Papers by Clarence Von Bergen

Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, Mar 1, 2008
Ahstract Family responsibilities discrimination, bias against workers based on their responsibili... more Ahstract Family responsibilities discrimination, bias against workers based on their responsibilities to care for family members is widespread in many organizations and is rapidly becoming a twenty-first century workplace concern. Employers who harass, pass over for promotion, and even terminate workers because they care for children, elderly parents or spouses, or disabled family members have becn sued with more th.:quency and have been paying increasing amounts in verdicts. Recently,cthe EEOC took an important step toward ending this discrimination by issuing cnforcement guidelines that wiJl educate employers and employees about family responsibilities discrimination and caregivers' rights and responsibilities. The Guidelines explain how federal equal employment opportunity laws apply to workers who struggle to balance work and family, and what firms can do to avoid potential legal problems and accompanying liabilities with respect to family responsibilities and caregiving discdmination. Key words family respoqsibilities discrimination. EEOC. work-family contlict. balancing work and family responsibilities. caregiver responsibilities A female nurse lost her job when she said that she could not stay for an unscheduled second shift because that would mean leaving her young children at home alone (Bravo~'.cICi7). A male Maryland State Trooper wa,; denied leave to care for his newborn and told by his supervisor that he could not qualify for the leave unless his wife was "in a coma or dead," and "God made women ro have babies and, unless [he] could have a baby there is no way [he] could be a primary caregiver" (Knussman v. Maryland 2no !, p. 629630). A supervisor told a woman eight months pregnant: "1 was going to put you in charge of that office, but look at you now" (Moore v. Alabama State University j (}(i7).

PsycEXTRA Dataset, 1974
The report describes an 18-month research project at Chanute Air Force Base, Illincis, designed t... more The report describes an 18-month research project at Chanute Air Force Base, Illincis, designed to evaluate the effectiveness of inceptive motivation techniques in Air Force technical training. The first phase of the research identified incentives. The findings were used in the second phase of the research which made these incentives contingent on performance in two of the resident training courses at the base. The first system gave performance based incentives in the courses. The second utilized a system that attempted to give effort based incentives, while the third used financially based incentives. Research results indicated-ylat while secondary performance measures such as amount of remedial instruction, frequency of probations, and frequency of course failures decreased under the incentive program, the primary performance measures of exam scores and speed of course completion did not generally show much improvement. Yet, from a cost-effectiveness viewpoint, even the relatively small (i.e., 8 percent) increase in speed of course completion was meaningful. Attitudes to the program generally improved or stayed the same. The financially based incentive system was found to be the most cost-effective for Air Force technical training. A 150-page appendix provides background information, incentive attractiveness data, questionnaires, manuals, and item statistics.

The One-to-One Survey: Traditional versus Non-Traditional Student Satisfaction with Professors during One-to-One Contacts
College student journal, Jun 1, 2000
The characteristics of positive and negative one-to-one student-faculty interactions were examine... more The characteristics of positive and negative one-to-one student-faculty interactions were examined with non-traditional and traditional undergraduates. Analyses indicated that non-traditional and traditional students responded to interactions similarly; however, the percentages of nontraditional and traditional students reporting helping/accommodating or belittling themes in their interactions were significantly different. ********** Several researchers have commented on how professors can enhance student-faculty relationships (e.g. Folse, Rosenthal, Boudreaux & Soper, 1994; Smith, Medendorp, Ranck, Morrison, & Kopfman, 1994; Walsh & Maffei, 1994). However, most research has focused on identifying the characteristics of the "ideal" teacher, or the "ideal" student-faculty relationship; but has not linked such relationships with academic outcomes. For example, Smith et al. (1994) asked students to generate a series of items that characterized an ideal teacher. Garko, Kough, Pignata, Kimmel, and Eison (1994) asked students to imagine the type of relationship they "would like to have" with an instructor. Neither study related student-faculty relationships to course performance. In contrast to these studies, Folse and Rosenthal, (Folse, Rosenthal, Boudreaux & Soper, 1994; Tabony, Folse, Rosenthal, Boudreaux, & Soper, 1995) have adopted a reality-based and molar approach to the subject. Their "One-to-one" survey examined "real interactions" rather than "imagined or idealized relationships". They argued that student-faculty "interactions" are more frequent than student-faculty "relationships"; and that research should focus on the least positive interaction as well as the most positive a student experienced. Finally, the survey stresses that the interactions must be one-to-one (personal) thus, minimizing the effects of in-class factors on the survey variables. The current study is a readministation and revision of the One-to-one survey. The instrument utilizes both closed-ended and narrative items. Its purpose is twofold. First, to determine if students feel that one-to-one interactions effect their performance in the course and evaluation of the professor. Second, to compare the responses of a sample of non-traditional students to a sample of traditional students. Non-traditional students were defined as students over 25 years old, and/or married, and/or with children based upon the definition used by the Order of Athena, a sorority for non-traditional students (Constitution of the Order of Athena, 1995). Non-traditional students often report different concerns than traditional students (Bean & Metzner, 1985); it was expected that their responses would differ from traditional students. The research hypotheses were divided into those concerning the sample as a whole, and those contrasting non-traditional with traditional undergraduates. Hypotheses concerning the entire sample consisted of the following: (a) Students who experienced a positive interaction would report a greater tendency to initiate such interactions. (b) Students who experienced a negative interaction would be less likely to initiate such interactions. (c) Students who experienced a positive interaction with one professor would report greater satisfaction with their interactions with all faculty. (d) Students who experienced a negative interaction with one professor would report less satisfaction with their interactions with all faculty. Hypotheses contrasting non-traditional students (NTS) and traditional students (TS) were as follows: (a) NTS and TS would differ in their tendencies to initiate one-to-one interactions. (b) NTS and TS would differ in their overall satisfaction with such interactions. (c) NTS and TS would differ in the extent to which positive and negative interactions affect their reports of course performance. (d) NTS and TS would differ to the extent which positive and negative interactions affect their student evaluations of the professor. …

Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 2007
The doUars associated with training and development investments for organi zations are considerab... more The doUars associated with training and development investments for organi zations are considerable. Employers are unable to recoup these expenditures if workers leave the finn before it has had an opportunity to realize the benefits of sueh training. To assist businesses in maximizing their return on investments in human capital, it is suggested that training and development professionals and legal eounsel examine the applicability of preemployment agreements to reeover their training expenses. Such eost-sharing agreements provided they are clear and narrowly written, reasonable, moderate, and serve legitimate business interesls-are pennissible contracts that require employees to continue in service for a period oftime or reimburse the organization an agreed-upon sum if they leave before an agreed upon time. Key word., recouping [raining costs• reducing training costs• preemployment agreements• reducing training expenses Why should an employer provide valuable and costly training to employees who will end up working for someone else? At one time employers would invest considerable dollars in employees' futures-by funding their training and education-with confidence that they were also investing in their company's futures. However, unlike in the past when there was little risk or fear of losing
Health Marketing Quarterly, 2007
With many activities, even unlikely ones such as colonoscopies, it appears that ending procedures... more With many activities, even unlikely ones such as colonoscopies, it appears that ending procedures are important and affect evaluation of the entire experience. This has been dubbed the "happy end" effect. Training specialists, while acknowledging the importance of endings (e.g., seminar closures, class conclusions, and workshop completions), often place greater emphasis on openers, icebreakers, and starters. A sample of trade publications in the training and development field, as well as professional publications was reviewed. It was found that such resources had significantly higher numbers of articles/exercises and pages devoted to beginning activities than to closings. A number of suggestions are offered on how closing activities could be better incorporated into training and development programs to improve them.
Individual Differences Variables and Performance Goals as Determinants of Level of Performance
Abstract not availabl
Public Personnel Management, 2007
During the last decade more than 100 governmental units (primarily cities) have implemented livin... more During the last decade more than 100 governmental units (primarily cities) have implemented living wage ordinances. These regulations require private sector employers who receive public funds through subsidies and contracts to pay their workforces a wage based on “need” rather than “skill.” Such ordinances feature a minimum wage floor that is higher—often much higher—than the traditional minimum wages set by state and federal legislation. This paper provides a history of the living wage movement and presents its benefits and challenges to assist local authorities in decision-making regarding this controversial and politicized issue.
Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 1976
The present research utilized four schedules of financial reinforcement (Hourly, Fixed Ratio, Var... more The present research utilized four schedules of financial reinforcement (Hourly, Fixed Ratio, Variable Ratio, and Variable Ratio-Variable Amount) in an organizational simulation setting. Subjects were hired for what they perceived to be a real job of 4 weeks duration, which required them to learn self-paced material about electronics. Each subject worked for I week under each of the four schedules of reinforcement. Performance was lowest under the Hourly schedule, the FR and VR and VR-VA schedules produced higher performance. Attitudes were best under FR. The results were discussed in terms of their practical implications as well as their implications for theory, particularly expectancy-valence theory.
A field experimental test of expectancy-valence incentive motivation techniques
Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 1976
... Joseph D. Young, Capt. Gary V. Whalen, Capt. Joseph S. Green, T. Sgt. Keith G. Wood, E. Laver... more ... Joseph D. Young, Capt. Gary V. Whalen, Capt. Joseph S. Green, T. Sgt. Keith G. Wood, E. Lavern Sanders, Sgt. Ron R. Irving, and Mr. George Sharf. We would also like to thank Daniel Ilgen for his helpful comments on this paper. ...

PsycEXTRA Dataset
The research reported here was initiated and designed to assess the impact of various schedules o... more The research reported here was initiated and designed to assess the impact of various schedules of incentive delivery (schedules of reinforcement) on performance and attitudes in an Air Force-related setting. Civilian subjects matching the characteristics of Air Force trainees were hired to work for four weeks, one week under each of four schedules of reinforcement: salary, fixed ratio, variable ratio, and variable ratio-variable amount. The results indicated that the salary schedule resulted in the lowest performance and attitudes. Performance was best ender the variable ratio-variable amount schedule, while attitudes were best under the fixed ratio schedule. It was concluded that instituting a fixed or variable ratio-variable amount schedule of incentive delivery would be a highly cost-effective procedure in computer managed Air Force training. (A bibliography, examples of task materials, tests, and questionnaires are appended.) (Author) 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse side if necessary and identify by block number) The research reported here was initiated and designed to assess the impact of various schedules of incentive delivery (schedules of reinforcement) on performance and attitudes in an Air Force-related setting. Civilian subjects matching the characteristics of Air Force trainees were hired to work for four weeks, one week under each of four schedules of reinforcement: salary, fixed ratio, variable ratio, and variable ratio-variable amount. The results Indicated that the salary schedule resulted in the lowest performance and attitudes. Performance was best under the variable ratiovariable amount schedule, while attitudes were best under the fixed ratio schedule. It was concluded that instituting a fixed or variable ratio-variable amount schedule of incentive delivery would be a highly cost-effective procedure in computer managed Air Force training.

Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 2008
Ahstract Family responsibilities discrimination, bias against workers based on their responsibili... more Ahstract Family responsibilities discrimination, bias against workers based on their responsibilities to care for family members is widespread in many organizations and is rapidly becoming a twenty-first century workplace concern. Employers who harass, pass over for promotion, and even terminate workers because they care for children, elderly parents or spouses, or disabled family members have becn sued with more th.:quency and have been paying increasing amounts in verdicts. Recently,cthe EEOC took an important step toward ending this discrimination by issuing cnforcement guidelines that wiJl educate employers and employees about family responsibilities discrimination and caregivers' rights and responsibilities. The Guidelines explain how federal equal employment opportunity laws apply to workers who struggle to balance work and family, and what firms can do to avoid potential legal problems and accompanying liabilities with respect to family responsibilities and caregiving discdmination. Key words family respoqsibilities discrimination. EEOC. work-family contlict. balancing work and family responsibilities. caregiver responsibilities A female nurse lost her job when she said that she could not stay for an unscheduled second shift because that would mean leaving her young children at home alone (Bravo~'.cICi7). A male Maryland State Trooper wa,; denied leave to care for his newborn and told by his supervisor that he could not qualify for the leave unless his wife was "in a coma or dead," and "God made women ro have babies and, unless [he] could have a baby there is no way [he] could be a primary caregiver" (Knussman v. Maryland 2no !, p. 629630). A supervisor told a woman eight months pregnant: "1 was going to put you in charge of that office, but look at you now" (Moore v. Alabama State University j (}(i7).
Multimedia, It's How You Use It
Computers in the Schools, 2002
... RICHARD R. MCKNIGHT is Professor of Psychology and Counselor Education, Nicholls State Univer... more ... RICHARD R. MCKNIGHT is Professor of Psychology and Counselor Education, Nicholls State University, Box 2075 NSU, Thibodaux, LA 70310 (E-mail: [email protected]). ... PowerPoint is frequently used in lo-cal and distance education settings. ...

PsycEXTRA Dataset
The report describes an 18-month research project at Chanute Air Force Base, Illincis, designed t... more The report describes an 18-month research project at Chanute Air Force Base, Illincis, designed to evaluate the effectiveness of inceptive motivation techniques in Air Force technical training. The first phase of the research identified incentives. The findings were used in the second phase of the research which made these incentives contingent on performance in two of the resident training courses at the base. The first system gave performance based incentives in the courses. The second utilized a system that attempted to give effort based incentives, while the third used financially based incentives. Research results indicated-ylat while secondary performance measures such as amount of remedial instruction, frequency of probations, and frequency of course failures decreased under the incentive program, the primary performance measures of exam scores and speed of course completion did not generally show much improvement. Yet, from a cost-effectiveness viewpoint, even the relatively small (i.e., 8 percent) increase in speed of course completion was meaningful. Attitudes to the program generally improved or stayed the same. The financially based incentive system was found to be the most cost-effective for Air Force technical training. A 150-page appendix provides background information, incentive attractiveness data, questionnaires, manuals, and item statistics.

The One-to-One Survey: Traditional versus Non-Traditional Student Satisfaction with Professors during One-to-One Contacts
College Student Journal, Jun 1, 2000
The characteristics of positive and negative one-to-one student-faculty interactions were examine... more The characteristics of positive and negative one-to-one student-faculty interactions were examined with non-traditional and traditional undergraduates. Analyses indicated that non-traditional and traditional students responded to interactions similarly; however, the percentages of nontraditional and traditional students reporting helping/accommodating or belittling themes in their interactions were significantly different. ********** Several researchers have commented on how professors can enhance student-faculty relationships (e.g. Folse, Rosenthal, Boudreaux & Soper, 1994; Smith, Medendorp, Ranck, Morrison, & Kopfman, 1994; Walsh & Maffei, 1994). However, most research has focused on identifying the characteristics of the "ideal" teacher, or the "ideal" student-faculty relationship; but has not linked such relationships with academic outcomes. For example, Smith et al. (1994) asked students to generate a series of items that characterized an ideal teacher. Garko, Kough, Pignata, Kimmel, and Eison (1994) asked students to imagine the type of relationship they "would like to have" with an instructor. Neither study related student-faculty relationships to course performance. In contrast to these studies, Folse and Rosenthal, (Folse, Rosenthal, Boudreaux & Soper, 1994; Tabony, Folse, Rosenthal, Boudreaux, & Soper, 1995) have adopted a reality-based and molar approach to the subject. Their "One-to-one" survey examined "real interactions" rather than "imagined or idealized relationships". They argued that student-faculty "interactions" are more frequent than student-faculty "relationships"; and that research should focus on the least positive interaction as well as the most positive a student experienced. Finally, the survey stresses that the interactions must be one-to-one (personal) thus, minimizing the effects of in-class factors on the survey variables. The current study is a readministation and revision of the One-to-one survey. The instrument utilizes both closed-ended and narrative items. Its purpose is twofold. First, to determine if students feel that one-to-one interactions effect their performance in the course and evaluation of the professor. Second, to compare the responses of a sample of non-traditional students to a sample of traditional students. Non-traditional students were defined as students over 25 years old, and/or married, and/or with children based upon the definition used by the Order of Athena, a sorority for non-traditional students (Constitution of the Order of Athena, 1995). Non-traditional students often report different concerns than traditional students (Bean & Metzner, 1985); it was expected that their responses would differ from traditional students. The research hypotheses were divided into those concerning the sample as a whole, and those contrasting non-traditional with traditional undergraduates. Hypotheses concerning the entire sample consisted of the following: (a) Students who experienced a positive interaction would report a greater tendency to initiate such interactions. (b) Students who experienced a negative interaction would be less likely to initiate such interactions. (c) Students who experienced a positive interaction with one professor would report greater satisfaction with their interactions with all faculty. (d) Students who experienced a negative interaction with one professor would report less satisfaction with their interactions with all faculty. Hypotheses contrasting non-traditional students (NTS) and traditional students (TS) were as follows: (a) NTS and TS would differ in their tendencies to initiate one-to-one interactions. (b) NTS and TS would differ in their overall satisfaction with such interactions. (c) NTS and TS would differ in the extent to which positive and negative interactions affect their reports of course performance. (d) NTS and TS would differ to the extent which positive and negative interactions affect their student evaluations of the professor. …

Society and Business Review
Purpose-Recently, organizational scholars and social scientists began emphasizing the importance ... more Purpose-Recently, organizational scholars and social scientists began emphasizing the importance of compassion and altruism and called for increased demonstrations of assistance, giving, empathy and other prosocial conduct toward those in need. Generally, we assume that help is beneficial to those who receive it, and current research on these positive behaviors primarily focuses on the advantages to those who provide it. Despite recent calls for increased levels of aiding the needy and underprivileged, helping may have downsides and adaptive costs to those who receive support that are frequently overlooked. The purpose of the study is to bring to light the potential harm in helping those who lack commitment to improvement, having "skin in the game". Design/methodology/approach-In addition to a literature review, the authors present a model to explain how support in response to human pain and suffering can sometimes result in negative effects on aid recipients. The model specifies two mechanisms, including participation of affected beneficiaries of assistance in the actual aid process and duration of help as factors that may expose vulnerable populations to more risk. Findings-The literature strongly suggests that in some instances, helping can be detrimental, to the point where helping can even result in dependency. The authors do not suggest casting a blind eye to those in need, but rather to provide assistance that leads to self-sufficiency. Research limitations/implications-Additional researchespecially over the long-termcan provide researchers with more detailed results of this approach. Practical implications-The findings of this paper can serve as a model approach to provide help that does not create dependency. Social implications-Using this approach could provide the ideal method to address long-term social issues that would break the cycle of dependency. Originality/value-The authors believe that this approach to helping based upon the two-stage model could become the primary effective method for providing assistance to those in need without creating dependency in the long run.
In this paper we present a pedagogical tool, the FORT Matrix, designed for improving the teaching... more In this paper we present a pedagogical tool, the FORT Matrix, designed for improving the teaching of Strategic Management (SM) case analysis. The underlying logic and analytical power of the FORT Matrix in terms of four types of knowledge are discussed. We also provide a simple example to demonstrate how to use this tool and offer some suggestions for its further refinement.
In this paper we present a pedagogical tool, the FORT Matrix, designed for improving the teaching... more In this paper we present a pedagogical tool, the FORT Matrix, designed for improving the teaching of Strategic Management (SM) case analysis. The underlying logic and analytical power of the FORT Matrix in terms of four types of knowledge are discussed. We also provide a simple example to demonstrate how to use this tool and offer some suggestions for its further refinement.
Papers by Clarence Von Bergen