Papers by Laura Ellingson
Management Communication Quarterly
This forum considers recent trends in organizational communication ethnography, a distinctive tra... more This forum considers recent trends in organizational communication ethnography, a distinctive tradition of qualitative research. Historically, ethnography has been valued for its unique ability to generate nuanced findings that vividly explain how communication is meaningful and consequential for organizational actors. Customarily, ethnographers pursue this ideal through distinctive practices. These include embedding for extended periods in routine organizational settings; generating detailed, descriptive data from their observation of, interaction with, and interviewing of organizational members; preserving those actors’ indigenous meanings for their artifacts and
Engaging Crystallization in Qualitative Research, 2009
Page 1. Engaging Crystallization in Qualitative Research An Introduction Laura L Ellingson Page 2... more Page 1. Engaging Crystallization in Qualitative Research An Introduction Laura L Ellingson Page 2. Engaging Crystallization in Qualitative Research Page 3. For Dr. Patrice M. Buzzanell and Dr. Carolyn Ellis with admiration, gratitude, and love Page 4. ...
Communication Research Trends, Mar 1, 2007
Communication Research Trends, Dec 22, 2003
Communication Research Trends, Sep 22, 2002
Women's Studies in Communication, 2000
Communication Research Trends, Sep 22, 2002
Communication Research Trends, Dec 22, 2003
Professional and Practice-based Learning, 2014
Outpatient dialysis is both an intimate, life-sustaining procedure and a public performance of te... more Outpatient dialysis is both an intimate, life-sustaining procedure and a public performance of technological, routinized care. Informed by feminist theory and practice theory, this chapter illuminates ways in which tensions between caring for patients and exhibiting professionalism are negotiated by nurses and patient care technicians through their embodied workplace practices. This study is written as a ‘layered account’; that is, it alternate detailed ethnographic narratives and critical qualitative analysis. The chapter concludes with insights into how providers’ and patients’ practices collectively constitute dialysis care and offer implications for embodied practice theory and for improving quality of dialysis care.
Widening the Family Circle: New Research on Family Communication, 2006
Widening the Family Circle: New Research on Family Communication, 2014
Departures in Critical Qualitative Research, 2012
Qualitative Inquiry, 1998

Qualitative Health Research, 2006
After more than a decade of postpositivist health care research and an increase in narrative writ... more After more than a decade of postpositivist health care research and an increase in narrative writing practices, social scientific, qualitative health research remains largely disembodied. The erasure of researchers’ bodies from conventional accounts of research obscures the complexities of knowledge production and yields deceptively tidy accounts of research. Qualitative health research could benefit significantly from embodied writing that explores the discursive relationship between the body and the self and the semantic challenges of writing the body by incorporating bodily details and experiences into research accounts. Researchers can represent their bodies by incorporating autoethnographic narratives, drawing on all of their senses, interrogating the connections between their bodily signifiers and research processes, and experimenting with the semantics of self and body. The author illustrates opportunities for embodiment with excerpts from an ethnography of a geriatric oncolo...
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2014
Crystallization is a framework for conducting qualitative and multimethod research that offers si... more Crystallization is a framework for conducting qualitative and multimethod research that offers significant potential for enriching relationship research. Complementing rigorous social science research with (integrated or separate) artistic representations of data enables researchers to render complex, nuanced accounts that serve multiple stakeholder audiences.
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2006
Women are typically studied as daughters, sisters, mothers, or grandmothers. However, many, if no... more Women are typically studied as daughters, sisters, mothers, or grandmothers. However, many, if not most, women are also aunts. In this study, we offer a preliminary exploration of the meaning of aunts as familial figures. We collected 70 nieces' and nephews' written accounts of their aunts. Thematic analysis of these accounts revealed nine themes, which were divided into two categories. The first category represented the role of the aunt as a teacher, role model, confidante, savvy peer, and second mother. The second category represented the practices of aunting: gifts/treats, maintaining family connections, encouragement, and nonengagement. Our analysis illuminates important aspects of aunts in family schema and kin keeping.
Journal of Aging Studies, 2002
The Roles of Companions in Geriatric Patient-Interdisciplinary Oncology Team Interactions This st... more The Roles of Companions in Geriatric Patient-Interdisciplinary Oncology Team Interactions This study examined companions' roles in interactions between patients and interdisciplinary geriatric oncolgy team members. Companions' roles identified include: memory aid, emotional support, transcriber, aid in decision making, companionship, elaboration, advocate for patient, and interpreter. Specific patterns of variability of roles across team member disciplines include: relatively passive companions who performed more active roles with physician; relatively active companions who performed more passive roles with physician; and relatively passive companions who performed more active roles when particular topics were raised, regardless of team discipline. Two patterns of stability across interactions emerged: consistently active or passive.
Papers by Laura Ellingson