And the walls came down...
- Current Mood:
- Current Music:I Still Believe
Soul Shaker
You were a real street preacher
Talking about life’s abundance
Living it to the fullest
Giving us all that you could
A deep soul shaker
Surely a true heart breaker
Always be a guiding light
For anyone looking for a little bit more in life
You sang do it yourself
But then teach some one
When your heartbeat was taken away
You left us with so much spirit
You were in the wrong place at the wrong time
But you
You were a fire starter
Autonomy seeker
Freedom fighter
Singing there is enough for everyone
Potluck romance
Love that love dance
You walked that walk
Talk that talk
Joy bringer
A helping hand
Yes we can
Live lets live
You were in the wrong place at the wrong time
But you had it right
Wind blows
Rock falls
A wing breaks
Father shakes
Red light
Green light
Boy race with time
Mama crying
Warm night
Barrowed bike
Last dance
You where in the wrong place at the wrong time
But you had it right
For everyone
Had it right
- Current Mood:reflecting
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
- Current Mood:plowing through it
There are 2 old pines on the top, a man-made drinking hole for critters, an outhouse, a picnic table and the tower. Its excellent. You have to climb up 2 stories of rickety narrow steps, lift a trap door and you emerge on a catwalk encircling a one room paradise with 360 views, a bed, a telescope, shelves, books on the local flora and fauna, lots of posters on how to look for a fire and that is about it.
After my father died and my mother decided to stay on the farm and make a go of it, she built, by herself, a treehouse for me and my sis. I must have lived there the summer I was 10 and a few years after. That is where I read Harper Lee, John Nichols(I am the Wizard of Loneliness - alakadetmole!), cried as Scarlett made an absolute mess of everything, Auntie Mame, every Tales from the Crypt I could find, H.P. Lovecraft, Poe, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, every gothic ghost story the library had.
It was huge to me and now, there is nothing but a few planks and I don't see how it could have contained my world, but it did. That is where I started to keep a journal too...a tradition that I keep today.
Simon said he had never seen me skip before. We decided that our condo is kind of like a treehouse. sort of.
We were up at 5:30 to see the sun rise and the valley below hold the clouds like a bowl.
I will hold this birthday close for a long time.
- Current Location:memory lane
- Current Mood:thinkin' about it all
- Current Music:500 miles - Rosanne Cash
Photographed them today and just marveled at them.
Great way to start a day. While I was asking them to sit for a portrait, a four foot long big brown snake slithered over my foot. Did not look like anything from around here and I wonder if some of the rich people whose houses line the hill over the Arroyo had let loose one of their 'exotic' pets. This happens all over here. In South Pasadena, just 2 miles from the condo, there are flocks(is that right? flocks?) of 'wild' parrots who have been there for ages from some one who opened the cage door long ago.
- Current Mood:better
- Current Music:Edward Sharpe and the magnetic zeros
BritishPetroleum (BP) rep Randy Prescott made a comment, "Louisiana isn't the only place that has shrimp." His office number is (713) 323-4093 Hisemail is [email protected]. Give him a call or send an email. Tell him "BP isn't the only place that has fuel for my car!"
- Current Mood:defiant