Southern Cross University
Over the past decade, teaching and learning in virtual worlds has been at the forefront of many higher education institutions around the world. The DEHub Virtual Worlds Working Group (VWWG) consisting of Australian and New Zealand higher... more
The popularity of user-generated content in Virtual Worlds provides educators with an extensive range of 3D immersive resources. Some of the issues for educators are how to find the resources and how to evaluate whether they will be... more
- by Lisa Jacka
The tools and techniques available for visual arts expression have expanded tremendously with the advent of new hardware and software and ICT provides unique opportunities to extend visual arts teaching and learning. Society now demands... more
Virtual worlds are emerging as the new frontier in the use of ICTs for the engagement of students in primary, secondary and tertiary education. In 2010 the use of the virtual world, Second Life, was trialled as a pedagogical tool in the... more
Virtual worlds continue to be used in Australia and New Zealand higher education institutions although the hype has settled. Whilst some higher education institutions continue to use virtual worlds as they have done for some time, other... more
- by Lisa Jacka
The DEHub Virtual Worlds Working Group has an informal membership of nearly 200 members with an interest in education and virtual worlds within the Australian and New Zealand context. Members come from a variety of academic disciplines... more
- by Lisa Jacka
When Second Life first came to the attention of the mainstream media in 2007, educators recognised the potential of virtual worlds for teaching and learning. They seemed to be the ideal environments to facilitate authentic learning,... more
Group has an informal membership of nearly 200 members with an interest in education and virtual worlds within the Australian and New Zealand context. Members come from a variety of academic disciplines and may be teaching or research... more
Group has an informal membership of nearly 200 members with an interest in education and virtual worlds within the Australian and New Zealand context. Members come from a variety of academic disciplines and may be teaching or research... more
3D virtual reality, including the current generation of multi-user virtual worlds, has had a long history of use in education and training, and it experienced a surge of renewed interest with the advent of Second Life in 2003. What... more
The adoption and pedagogical use of technologies such as virtual worlds to support teaching and learning, and research in higher education involves a complex interplay of technical, organisational and personal factors. In this paper,... more
This study aims to establish a Heutagogy approach for teacher professional education in Indonesia as an attempt to improve teacher competencies. This study will identify key elements of a Heutagogy approach derived from previous Heutagogy... more
and Symposium Plan There has been much media reporting on the efficacy of virtual worlds for education over the last few years. Some of the claims made are unfounded and not based on empirical evidence. All panel members have been... more
The landscape has already changed for the music industry in the way that music is created, performed and distributed. Higher education courses in music, including contemporary music, are abundant but in many cases are not preparing... more