Posing a Question |
[08 Jan 2009|04:48pm] |
I live in Naples, Italy, and I went to an amphitheater that was completely run over by plants a couple months back. I was wondering if photos of this would fit the theme here? I would be unable to post photos until January 10, but I would pot them, if that is okay.
Thanks for your time,
PS: whut! FIRST POST OF 2009! ^^;
[31 Aug 2008|03:12pm] |
some pics of my backyard from some years ago, in it's better days....
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[31 Aug 2008|12:36am] |
Early this morning i snapped some pics while my night blooming cactus was still in full flower...it's a most spectacular sight, the blooms don't smell like much, but they are sort of flourescent white, even in the dark of night...I wonder if it really does attract bats, while I'm asleep...as soon as the sun comes out, the flowers wilt and close. This is the first year I've had this many blooms on the cactus....
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[29 Jun 2008|12:30pm] |
"Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made By singing: -"Oh, how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade."
Rudyard Kipling, "The Glory of the Garden"

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That's pretty much it for now.
[03 Mar 2008|06:01pm] |
I visited an exotic fruit farm several months ago, but it is more like a mini rain forest. This 5 acre nursery is owned by a husband and wife and they've owned it for 20 years. You can buy potted trees and plants, but they have also planted every plant they sell in the ground too and let them grow wild. So you're walking under branches with exotic fruits and vines hanging everywhere. I seriously feel as if I've visited the amazon! There were even parrots squaking and workers speaking Spanish (this, to me, adds to the exoticness of my experience). Anyway, here's my pics!
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[09 Jan 2008|12:29pm] |
Hello! I just joined. I hope this is an appropriate post for the community. If not, please let me know and I will remove it!!

This was taken a few Springs ago at the park across the street from where I live.
Patrick Blanc |
[08 Jan 2008|02:23pm] |
Patrick Blanc is a French botanist who made his name with the plant wall, which is an unusual mixture of science and art. His vertical wall of low light foliage plants thrive on a soiless durable frame of metal, PVC and nonbiodegradable felt.
He studied at Pierre & Marie Curie University in Paris and traveled to Malaysia and Thailand for the first time in 1972 to observe how plants managed to grow on rocks or in forest underbrush. He has been a researcher with the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris since 1982. A fixture in the French media, he has also published a handful of books for a general audience about his work.

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Hi there |
[29 Nov 2006|09:50pm] |
I used to be sinus_roris, and now I am this one. Anyways, a while back I said I'd take some pictures of my school grounds, and I have one or two to share. Not strictly gardens, per se. Well here you go!

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Sorry there are so many. BUT OH WELL.
[18 Sep 2006|01:23pm] |
 A Cherub frozen in stone.
[26 Aug 2006|08:18pm] |
OKay, the link I am about to share has a little to do with gardens, meaning that it's a preview to a book that Duirwaigh Gallery is promoting, and it's mostly statues but there are things close to gardens, and there definately are flowers and vines in it.
This link is to a music video of sorts. If I find the song, I'll share the title. If someone knows it, it's by the group Secret Garden (yes, really! :D) and I'd love a title. They are my favourite group.
Well I hope you enjoy! PS: feel free to delete this if it is not community related enough. :)
ETA: the song's title is "Dreamcatcher" if anyone is interested.
Butterfly Bushes And Other Goodies. |
[24 Aug 2006|04:34pm] |
Our butterfly bushes are in bloom, and HUGE this year almost covering the front door steps. Wanted to share photos of the butterfly bushes complete with butterfly, and hummingbird moth, plus the white rose bush that survived the invasion of the japanese beetles!
Butterfly bushes in front of house.

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[13 Aug 2006|05:04pm] |
Pictures I recently took in Croatia. THE LAKES OF PLITVITZCKA (World Natural Heritage) 1.

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