? ?

Just like the Penguins, the Moonglows

The Orioles, and the Five Satins.

Let's celebrate! My blog is 20 years old
evil laura
good lord, really?  well I always did say you could pry this blog from my cold, dead hands
good lord, really? well I always did say you could pry this blog from my cold, dead hands

my mom rocks
evil laura

You might have heard of the story of emails claiming to be from the Proud Boys terrorizing voters in Florida and other states.

My mom was one of those voters.

She was startled at first, but the next day? She was on local news (See above) saying she'd crawl on her hands and knees to vote for Joe Biden if she had to.

I love that woman so much. We are cut from the same never let them shut you up cloth.

new name
evilgmbethy ----> screamingintune

i swore I'd never change this username. I've had it since 2002.

but my boyfriend at the time came up with, and I recently learned he is a sexual predator and has been named in pro wrestling's #SpeakingOut movement.

So I ddn't want something he labeled me as my name anymore.

new name comes from my current musical obsession, The Amazing Devil, from their song, "Farewell Wanderlust:"

I promise you I'm not broken
I promise you there's more
More to come, more to reach for, more to hurl at the door
Goodbye to all my darkness, there's nothing here but light
Adieu to all the faceless things that sleep with me at night
This here is not make up, it's a porcelain tomb
And this here is not singing, I'm just screaming in tune because
Farewell Wanderlust, you've been ever so kind
You brought me through this darkness, but you left me here behind
And so long to the person you begged me to be
He's down, he's dead
Now take a good long look at what you've done to me

Cheers, everyone. Don't let anyone get you done. This has brought up a lot of fucked up shit in my head. My body, with my 9 month migraine, my progressive MS, my spinal fluid leaking after a botched lumbar puncture, has already failed me. My dog is sick (he'll be ok tho). And now this. But I'll be okay. It's time to start healing.

hi everyone, whoever is still here
I know I never post here anymore but since there's an apocalypse happening, I hope you're all doing okay, staying safe, staying at home, and coping well.

Life here remains a challenge, though not so much about COVID-19 and more about the... everything else. Being stuck at home avoiding getting sick is basically all I ever do anyway.

much love from Ernie and Patitas