommending algorithms which involve a range of intelligent applications. Challenges and different point of views that take into consideration fact of implementation in mobile devices (with limited processing power and memory) and being context-aware, are presented. It prepares criteria for assessing these techniques for the particular problem context as outlined, such as location-based service capability and appropriate recommending algorithms that can affect queue management and help human movement at national borders. This paper contributes a ranked assessment of these technologies and proposes a candidate for solving this particular human movement control problem. The paper then suggests further work to build applications to help control border movements which can be later deployed. This work is currently underway.
Designing Usable M-learning Application: MobileView Case Study
Literature Review of M-Learning Issues, M-Learning Projects and Technologies
World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, …, 2008
... The most exciting aspect of the smart phones is the potential impact of upgrades to high ... ... more ... The most exciting aspect of the smart phones is the potential impact of upgrades to high ... some of the reasons that might initiate scepticism about effectiveness of using mobile devices in ... The challenge will be to discover how to use mobile technologies to transform learning into a ...
Analyses of pedagogical issues in designing virtual learning environment
Proceedings of the 2008 World Conference on E- …, 2008
... (1992), Du Boulay (1986), Joni & Soloway (1986)) as cited by (Affleck, G., & ... more ... (1992), Du Boulay (1986), Joni & Soloway (1986)) as cited by (Affleck, G., & Smith, T., 1999). ... In order to gain knowledge, students need to go beyond explicit information to construct experiential implicit knowledge (Affleck, G., & Smith, T. 1999). (Ben-Ari, 2001) agrees that ...
Learning Management Systems Evaluation and Comparative Analyses
... organization willing to provide learning content needs to conduct a thorough research and ana... more ... organization willing to provide learning content needs to conduct a thorough research and analysis of these ... 2. Comparative analyses of Learning Management Systems ... Feature set aside, variables must be weighed in when considering LMS options, and it's anyone's guess ...
Proceedings of the 5th European conference on …, 2011
The focus of this research study was the investigation and analyses of the feasibility of m-learn... more The focus of this research study was the investigation and analyses of the feasibility of m-learning by doing a review of published research in the past decade (2000-2010) on successful m-learning projects and m-learning in general as well as analyses of advantages and the pitfalls and issues. Based on this analyses provided are recommendations for improving m-learning in general. Findings are presented and recommendations for approaching and improving m-learning are discussed.

Mobile learning has been investigated from a range of perspectives, but there is little published... more Mobile learning has been investigated from a range of perspectives, but there is little published research studies on usability of m-learning and its efficiency. Therefore investigated and analyzed the feasibility of m-learning by doing a review of published research in the past decade (2000-2010) analyzing successful m-learning projects and m-learning in general as well as realized analyses of advantages and the pitfalls and issues found. Based on this analyses provided are recommendations for improving m-learning in general. To have successful and efficient m-learning it is essential to devise and implement appropriate usability testing methodologies to evaluate the usability of mobile applications. The primary goal of this research study was to develop more efficient usability testing methodology that the authors called MLUAT (Mobile Learning Usability Attribute Testing) for m-learning and comparing its results with two other usability testing methods aimed for e-learning and applied in m-learning. Findings showed that the developed MLUAT methodology is more efficient and recommendations for approaching and improving m-learning are discussed.

In this study, we investigated the pumping lemma for context-free languages and analyzed some cas... more In this study, we investigated the pumping lemma for context-free languages and analyzed some case studies in terms of their efficiency. Pumping lemmas play an important role in formal language theory. Context-free languages (CFL) is the set of languages that can be defined by context-free grammars. Context-free grammars are used to define programming languages, natural language applications (such as grammar correctors), machine protocols and many others. The case studies are used to simplify the process analyses of the efficiency of pumping lemma for Context-Free Languages. To prove that a Language is Not Context-Free using pumping lemma for CFL, we created a guideline presented in the fourth section that contains a proposed algorithmic procedure. Pumping lemma for CFL is used to show the existence of non-context free languages. Insights and argumentations were provided in the end of the paper.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, Apr 24, 2021
The primary objective of this research study is to review and analyze the published literature re... more The primary objective of this research study is to review and analyze the published literature regarding the possibilities of forecasting and predicting the result of elections using software systems. The factors motivating research institutions and individuals to consider research impact on prediction of elections are manifold. Understanding the impact of different software tools, algorithms and social networking software applications on prediction of elections is a vital, and often overlooked, element of forecasting the election results. The literature review was conducted to examine methods and current software applications and practices as well as projects on election predictions. The review focused in particular on social media applications and different methods on accessing the opinion of the potential voters. The review draws on an international literature, although it is limited to English language publications. The findings identify the different methods used, the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches and the methods that are used currently and that have shown most effective results and recommendations are provided.
The focus of the research study was to investigate and find out the benefits of the flipped learn... more The focus of the research study was to investigate and find out the benefits of the flipped learning pedagogy on the student learning in teaching programming Robotics classes. Also, the assessment of whether it has any advantages over the traditional teaching methods in computer sciences. Assessment of learners on their attitudes, motivation, and effectiveness when using flipped classroom compared with traditional classroom has been realized. The research questions investigated are: "What kind of problems can we face when we have robotics classes in the traditional methods?", "If we applied flipped learning method, can we solve these problems?". In order to analyze all this, a case study experiment was realized and insights as well as recommendations are presented.

M-Learning the Future of Learning, Analysis of its Usage Possibilities
2019 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT), 2019
Mobile learning or m-learning is the last stage of e-learning development. Todays milenium learne... more Mobile learning or m-learning is the last stage of e-learning development. Todays milenium learners’ cognitive styles, motivation, and skills in using mobile technology greatly influence the success and failures of usable mobile software solutions. This apparently affects their academic achievement. and what functionalities should an m-LMS support. The ecepctancy is that m-learning will no longer be a choice, some compulsive way of learning, in order to stay ahead of others. It does not fall under the category of "15 Minutes of Glory", but it is envisaged to become the dominant learning method for the growing mobile workforce, the new age. The increase in mobile device sales, the rapid growth in mobile web traffic, the growth of the adoption of mobile devices in the workplace, among other factors, have led to the development of the "mobile world" of m-learning. Therefore the research study has analysed all the most important factors influencing m-learning and issues and reccomendations are argumented and presented.

Assessing data processing using Wilcoxon signed-ranks test for polyclinic management system — Case study
2018 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 2018
The main objective of the study is to analyze the importance and benefits of using a Hospital Man... more The main objective of the study is to analyze the importance and benefits of using a Hospital Management system and design, develop and asses the interfaces and its data processing performance in order to improve the efficiency of the polyclinic management system. Within the reviewed published literature have been evidenced that there is a lot of published research on usability of user interfaces but not sufficient enough regarding the assessment of user interface performance. The research study aim and goal is to present coherent ways to assess the interface performance by incorporating the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test and assessment of usability issues. Final objective is to investigate the importance of data processing efficiency and effectiveness for polyclinic management system and use these insights to improve the system. The aim of the test was to compare participants' performance in the two conditions to investigate the difference between the scores obtained and assess the...

Analyses of possibilities of Flipped Classroom in Teaching Computer Science Courses
2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2019
The flipped classroom is the new educational model in using technology to impact and enhanced edu... more The flipped classroom is the new educational model in using technology to impact and enhanced education. From the published research on Flipped classroom concluded that has not been rigorously evaluated as a pedagogy but case studies are emerging. This research study focused on analyzing possibilities of flipped classroom in Computer Sciences particularly focusing on its implementation in 3 (three) courses: Programming. Object Oriented Programming and software engineering. Measured are Motivation of lecturer and motivation of student, increased attendance, better grades, access to learning materials, learning at own peace, better understanding, higher-level cognitive skills. Also flipped classroom impact on the learning outcomes has been investigated: Knowledge and understanding, Applying knowledge and understanding, Making judgment, Communications skills. Four broad categories of instructional approaches for use in an flipped classroom have been identified: (a) individual activities, (b) paired activities, (c) informal small groups, and (d) cooperative student projects. The research study is based on the theory of Bloom’s revised taxonomy of cognitive domain. In order to analyze this, a case study experiment was realized and insights as well as recommendations are presented.

Designing and Developing Performance Measurement Software Solution
The focus of the research study is the development of a software solution for performance evaluat... more The focus of the research study is the development of a software solution for performance evaluation system. In order to test the developed methodology for performance evaluation a software solution is created, implemented and tested. The methodology includes applying different patterns, structural definitions and creating multi-layered application that will follow the defined code standards. The research study contributes with the analyses, insights and recommendations as well as with the new proposed methodology for developing performance evaluation systems as well as with the conceptual design that led to implemented solution that serves for evaluation processes. Another contribution that the study tries to make is the extensibility of the solution and it can become a good reference point for further researches in developing performance evaluation. Keywords— Performance measurements, web software solution, design patterns, evaluation processes.
The research focus is into proposing a new IT learning pedagogy Multilevel Assisted Instructions-... more The research focus is into proposing a new IT learning pedagogy Multilevel Assisted Instructions- (MAI) to be used in Distance Education. The aim of the new devised pedagogy MAI model is to transform today’s outmoded education system, teaching and learning, to a vibrant learning ecosystem that puts learners at the center, especially in the distance education. The research study will investigate and integrate all of the following research questions: What triggers in the new pedagogy? What are the new demands of a Knowledge-Based Society? What are the new student expectations? What new technologies impose into teaching and learning? What are the advantages and pitfalls of new technologies? Can combinations of learning resources, experiences, and supports to help each learner succeed? Insights and recommendations are stated, augmented and discussed.
International Journal of Engineering, 2020
Although the application of mobile devices to educational curricula can be easier than in compute... more Although the application of mobile devices to educational curricula can be easier than in computers, many obstacles might also be encountered. Therefore, measurement of the performance of mobile learning process and further improvements by incorporating and assessing learners style should be seriously taken under consideration. The purpose of this research study is to assess mobile learning performance by proposing an improved methodology. The study pays attention to the instructional strategies that imply different settings and approaches when using mobile devices in the learning process, based on the case study insights from different universities.

Prevention Of Diabetes By Devising A Prediction Analytics Model
2020 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA), 2020
The focus of the research study was analyses of predictive model for prognosis and prediction of ... more The focus of the research study was analyses of predictive model for prognosis and prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) that are investigated during the study. Diabetes mellitus is thought of as one of the vital deadliest and persistent sicknesses which reasons an build up in blood sugar. Many occurrences of death and different health complications happen if diabetes mellitus stays untreated and unidentified. The research study is therefore focused in devising analytical predictive model that can guide decisions of healthcare people more effectively and provide insights into the illness. We have analyzed the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model and further improved it by adding additional impacting factors and assessing the attributes. In conclusion, the developed machine learning model for the prediction and detection of diabetes is important as the condition continues to increase in prevalence worldwide while simultaneously increasing its economic burden. Insights and guidelines are discussed and recommendations are provided.

Devising an Optimisation Testing Methodology and Its Analyses
2021 International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE), 2021
The research study focus is in investigating different case studies and then proposing an improve... more The research study focus is in investigating different case studies and then proposing an improvement for optimisation of a testing methodology. The study investigates, analyses and provides an overview of different testing tools. Based on the "TestBench" testing tool, it has shown positive performance gain in the optimisation process. It offers both manual testing and automatic testing. Selenium, another tool used for automatic testing was also investigated. To choose the right tool for automated testing, it is very important and crucial for the proper and appropriate testing process. The research study contributes by presenting a case study analyses of the tools and scrutiny of the performance through a detailed investigation of the correctness of testing using these tools. A regression analysis was made in order to test the validity of the factors included in the case study, as well as its efficiency.

COVID19 Impact on Medical Clinics, Analysing and Devising a Safety Software Model for Clinics
2021 International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE), 2021
The focus of this research is on investigating and identifying what constitutes a safe software m... more The focus of this research is on investigating and identifying what constitutes a safe software model of a medical clinic that will enable and enhance its protection for healthcare providers and its patients by devising a model of a software system. There is a gap in the published research regarding the understanding of impacting factors of COVID19 in the safe functioning of a medical clinic. This Case Study investigated several impacting factors. The aims of this research project are: increasing the safety effectiveness of both the hospital personnel and patients. Next, to solve the problems with tracking the illnesses of patients, a more rigorous database indexing system was implemented with data provenance. With this technique in the database, it kept track of illnesses (when, why, in whom did it appear or any kind of other developments), login details (when, who is logged in, logged out), which is more important especially for medical systems. Also, which doctors interacted with the patients (what drug have been administered, their performance, percentage of efficacy, successfully or unsuccessfully) and other data mining information. Because this project is envisioned to be continually supported, it should evolve and deal with the problems encountered in modern hospitals. The system has been evaluated on its functionalities and the safety usability, on two groups of users: those with a computer science background and those from a different field. Afterwards regression analyses were used to determine the impact. The research study contributed with identified impacting factors for such systems, analyses of the improvement in conceptual increase of safety and usability. Insights and recommendations are provided.
Papers by Majlinda Fetaji