Monthly Digest, Februari 2025

I wasn’t feeling like writing this month’s digest with the same structure as the previous ones, so I just didn’t.


At the beginning of the month I decided the universe nudged enough into the direction of volleyball to finally try it out. I loved it. I played three times now on two different locations and I am totally hooked and keep looking for new locations and times I can expand to.

My obsession with it expanded to rewatching the first three seasons of Haikyū. It is one of my favorite anime series and it was very nice to see it again. The first time watching I didn’t like the style of season 4, and season 3 ends on a nice note, so I just pretended it ended there.

Also watched a lot of Youtube, of people putting a GoPro on their head and play volleyball. It’s really the theme of the month for me.

Running again

But let’s not forget the other highlight of the month: on 7 Februari, bit over 6 months after the fracture, I finally ran again! It was only 6 times 1 minute with some walking in between, but it was so good to be back.

It really felt like I just stopped for two weeks, but okay, the runs after that I did notice I am not instantly back to my old stamina. I did run three times in total, with one being a 3.7km continuous run, which was exactly right for me.

It’s nice to have the technical experience now. I did not forget that part: how to run, how much, how to recover. I am my own trainer in this and I am pleased.


I didn’t read much at all this month, but I did play Mothership twice. It’s a tabletop roleplaying gamd, like Dungeons and Dragons, but instead of fantasy heroes it’s sci-fi horror.

I am really just figuring what to prepare, as in both sessions I had to improvise a substantial area of the story, but in different ways. (I run the game as a Warden, so I kind of need to know how the world works.)

In the first session, I had a very good idea of how to start the session, and what the jumpliner they were on looked like, but I had no idea how combat worked (I read the rules, but that was in December.) It showed in the session, but we made it work.

The second session I had a good understanding of the combat procedure, and I knew my “horror” very well, but (don’t tell them) I had no real kickstart for the story prepared and had only a vague idea of the moonbase they were in.

But despite this all I think everyone had a good time in both sessions (the players didn’t overlap except one returning player). And I did enjoy it too. Might continue in March.

Honerable mentions

  • P.’s last minute birthday party at BlendXL
  • my trip to Eindhoven to have matcha lunch with Henrique and helping my mom clean up her stand at Art Eindhoven
  • my pingpong at the office has significantly improved
  • playing Root with the Riverfolk expansion with C., D. and P.
  • watched “the worst ever” Jurassic Park III with friends
  • ending the month with a party at Bops