Through Lines 247

What does art do for us? Why does it exist? Why do we like art? I appreciate that Eno explicitly mentions an old idea that’s always resonated strongly with me — that art is an important, critical way of digesting all the things happening around us. In more McLuhan-esque terms — an early warning system for disruptions on the horizon. Art is something we’re born into and deserves to be reawakened within each of us.

I miss being excited by technology. I wish I could see a way out of the endless hype cycles that continue to elicit little more than cynicism from me. The version of technology that we’re mostly being sold today has almost nothing to do with improving lives, but instead stuffing the pockets of those who already need for nothing. It’s not making us smarter. It’s not helping heal a damaged planet. It’s not making us happier or more generous towards each other. And it’s entrenched in everything — meaning a momentous challenge to re-wire or meticulously disconnect. I’m slowly finding my own ways of breaking free to regain a sense of self and purpose. I’ve felt adrift the last few weeks and hopefully some planned activities this weekend will help guide me back to shore. I also tend to be a bit morose around my birthday so it might just be that.