لوانڊا Luanda São Paulo da Assunção de Loanda | |
شهر | |
![]() لوانڊا جي آبي گذرگاهه، جون، 2005ع ۾ | |
ملڪ | ![]() |
صوبو | لوانڊا صوبو |
بلديه | لوانڊا |
قائم ٿيو | 1575ع |
پکيڙ | |
• شهر | 113 ڪ.م2 (44 ميل2) |
• ميٽرو | 2,257 ڪ.م2 (871 ميل2) |
بلندي | 6 ميل (20 ft) |
آبادي (2011ع) |
لوانڊا (Luanda) انگولا جي گاديءَ جو هنڌ ۽ سڀ کان وڏو شهر آهي. اهو انگولا جي بنيادي بندرگاهه ۽ وڏو صنعتي، ثقافتي ۽ شهري مرڪز آهي. انگولا جي اتر ۾ ائٽلانٽڪ ساحل تي واقع، لوانڊا انگولا جو انتظامي مرڪز، ان جي مکيه بندرگاهه ۽ لوانڊا صوبي جي گاديءَ جو هنڌ پڻ آهي. لوانڊا ۽ ان جو ميٽروپوليٽن علائقو دنيا ۾ سڀ کان وڌيڪ آبادي وارو پرتگالي ڳالهائيندڙ گاديء جو شهر آهي ۽ برازيل کان ٻاهر سڀ کان وڌيڪ آبادي وارو لوسوفون شهر آهي. سال 2020ع ۾ آبادي 83 لک کان وڌيڪ تائين پهچي وئي (انگولا جي ڪل آبادي جو ٽيون حصو).
آفريڪا جي قديم ترين نوآبادياتي شهرن مان، لوانڊا جنوري، 1576ع ۾ پرتگالي ڳولا ڪندڙ، پاولو ڊياس ڊي نوويس پاران "ساؤ پولو دا اسونڪو ڊي لوانڊا" جي نالي سان قائم ڪيو، غير پورچوگالي ذريعن طرفان ڪڏهن ڪڏهن "ليونڊا" يا "سينٽ پال ڊي ليونڊا" سڏيو ويندو آهي. اداري جي منع ٿيڻ کان اڳ شهر برازيل ڏانهن غلامن جي واپار جو مرڪز رهيو. 1975ع ۾ انگولا جي گهرو ويڙهه جي شروعات ۾، اڪثر اڇا پورچوگيز پناهگيرن جي حيثيت ۾ ملڪ ڇڏي ويا، خاص طور تي پرتگال ڏانهن لڏپلاڻ ڪري ويا. لوانڊا جي آبادي جنگ کان ڀڄڻ واري اندروني پناهگيرن کان تمام گهڻو وڌي وئي، پر ان جو ڍانچو آبادي جي واڌ کي سنڀالڻ لاء ناکافي هو. اهو پڻ لوانڊا جي چوڌاري ڪچي آبادين (musseques) جي شدت جو سبب بڻيو.
21هين صدي عيسويء ۾، شهر هڪ وڏي بحاليء کان گذري رهيو آهي. ڪيتريون ئي نيون وڏيون ترقيون ٿي رهيون آهن جيڪي هن شهر جي منظر کي خاص طور تي تبديل ڪنديون. شهر ۾ موجود صنعتن ۾ زرعي شين جي پروسيسنگ، مشروبات جي پيداوار، ٽيڪسٽائل، سيمينٽ، نيو ڪار اسيمبلي پلانٽ، تعميراتي مواد، پلاسٽڪ، ڌات، سگريٽ ۽ بوٽ شامل آهن. هي شهر تيل لاءِ هڪ اقتصادي مرڪز طور پڻ قابل ذڪر آهي ۽ هڪ آئل ريفائنري شهر ۾ واقع آهي.
لوانڊا کي پرڏيهين لاءِ دنيا جي مهانگي ترين شهرن مان هڪ قرار ڏنو ويو آهي. لوانڊا جا رهواسي گهڻو ڪري امبونڊو قوم جا ميمبر آهن. 21 هين صديءَ جي تازن ڏهاڪن ۾، نسلي بڪونگو ۽ اوومبنڊو جو تعداد پڻ وڌيو آهي. نسلي يورپين بنيادي طور پرتگالي آهن. لوانڊا سال 2010ع آفريڪن ڪپ آف نيشنز جي ميچن لاءِ مکيه ميزبان شهر هو.
[سنواريو]پرتگال جي نو آبادي

Portuguese explorer Paulo Dias de Novais founded Luanda on 25 January 1576[1] as "São Paulo da Assumpção de Loanda". He had brought one hundred families of settlers and four hundred soldiers. Most of the Portuguese community lived within the fort.[حوالو گهربل] Several sources from as early as the 17th century called the city "St. Paul de Leonda".[2][3][4]
In 1618, the Portuguese built the fortress called Fortaleza São Pedro da Barra, and they subsequently built two more: Fortaleza de São Miguel (1634) and Forte de São Francisco do Penedo (1765–66). Of these, the Fortaleza de São Miguel is the best preserved.[5]
Luanda was Portugal's bridgehead from 1627, except during the Dutch rule of Luanda, from 1640 to 1648, as Fort Aardenburgh. The city served as the centre of slave trade to Brazil from ت. 1550 to 1836.[6] The slave trade was conducted mostly with the Portuguese colony of Brazil; Brazilian ships were the most numerous in the port of Luanda. This slave trade also involved local merchants and warriors who profited from the trade.[7] During this period, no large scale territorial conquest was intended by the Portuguese; only a few minor settlements were established in the immediate hinterland of Luanda, some on the last stretch of the Kwanza River.
In the 17th century, the Imbangala became the main rivals of the Mbundu in supplying slaves to the Luanda market. In the 1751, between 5,000 and 10,000 slaves were annually sold.[8] By this time, Angola, a Portuguese colony, was in fact like a colony of Brazil, paradoxically another Portuguese colony. A strong degree of Brazilian influence was noted in Luanda until the Independence of Brazil in 1822.
In the 19th century, still under Portuguese rule, Luanda experienced a major economic revolution. The slave trade was abolished in 1836, and in 1844, Angola's ports were opened to foreign shipping. By 1850, Luanda was one of the greatest and most developed Portuguese cities in the vast Portuguese Empire outside Continental Portugal, full of trading companies, exporting (together with Benguela) palm and peanut oil, wax, copal, timber, ivory, cotton, coffee, and cocoa, among many other products. Maize, tobacco, dried meat, and cassava flour are also produced locally. The Angolan bourgeoisie was born by this time.[9]
In 1889, Governor Brito Capelo opened the gates of an aqueduct which supplied the city with water, a formerly scarce resource, laying the foundation for major growth.
Estado Novo
- اصل مضمون جي لاءِ ڏسو Estado Novo (Portugal)
Throughout Portugal's dictatorship, known as the Estado Novo, Luanda grew from a town of 61,208 with 14.6% of those inhabitants being white in 1940, to a wealthy cosmopolitan major city of 475,328 in 1970 with 124,814 Europeans (26.3%) and around 50,000 mixed race inhabitants (10.5%).[10]
Like most of Portuguese Angola, the cosmopolitan[11] city of Luanda was not affected by the Portuguese Colonial War (1961–1974); economic growth and development in the entire region reached record highs during this period. In 1982, a report called Luanda the "Paris of Africa".[حوالو گهربل]
[سنواريو]- اصل مضمون/مضمونن جي لاءِ ڏسو Angolan War of Independence, Portuguese Colonial War ۽ Angolan Civil War

By the time of Angolan independence in 1975, Luanda was a modern city with the majority of its population being African, but also dominated by a strong minority of white Portuguese origin.[حوالو گهربل]
After the Carnation Revolution in Lisbon on April 25, 1974, with the advent of independence and the start of the Angolan Civil War (1975–2002), most of the white Portuguese Luandans left as refugees,[12] principally for Portugal, however many travelled over land to South Africa.

The large numbers of skilled technicians among the force of Cuban soldiers sent in to support the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) government in the Angolan Civil War were able to make a valuable contribution to restoring and maintaining basic services in the city.
In the following years, however, slums called musseques—which had existed for decades—began to grow out of proportion and stretched several kilometres beyond Luanda's former city limits as a result of the decades-long civil war, and because of the rise of deep social inequalities due to large-scale migration of civil war refugees from other Angolan regions. For decades, Luanda's facilities were not adequately expanded to handle this huge increase in the city's population.
21st century
[سنواريو]After 2002, with the end of the civil war and high economic growth rates fuelled by the wealth provided by the increasing oil and diamond production, major reconstruction started.[13]
Luanda has also become one of the world's most expensive cities.[14]

The central government supposedly allocates funds to all regions of the country, but the capital region receives the bulk of these funds. Since the end of the Angolan Civil War (1971–2002), stability has been widespread in the country, and major reconstruction has been going on since 2002 in those parts of the country that were damaged during the civil war.
Luanda has been of major concern because its population had multiplied and had far outgrown the capacity of the city, especially because much of its infrastructure (water, electricity, roads etc.) had become obsolete and degraded.
Luanda has been undergoing major road reconstruction in the 21st century, and new highways are planned to improve connections to Cacuaco, Viana, Samba, and the new airport.[15]
Major social housing is also being constructed to house those who reside in slums, which dominate the landscape of Luanda. A large Chinese firm has been given a contract to construct the majority of replacement housing in Luanda.[16] The Angolan minister of health recently stated poverty in Angola will be overcome by an increase in jobs and the housing of every citizen.[17]
[سنواريو]بين الاقوامي تعلقات
[سنواريو]ٻاهريان ڳنڍڻا
[سنواريو]Luanda بابت وڌيڪ ڏسو وڪيپيڊيا جي ڀينر رٿائن ۾: | |
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معني ڏسو وِڪِشنري تي |
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تصويرون ۽ وڊيو ڏسو وڪي ڪامنز تي |
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تربيتي مواد ڏسو وڪي ورسٽي تي |
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نيوز اسٽوريز وڪي نيوز تان |
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چَوِڻيون Quotations وڪي ڪوٽ تان |
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سورس ٽيڪسٽس وڪي سورس تان |
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درسي ڪتاب وڪي ڪتاب تان |
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وڪيميڊيا العام ۾ لوانڊا سان لاڳاپيل ابلاغي مواد ڏسو. |
سانچو:Municipalities of Angola سانچو:List of African capitals سانچو:World's most populous urban areas
[سنواريو]- ↑ Leitão, José. "A Missão no Reino de Angola" (PDF). وقت 2021-01-31 تي اصل (PDF) کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل 2020-12-07. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد) - ↑ "Carta particolare che comincia con l'Isola di S:Tomaso ò Tome è c:d'S:Clara è finisce con il c:d'Aldeas: la longitudine comincia da i'isola di Pico d'Asores di Europa Carta VIII. Lº6º". am.uc.pt. حاصل ڪيل 2024-08-30.
- ↑ "BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.)". Papers Past. National Library of New Zealand. حاصل ڪيل 2024-08-30.
- ↑ "Daily British Columbian". UBC Library Open Collections. حاصل ڪيل 2024-08-30.
- ↑ "Portuguese Colonial Remains". Colonialvoyage.com. وقت 2010-12-25 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل 2011-04-17. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد) - ↑ See Joseph Miller, Way of Death: Merchant Capitalism and the Angolan Slave Trade, London & Madison/Wis, : James Currey & University of Wisconsin Press, 1988
- ↑ João C. Curto. Álcool e Escravos: O Comércio Luso-Brasileiro do Álcool em Mpinda, Luanda e Benguela durante o Tráfico Atlântico de Escravos (c. 1480-1830) e o Seu Impacto nas Sociedades da África Central Ocidental. Translated by Márcia Lameirinhas. Tempos e Espaços Africanos Series, vol. 3. Lisbon: Editora Vulgata. H-net.org. 2002. ISBN 978-972-8427-24-5. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=13661080113274. Retrieved 2009-05-14.
- ↑ Njoku, Onwuka N. (1997). Mbundu. Rosen Pub.. pp. 38–39. ISBN 9780823920044. https://archive.org/details/mbundu00njok.
- ↑ "Angola Embassy in Cairo". www.angolaeg.net. وقت 2021-06-04 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل 2020-05-28. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد) - ↑ angolaPT. "Angola antes da Guerra (Parte 2)". وقت 19 May 2016 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل 12 September 2017. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد) - ↑ "Mayor's International Council Sister Cities Program". Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. وقت 2007-12-23 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل 2008-08-18.
- ↑ Flight from Angola آرڪائيو ڪيا ويا 2013-07-23 حوالو موجود آهي وي بيڪ مشين., The Economist (August 16, 1975).
- ↑ The Economist: Marching towards riches and democracy? آرڪائيو ڪيا ويا 2011-09-20 حوالو موجود آهي وي بيڪ مشين. August 28, 2008
- ↑ "Tokyo falls out of top 10 most expensive cities - FT.com". Financial Times (ft.com). 16 June 2015. http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/505424e6-1455-11e5-9bc5-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3d7FKVaI7.
- ↑ "OT Africa Line - Angola". Otal.com. وقت 2009-06-18 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد) - ↑ "China International Fund Limited". Chinainternationalfund.com. وقت 2009-06-18 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل 2010-06-28. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد) - ↑ "Angola Press - Economia - Pobreza será combatida com emprego e habitações sociais, diz ministro-adjunto do PM". Portalangop.co.ao. وقت 2011-01-25 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل 2010-06-28. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد)
- اھي صفحا جيڪي سانچن جي سڏن ۾ ٻٽيون شيون استعمال ڪن ٿا
- صفحا جنم ۾ غير-انگي فارميٽ.نم آرگيومينٽ آھي
- غيرمددي پيراميٽر سان حوالا تي مشتمل صفحا
- سانچا
- اڻٺڄاتل پيراميٽر سان ڄاڻخانو آباد ماڳ کي استعمال ڪندڙ صفحا
- اڻ تصديق ٿيل دعوائن وارا مضمون
- اڻ تصديق ٿيل دعوائن وارا مضمون از August 2024
- اڻ تصديق ٿيل دعوائن وارا مضمون از June 2024
- اڻ تصديق ٿيل دعوائن وارا مضمون از April 2015
- VIAF سان سڃاڻپ ڪندڙ وڪيپيڊيا مضمون
- LCCN سان سڃاڻپ ڪندڙ وڪيپيڊيا مضمون
- GND سان سڃاڻپ ڪندڙ وڪيپيڊيا مضمون
- BNF سان سڃاڻپ ڪندڙ وڪيپيڊيا مضمون
- Luanda
- Capitals in Africa
- Municipalities of Angola
- Populated coastal places in Angola
- Populated places established in 1576
- Populated places in Luanda Province
- Port cities and towns in Angola
- Provincial capitals in Angola
- 1576 establishments in the Portuguese Empire
- 1576 establishments in Africa
- Cities in Angola
- انگولا
- راڄڌانيون
- آفريڪا جا شهر
- آفريڪا ۾ راڄڌانيون
- آنگولا ۾ آباد ساحلي هنڌ