? ?
This is part 5 of the LiveJournal tutorials that I've been posting on tumblr and Facebook. If you've participated in Seasonal Spuffy before, feel free to scroll past -- you're good. :) If you haven't and you might want to, welcome! An overview of how this community works is available in the profile, and this post demonstrates in detail how to create an entry, assuming one is new to LiveJournal.

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Spuffy Sticker Design & Speedpaint

Title: Spuffy Sticker Design & Speedpaint
Creator: fancyflautist
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Title: I come bearing a poem (made of Seasonal Spuffy creator's notes)
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Setting: post-series
Rating: T

Find it HERE!

The Solstice Free-For-All is now open!

Apologies for the late announcement, but the community is now open for any Spuffy works you might not have gotten to share in the last round! If you need a refresher on how to post, see our guide HERE! Due to the delayed opening post, submissions will be open until June 22nd. Happy Spuffying!

Seasonal Spuffy Spring 2024 Closing Post

The Spring 2024 round of Seasonal Spuffy is now closed. Thank you to all who participated. Whether you contributed art, fic, feedback, or something else, your participation is very much appreciated.

Also a big thank you to my fellow mods eurydice72, slaymesoftly, rbfvid, fancyflautist, and gillo.

The Index post is already up and can be found here

We had planned the close of this round to also end our run on LJ/DW. Several people didn’t get to finish their offering for the Spring 2024 round and asked if we could do a summer Solstice round. fancyflautist has graciously agreed to run the round. The round will run on June 20th and June 21st.


Seasonal Spuffy Spring 2024 Index Post

Here it is! The index post of all the wonderful Spuffy content created this round! In addition, I'm including the recommendations that were also made, just in case you missed them!

Authors, if you crosspost your fic to Elysian Fields or Archive of Our Own, remember that you can use the Seasonal Spuffy EF category and AO3 tag to help readers find your story. Readers, feel free to check the same two places for a selection of Seasonal Spuffy fic from this round and past rounds, and, of course, you can browse previous entries on our archive. (Creators, please remember to tell us if you don't want us to save a backup copy of your entry on this WordPress archive!)

WIPs and NC-17 entries are marked. Creators, if something of yours isn't where it should be or is mislabeled, please let me know! Also, please let us know if you DON'T want your entry to be backed up at our archive!

Happy browsing!

Fic Arranged by SeasonCollapse )

Artwork Arranged by CreatorCollapse )

Miscellaneous Fanworks Arranged by CreatorCollapse )

Recommendations/RepostsCollapse )

Rec Post: thenewbuzwuzz

Hey all!

Hopefully some people see this, I know I'm posting at the very end of the event.

I wanted to take the chance to rec the work of the amazingly talented, kind, and generous thenewbuzwuzz. I'm definitely biased since they're my beta partner and friend (who I had the honor of meeting IRL very recently). But I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates their talent and their contributions to this community.

They have been posting on Seasonal Spuffy for years and have produced an amazing variety of work, from fic, to vids, to manips, to actual physical art, to poetry, they've done it all. A true polymath. Here are some highlights. All links are to the Seasonal Spuffy Archive rather than the original posts, because that was slightly easier, and I'm lazy.

For vids, Grace in This is truly beautiful and full of emotion and sincerity, while Whatever it Takes is a short and snappy look at the things Spike does out of devotion for Buffy.

For manips, there's the beautiful Dragons Required and Buffy as Artimis Spike as Actaeon. They also  did the gifset Sometimes Love Is, which is lovely and a very cool mood board for Knife Edge's East of the Sun, West of the Moon.

And in pysical media, Some Kind of Cuddling Relationship and In a Band are both simply stunning.

Then there's their poetry. No one brings a more passionate love for, and deep understanding of, poetry to the Buffy fandom than Buzz. My personal favorite is Haikus Illegal in Several States, which is both funny and deeply poetic and romantic. But I also recomend Spike Wins the Soul in Kitten Poker and 11 cinqain poems. And I would be remiss if I didn't mention their very cool interactive poetry kits such as these ones, these ones, and this one.

As for fic, they wrote the weird and wonderful meercat and cobra and AU in two parts here and here as well as a couple of gender bending fics which are great for those who (like me) like a little queer in their spuffy now and then. They can be found here and here.

Truly, there's something for everyone in Buzz's work and I have had a great time following (and sometimes beta'ing) their Seasonal Spuffy entries over the years.

PS, hope I copied all the links into the right places, let me know if any are messed up. And, while I haven't had time to check out and comment on everyone's work, I hope to go back and catch the ones I missed as soon as possible. And thanks everyone for all the lovely memories over the years.

Edit: Oops, missed the thing where I was supposed to limit recs to two links per day. I used... a few more than that. And probably an exessive amount of links even without taking into consideration the limit. Oh well, what can I say except that I got excited? But I wasn't trying to imply that their work is any more important than anyone else who was recced with more moderation or anything like that.

Recco/Reposts - Hollydb

Title: Autumn Sunset
Creator: holly
Form: Fic
Rating : NC17

It is again "free for all day" and today my recco is hollydb
Holly participated in the very first Seasonal Spuffy round in the Fall of 2005 and she also participated in this last LJ/DW round, her post this round can be found here

hollydb’s very first Seasonal_Spuffy fic is "Autumn Sunset" a fun, sweet NC17 holiday story that can be found here

If you want to read more of Holly’s fics go to her author page If you want to read more of Holly’s fics go to her author page here

Fic: Like the Sands of Time by veronyxk84

Fic: Like the Sands of Time by veronyxk84

Title: Like the Sands of Time
Author & Banner artist: veronyxk84
Era: post-series
Rating: PG-13
Beta: marinaeulalia

Summary: It’s been over twenty years since Sunnydale turned into a giant sinkhole, exactly fifteen years since Buffy and Spike got hitched, and about five years since Spike got unexpectedly shanshued.
A Spuffy anniversary with little trips down memory lane.

You can find the original post here. Please make comments there.

Recco/Reposts - Double_dutchess

Title: Misc. Fire, Spuffy Abridged
Creator: double_dutchess
Form: vids

It’s another “free for all day and my recco for today is double_dutchess

double_dutchess is a wonderful artist with great talent and style. Four of her banners have been chosen for the Seasonal Spuffy banner challenge. Unfortunately, quite a few of her banners were lost when nicpic shut down. Thank goodness the same isn’t true for her wonderful videos. (It was very hard just picking two of her videos.)

double_dutchess has a talent for putting the perfect song to go with the perfect pictures/scenes.

The first video "Fire" is a perfect example of everything working well together using the Pointer Sisters' song of the same name. It can be found here

My second double_dutchess recco is “Spuffy Abridged”. A vid put together with (believe it or not) “The William Tell Overture”!! AND it really works! You can find the vid here.

If you want to see more of her vids go to her YouTube channel here.


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