Papers by Sirin Gulcen Eren

Planlama dergisi, 2020
As the representation of the initial typo-morphology of a human settlement, the Akarçay Tepe Plaq... more As the representation of the initial typo-morphology of a human settlement, the Akarçay Tepe Plaque C (Nizip Plaque) belonging to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPN) Age is known to be the proof of the presence of a conscious intervention to space and that land arrangement was registered with an artisanal product. In this context, this article aims to determine the Plaque C's location in today's city and settlement characteristic at the time of production by presenting its spatial features through the traces of the Plaque layout remaining in the existing landscape and urban texture. The other aim is to determine land application principles of that settlement period. To present land arrangement having the intention of defining property and recording in the form of a land model as a human behavior and a need for restructuring space since the PPN Age is the objective of the article. The article also targets to develop a rational PPN period settlement model on the basis of settlement design principles and within the context of the theory of urbanization. Based on the spatial analysis of the Plaque C, it is discussed that the traces of the Plaque are a heritage and a possession the preservation of which is a need. In line with this, the role of the disciplines of urban planning and urban archaeology is evaluated with a critical point of view. A multidisciplinary method was used for the research. A database was prepared by digitally processing the Plaque C layout onto the oldest settlement plan of Nizip, forming its digital elevation model, and topographic maps and superimposing the Plaque C layout with the existing land and the cadastral layout. The Plaque layout, design and dimensions were compared to the current urban texture. The Nizip settlement base maps of different periods, aerial photographs, urban implementation plans and cadastral plans are used in the analysis. The study is supported by a literature survey. The spatial traces determined from an archaeological artefact were checked on site by a field study conducted in 2018.

Kocaeli Üniversitesi mimarlık ve yaşam dergisi, Nov 12, 2022
Kentin sırrı" olarak yazarlar tarafından tanımlanan sığınmaevi veya konukevi kadın ve çocuk mağdu... more Kentin sırrı" olarak yazarlar tarafından tanımlanan sığınmaevi veya konukevi kadın ve çocuk mağdurlara hizmet eden kamusal birer fonksiyon yapısıdır. Mağdur, bu yapılarda gizlenen kentin "sırdaşı"dır. Mağdurların veya sığınmaevlerinin ya da konukevlerinin kentle ve planlama kurumuyla ilişkisine dair akademik çalışmalar kısıtlıdır. Makaleye; mekân-kadın-planlama konularındaki çalışmalardaki eksiklikler, mağduriyet yaratıcı toplumsal bilinç seviyesi ve kamusal uygulamaları nedeniyle Türkiye örneği konu edilmiştir. Makalede; sığınmaevi ve konukevleri ve bu evlerde konaklayan mağdurların, kent, kent kuramı ve kent yaşamı açısından kentle olan ilişkisinin ilgili mevzuat üzerinden araştırılması ve planlama süreci, imar planlarıyla ilişkisi ile planlama bakış açısı ve şehir plancısının katılımı bağlamında sorgulanması ve betimleyici bir değerlendirme yapılması amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmada; sığınmaevleri ve konukevlerinin ilgili mevzuat bağlamında kentle olan ilişkileri, kentsel konumu ve mağdurun kentle etkileşimi boyutları irdelenmiştir. Toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı kentlerin nasıl kurulabileceğine dair bu çalışma bulgularının müteakip araştırmalara temel olması ve yön göstermesi hedeflenmektedir. Nitel araştırma yöntemi; Türkiye örneklemi üzerinden mevzuat taraması ve akademik yayın incelemesini içermektedir. İlgili mevzuat ve literatür yanı sıra, internet kaynakları taranmış, bulgular eleştirel bakış açısıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Şehir plancılarının ve ilgili kesimlerin, sürecin, konukevlerinin konumlarının ve mağdurun kentle ve kentliyle olan ilişkisinin biçiminin belirleyicisi olması ve şehir planlama bakış açısının sürece dâhil edilmesi önerilmektedir. Söz konusu alanların kamusal mekân ve hizmet bağlamında eşitsizliği gidermeye yönelik planlanması, programlanması ve politikalarda önceliğe alınması gerektiği değerlendirilmektedir.

Kent akademisi, Jun 15, 2020
Environmental literacy is needed by any society in order to achieve environmental awareness. It i... more Environmental literacy is needed by any society in order to achieve environmental awareness. It is also an important component of environmental responsiveness and the creation of a sustainable and smart environment and urbanization. There is of a lack precise definition of or implementation for environmental literacy. Since the concept of environmental literacy has not been properly understood, the relevant actors are unable to develop necessary actions and activities for achieving social awareness. For a sustainable and smart environment, societies, and urbanization, there is a need for social intervention by means of lifelong learning education—a widespread and effective form of education that is capable of reaching large numbers of individuals in the short term. This article, starting point of which is the critical consideration of the environmental literacy concept and its conceptual transformation, aims to contribute to environmental literacy by developing a method of implementation through training of trainers. The objective is to present a practical, pragmatic and workable concluding recommendation to decision makers responsible for ensuring public order, shaping the development of society, urbanization and protecting the environment, to researchers involved in academic production in this area, and to the administrators of relevant civil society organizations. Using a descriptive methodology and multidisciplinary perspective, the article explains the environmental literacy concept, in the context of the disciplines of environment and urban planning, with the aid of the findings obtained through a review of the literature and an internet search. An environmental literacy literature mapping is presented with an emphasis on the related Turkish academic studies. Following this conceptual analysis, the article describes the workshop developed by the author for the training of trainers in life-long learning education, which is seen as a mean of intervention with regard to literacy. The workshop has been designed in such a way to reconfigure the matter of how the environment is taught, represented and protected. After making an activity content proposal, the article concludes with a general evaluation of the possible contributions, which the proposed educational method could make when implemented.

In order to make cities and regions sustainable, there is a need to assess their current situatio... more In order to make cities and regions sustainable, there is a need to assess their current situations and their progress with respect to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Various indices have been designed which use sustainability indicators to measure and monitor the current situation and the performance of strategies and action plans. This will make it possible to structure future actions and interventions and adjust existing ones. The contents of these indices vary due to the country, the development strategies adopted by different cities and regions, the aims and objectives of policyand decision-makers, their evaluation criteria, indicators and the ingenuity of the drafters of the indices. Few evaluations, however, have been made of these indices. Consequently, the question arises as to which index constitutes the best basis for the sustainability efforts of urban developers and planners. The present article explores the range of international sustainability indices and the contributions they may make to sustainable urban development. A descriptive analysis method is adopted and supported by a survey of the literature and an internet search. The objective is to create awareness about the indices and to contribute to the effective implementation of decisions and strategies for achieving the SDGs. The study argues that although such indices need to be standardised and reliable, the data collected may in practice be non-standard, the indicators may be invalid for all cities or geographies, and the indices may prove to be short-lived. Urbanization has always been an important issue in history. It refers to the spatial growth of rural or natural land in the periphery into urban area or urban infill as a result of population increase (through migration or births) living in that urban settlement (Eren, 2021, p. 222). The urbanization level is determined directly by the urban population concentration and the quantity and quality of urban services and facilities provided in that area.

Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi (MBUD)
The rapid pace of urbanization all over the world and the growth of motorization have led to an u... more The rapid pace of urbanization all over the world and the growth of motorization have led to an unsustainable transport system. Karachi is a city suffering from the same phase of urbanization. This article aims to assess the sustainability of the city's existing transportation system economically, socially, and environmentally and the degree of motorization. Data was collected through field surveys conducted in 2020 which include 15 hours of video recordings for traffic counts and the survey carried out at bus stops along two major arteries of Karachi. PM2.5 concentrations and the city's vehicle profile were extracted from authorized websites. The data is analyzed graphically and statistically for various periods. The article sets out the level of sustainability and degree of motorisation of the transport system in Karachi and the travel behaviour of its user. It concludes that externalities and the lack of a planned system constitute obstacles to the provision of a sustainable transport system.
Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi (MBUD)
Projections and predictions of urban growth provide information that can lead to a certain level ... more Projections and predictions of urban growth provide information that can lead to a certain level of preparedness for making cities resilient and sustainable. To ascertain the degree of confidence in predicting urban growth, this paper back-tests the Cellular Automata (CA)-Markov Prediction Model (PM) by comparing the results of the model

İDEALKENT, Dec 31, 2019
Tokyo, Güvenli Kentler Endeksi (SCI), Dirençli Kentler Endeksi (CRI) ve Savills Dirençli Kentler ... more Tokyo, Güvenli Kentler Endeksi (SCI), Dirençli Kentler Endeksi (CRI) ve Savills Dirençli Kentler Endeksi'ne göre dünyanın en dirençli kentidir. Kent, fiziki yapısı olan, doğa ve insanın birlikte geliştiği ve birbirini etkilediği sosyo-ekolojik bir sistemdir. Kentin sistemi; iklim değişikliği ve depremler başta olmak üzere doğal kaynaklı ve insan kaynaklı afetlere açıktır. Afetler kaçınılmaz olarak meydana geldiğinden Tokyo kentini; aynı anda, dirençli, kırılgan ve tehlikeli bir kent olarak tanımlamak mümkündür. Dünya üzerindeki pek çok kent afete maruz olduğundan yaygın kamu politikalarıyla riske karşı koymayı bir araç haline getirmiştir. Ancak bu kentlerin hiçbiri Tokyo kentinin dirençlilik seviyesine sahip değildir. Ayrıca Tokyo, dirençli bir kent olma yönünde teknik ve akademik çalışmaların odaklandığı veya icra imkânı bulduğu bir kenttir. Bu makale; bütüncül bir bakış açısıyla Tokyo'nun dirençli bir kent olma zorunluluğuna değinerek, kamu idarelerinin bilinçli ve belirgin anlayışları, çabaları ve uygulamalarını tespit etmeyi ve çeşitli çabaların varlığına rağmen, bugünkü tehlikeli ve kırılgan durumunu tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu tartışmanın, dirençli kent olma öngörüsüne sahip olan veya olmayan diğer dünya kentlerinin birey ve karar vericilerinin düşün ve eylemlerine yön göstermesi ve dirençli kent çabalarına katkı sağlaması hedeflenmektedir. Betimleyici analiz yöntemiyle ele alınan kentin mevcut durumuyla ilgili çalışmalar eleştirel bir yaklaşımla değerlendirilmektedir. Değerlendirme, Tokyo kentinde yerinde aktif gözlemlere dayalı görsellerle desteklenmektedir.

Proceedings of the ICA, 2019
Every civilisation, based on its socioeconomic relations, designs its land regime by using a cada... more Every civilisation, based on its socioeconomic relations, designs its land regime by using a cadastral system, plans the ways in which its land will be used, and present these through maps or spatial plans. Akarçay Tepe Lined and Marked Limestone Plaques, the use reasons of which are unknown by the archaeology discipline, were originally found during excavations and are on exhibition in Şanlıurfa Museum in Turkey. The plaques have been dated back to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Age. This paper aims to present what Plaques from Akarçay Tepe actually refer to and the methodology of determination. It originates from a research study which was commenced in 2017 on the basis of the propositions that these Plaques are in fact, maps and spatial plans showing the land regime and topography at the time they were made. Spatial dimensions of three Akarçay Tepe plaques with reference to technical features are examined on the foundation of the urban planning discipline. The objective here is to make it possible to adjust the findings of an archaeological excavation and to make a contribution as a proposed alternative method for the evaluation of these findings. The three plaques for which research permission was granted were not related to the cadastral arrangements of Akarçay Tepe, but provide indications of the patterns of other settlements: Birecik, Yeşilözen, and Nizip. The plaques are spatial plans drawn to 1:1000 scale displayed in the form of a 3-D model map. The plaques show the settlement topography, land regime, land use decisions, boundaries of control and settlement and agricultural support systems. Plaques, besides agricultural land pattern display the first typo-morphology of urbanisation of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Age.

Proceedings of the ICA, 2019
For as long as humans have existed, they have created specific legal structures and technical mea... more For as long as humans have existed, they have created specific legal structures and technical means of representation in order to situate themselves within the geographical space where they live, to find the right direction, to measure time and distance, to define property and to calculate gradients. With the progress of civilisation, maps came to be used as an instrument for controlling society, siting architectural structures, establishing towns and determining trade axes and property rights. As social structures and the needs and relationships embedded in them changed, and technical and technological methods became more advanced, cartography developed too, and the uses of maps increased. From their earliest discovery, the basic characteristics of maps were grids, isohypses (contours) and physical data. The geography and settlements of Anatolia provide some clues as to the types of grid that were used in ancient times. There are invisible grids compatible with Euclidean geometry. These can only be detected from the clues given by the settlement locations. These grids, which have determined the locations of settlements, the pattern of roads, the geostamps® and the division of the land in Anatolia, are an unknown aspect of the ancient era. In response to the obscurity of the topic, this paper sets out to make a preliminary appraisal of the grids of the ancient era. With the aid of a multidisciplinary approach, an inter-disciplinary methodology and the Google Earth software, it outlines some of the types of grid that it has been possible to identify from analyses and drawings of the geography of Anatolia, together with their measures and origins. The paper aims to make a contribution to the disciplines of cartography and spatial planning by presenting the invisible grids of the Anatolia.

Ocean & Coastal Management, 2015
This paper discusses the transfer of property rights as an active strategic tool that defines spa... more This paper discusses the transfer of property rights as an active strategic tool that defines space (re) production, development, protection, and management processes and presents a creative approach and a perspective for urban resilience by an alternative land management model proposal. The discussion in this paper largely differs from the understanding of the concept both by the planning institution and the majority of academic studies. While the planning institution approaches the transfer of property rights as a passive ingredient, academic studies focus mainly on the outcomes of this transfer in economic terms and they fail in defining the necessary strategies, policies, and regulatory tools to decrease risk and negative impacts. The alternative approach presented in this paper suggests that property rights as a creative approach and policy tool for urban resilience should be examined on the basis of the relationship between partial interests in property; relative to value, land use, the location and the amount and type of real property transactions. A coastal region in Turkey where all types of historical, cultural, and natural resources are concentrated, but rapidly destroyed with the pressure of tourism, energy investments, and secondary housing is selected as a case for the analysis of the effects of the property market with the planning/urbanization problems in the region. The case study takes into account the internet data of transfer values by property types in the year 2008. The case study is used for presenting an administrative model that is implemented through and understanding for spatial planning to achieve urban resilience. This understanding is based on the concepts of integrated coastal zone and protection area management that are realized by controlling and directing transfers in order to limit the impact of the market and planning institutions.
Papers by Sirin Gulcen Eren