Leonid Grinin
PhD, is a Russian philosopher of history, sociologist, political anthropologist, economist, and a scholar of historical trends and future studies.
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Papers by Leonid Grinin
The Inflation theory makes still widespread views of the Big Bang theory archaic, in particular as regards the following points: 1) the history of the Universe started with the Big Bang; 2) it started with the singularity. According to the Inflation theory, the Big Bang was not the beginning and the moment of the origin of the Universe, but it was preceded by at least two epochs: inflation and post-inflationary heating. That is, the Big Bang or precisely the hot Big Bang is just a phase transition from the state of cold inflation to the hot phase. Since the Inflation theory does not consider the Big Bang as the initial phase there emerges an intricate problem of the role of the Big Bang in the process of the formation the Universe as a whole. The paper considers the confusion with the Big Bang notion, a number and sequence of ‘bangs’ and why the theory can dispense easily without the notion the Big Bang. We will also discuss some advantages and disadvantages of the Inflation theory.
this important theme. The article offers a thorough analysis of the internal conditions of Arab countries on the eve of revolutionary events, as well as causes and consequences of the Arab Revolutions. The article also offers an analysis of similar
historical World System reconfigurations starting with the sixteenth-century
Reformation. The analysis is based on the theory (developed by the authors) of
the periodical catch-ups experienced by the political component of the World
System that tends to lag behind the World System economic component. Thus,
we show that the asynchrony of development of various functional subsystems
of the World System is a cause of the synchrony of major political changes. In
otherwords,within the globalization process, political transformations tend to lag
far behind economic transformations. And such lags cannot constantly increase,
the gaps are eventually bridged, but in not quite a smooth way. The article also
suggests an explanation why the current catch-up of the World System political
component started in the Arab World.
and its important consequences for particular societies and the whole
world. Basing on this analysis, we can draw a conclusion that the future technological
breakthrough is likely to take place in the 2030s (which we define as
the final phase of the Cybernetic Revolution). In the 2020s – 2030s we will expect
the upswing of the forthcoming sixth Kondratieff wave, which will introduce
the sixth technological paradigm (system). All those revolutionary technological
changes will be connected, first of all, with breakthroughs in medicine
and related technologies. We also present our ideas about the financial instruments
that can help to solve the problem of pension provision for an increasing
elderly population in the developed countries. We think that a more purposeful
use of pension funds' assets together with an allocation (with necessary guarantees)
of the latter into education and upgrading skills of young people in developing
countries, perhaps, can partially solve the indicated problem in the
developed states.
multidisciplinary approaches and integral disciplines among which one can name Global Studies, Global History and Big History. They all provide a connection between the past, present, and future. Big History with its vast and extremely heterogeneous field of research encompasses all the forms of existence and all timescales and brings together constantly updated information from the scientific disciplines and the humanities. Global History is transnational or world history
which examines history from a global perspective, making a wide use of comparative history and
of the history of multiple cultures and nations. Global Studies express the view of systemic
and epistemological unity of global processes. Thus, one may argue that Global Studies and
Globalistics can well be combined with Global History and Big History and such a multidisciplinary
approach can open wide horizons for the modern university education as it helps to
form a global view of various processes.
Culture, and Cosmic Civilizations. To some extent it reveals the extraordinary potential
of scientific research. The common feature of all our Yearbooks, including the present
volume, is the usage of formal methods and social studies methods in their synthesis
to analyze different phenomena. In other words, if to borrow Alexander Pushkin's words,
‘to verify the algebra with harmony’. One should note that publishing in a single collection
the articles that apply mathematical methods to the study of various epochs and scales –
from deep historical reconstruction to the pressing problems of the modern world – reflects
our approach to the selection of contributions for the Yearbook. History and Mathematics,
Social Studies and formal methods, as previously noted, can bring nontrivial results in the
studies of different spheres and epochs.
This issue consists of three main sections: (I) Historical and Technological Dimensions
includes two papers (the first is about the connection between genes, myths and waves of the
peopling of Americas; the second one is devoted to quantitative analysis of innovative activity
and competition in technological sphere in the Middle Ages and Modern Period); (II) Economic
and Cultural Dimensions (the contributions are mostly focused on modern period); (III)
Modeling and Theories includes two papers with interesting models (the first one concerns
modeling punctuated equilibria apparent in the macropattern of urbanization over time; in the
second one the author attempts to estimate the number of Communicative Civilizations).
We hope that this issue will be interesting and useful both for historians and mathematicians,
as well as for all those dealing with various social and natural sciences.
differences between biological and social macroevolution. In the
second (and main) part, we consider a concrete mathematical
model capable of describing important features of both biological
and social macroevolution. In mathematical models of historical
macrodynamics, a hyperbolic pattern of world population growth
arises from non-linear, second-order positive feedback between
demographic growth and technological development. This is more
or less identical with the working of the collective learning
mechanism. Based on diverse paleontological data and an analogy
with macrosociological models, we suggest that the hyperbolic
character of biodiversity growth can be similarly accounted for by
non-linear, second-order positive feedback between diversity
growth and the complexity of community structure, suggesting
the presence within the biosphere of a certain analogue of the
collective learning mechanism. We discuss how such positive
feedback mechanisms can be modelled mathematically.
современная наука и история земного шара (от лат. globus – шар), жизни и человечества.
the question, ‘What are the consequences of the present global crisis in the
proximate future of the World System?’ It also attempts to describe the basic
characteristics of the forthcoming ‘Epoch of New Coalitions’ and to forecast
certain future conditions. Among the problems analyzed in this paper are the
following: What does the weakening of the economic role of the USA as the
World System centre mean? Will there be a leader in the future World System?
Will the deficit of global governance and world fragmentation continue to worsen?
How can national sovereignty be transformed?
The year 2017 was marked not only by the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution but also by five hundred years passed from the start of the Reformation in Germany. It is just from the Reformation that one can account for revolutions in Europe and world. The first part of the article analyzes the range of transformations of revolutions in the course of historical development; in particular, the ways their role in the world history, social basis, revolutionary ideologies and practices and used information means would change over these centuries. It is also shown which important changes in revolutionary practices and the very essence of revolution were brought by every great revolution. While considering these aspects and also in the second part of the article the author touches some issues connected with the theory of revolutions. In particular, the author classifies revolutions starting from religious to modernization ones and considers some important causes of revolutions. In the final part, the author speaks about how and why revolutions starting from a certain moment are more actively used as geopolitical means.
The article presents the analysis of the role of revolutions in historical process. It is shown why the revolutions were inevitable in the Modern era and what is their role in societal development as well as why the latter started to mismatch the existing political and social institutions. On the one hand, revolutions are considered as common phenomena for a certain stage of society’s development, and on the other hand, the author analyses why and how the role of revolutions considerably changes in different periods of history as well as explains why revolutions from a driving force finally become an expensive and not productive social experiment. He also makes an attempt to elaborate some aspects of the theory of revolution (a revolutionary situation, role of society’s ideology and psychology over certain periods etc.).
The Inflation theory makes still widespread views of the Big Bang theory archaic, in particular as regards the following points: 1) the history of the Universe started with the Big Bang; 2) it started with the singularity. According to the Inflation theory, the Big Bang was not the beginning and the moment of the origin of the Universe, but it was preceded by at least two epochs: inflation and post-inflationary heating. That is, the Big Bang or precisely the hot Big Bang is just a phase transition from the state of cold inflation to the hot phase. Since the Inflation theory does not consider the Big Bang as the initial phase there emerges an intricate problem of the role of the Big Bang in the process of the formation the Universe as a whole. The paper considers the confusion with the Big Bang notion, a number and sequence of ‘bangs’ and why the theory can dispense easily without the notion the Big Bang. We will also discuss some advantages and disadvantages of the Inflation theory.
this important theme. The article offers a thorough analysis of the internal conditions of Arab countries on the eve of revolutionary events, as well as causes and consequences of the Arab Revolutions. The article also offers an analysis of similar
historical World System reconfigurations starting with the sixteenth-century
Reformation. The analysis is based on the theory (developed by the authors) of
the periodical catch-ups experienced by the political component of the World
System that tends to lag behind the World System economic component. Thus,
we show that the asynchrony of development of various functional subsystems
of the World System is a cause of the synchrony of major political changes. In
otherwords,within the globalization process, political transformations tend to lag
far behind economic transformations. And such lags cannot constantly increase,
the gaps are eventually bridged, but in not quite a smooth way. The article also
suggests an explanation why the current catch-up of the World System political
component started in the Arab World.
and its important consequences for particular societies and the whole
world. Basing on this analysis, we can draw a conclusion that the future technological
breakthrough is likely to take place in the 2030s (which we define as
the final phase of the Cybernetic Revolution). In the 2020s – 2030s we will expect
the upswing of the forthcoming sixth Kondratieff wave, which will introduce
the sixth technological paradigm (system). All those revolutionary technological
changes will be connected, first of all, with breakthroughs in medicine
and related technologies. We also present our ideas about the financial instruments
that can help to solve the problem of pension provision for an increasing
elderly population in the developed countries. We think that a more purposeful
use of pension funds' assets together with an allocation (with necessary guarantees)
of the latter into education and upgrading skills of young people in developing
countries, perhaps, can partially solve the indicated problem in the
developed states.
multidisciplinary approaches and integral disciplines among which one can name Global Studies, Global History and Big History. They all provide a connection between the past, present, and future. Big History with its vast and extremely heterogeneous field of research encompasses all the forms of existence and all timescales and brings together constantly updated information from the scientific disciplines and the humanities. Global History is transnational or world history
which examines history from a global perspective, making a wide use of comparative history and
of the history of multiple cultures and nations. Global Studies express the view of systemic
and epistemological unity of global processes. Thus, one may argue that Global Studies and
Globalistics can well be combined with Global History and Big History and such a multidisciplinary
approach can open wide horizons for the modern university education as it helps to
form a global view of various processes.
Culture, and Cosmic Civilizations. To some extent it reveals the extraordinary potential
of scientific research. The common feature of all our Yearbooks, including the present
volume, is the usage of formal methods and social studies methods in their synthesis
to analyze different phenomena. In other words, if to borrow Alexander Pushkin's words,
‘to verify the algebra with harmony’. One should note that publishing in a single collection
the articles that apply mathematical methods to the study of various epochs and scales –
from deep historical reconstruction to the pressing problems of the modern world – reflects
our approach to the selection of contributions for the Yearbook. History and Mathematics,
Social Studies and formal methods, as previously noted, can bring nontrivial results in the
studies of different spheres and epochs.
This issue consists of three main sections: (I) Historical and Technological Dimensions
includes two papers (the first is about the connection between genes, myths and waves of the
peopling of Americas; the second one is devoted to quantitative analysis of innovative activity
and competition in technological sphere in the Middle Ages and Modern Period); (II) Economic
and Cultural Dimensions (the contributions are mostly focused on modern period); (III)
Modeling and Theories includes two papers with interesting models (the first one concerns
modeling punctuated equilibria apparent in the macropattern of urbanization over time; in the
second one the author attempts to estimate the number of Communicative Civilizations).
We hope that this issue will be interesting and useful both for historians and mathematicians,
as well as for all those dealing with various social and natural sciences.
differences between biological and social macroevolution. In the
second (and main) part, we consider a concrete mathematical
model capable of describing important features of both biological
and social macroevolution. In mathematical models of historical
macrodynamics, a hyperbolic pattern of world population growth
arises from non-linear, second-order positive feedback between
demographic growth and technological development. This is more
or less identical with the working of the collective learning
mechanism. Based on diverse paleontological data and an analogy
with macrosociological models, we suggest that the hyperbolic
character of biodiversity growth can be similarly accounted for by
non-linear, second-order positive feedback between diversity
growth and the complexity of community structure, suggesting
the presence within the biosphere of a certain analogue of the
collective learning mechanism. We discuss how such positive
feedback mechanisms can be modelled mathematically.
современная наука и история земного шара (от лат. globus – шар), жизни и человечества.
the question, ‘What are the consequences of the present global crisis in the
proximate future of the World System?’ It also attempts to describe the basic
characteristics of the forthcoming ‘Epoch of New Coalitions’ and to forecast
certain future conditions. Among the problems analyzed in this paper are the
following: What does the weakening of the economic role of the USA as the
World System centre mean? Will there be a leader in the future World System?
Will the deficit of global governance and world fragmentation continue to worsen?
How can national sovereignty be transformed?
The year 2017 was marked not only by the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution but also by five hundred years passed from the start of the Reformation in Germany. It is just from the Reformation that one can account for revolutions in Europe and world. The first part of the article analyzes the range of transformations of revolutions in the course of historical development; in particular, the ways their role in the world history, social basis, revolutionary ideologies and practices and used information means would change over these centuries. It is also shown which important changes in revolutionary practices and the very essence of revolution were brought by every great revolution. While considering these aspects and also in the second part of the article the author touches some issues connected with the theory of revolutions. In particular, the author classifies revolutions starting from religious to modernization ones and considers some important causes of revolutions. In the final part, the author speaks about how and why revolutions starting from a certain moment are more actively used as geopolitical means.
The article presents the analysis of the role of revolutions in historical process. It is shown why the revolutions were inevitable in the Modern era and what is their role in societal development as well as why the latter started to mismatch the existing political and social institutions. On the one hand, revolutions are considered as common phenomena for a certain stage of society’s development, and on the other hand, the author analyses why and how the role of revolutions considerably changes in different periods of history as well as explains why revolutions from a driving force finally become an expensive and not productive social experiment. He also makes an attempt to elaborate some aspects of the theory of revolution (a revolutionary situation, role of society’s ideology and psychology over certain periods etc.).
Первая книга была посвящена космической эволюции и истории от Большого взрыва 13,8 млрд лет назад до формирования Солнечной системы (4,57 млрд лет назад). Вторая книга – эволюции и истории ранней Солнечной системы в ее первый миллиард лет (от зарождения до конца поздней тяжелой бомбардировки метеоритами и установления орбит планет).
Третья книга включает довольно подробное описание планет и части спутников Солнечной системы, а также их 4,5-миллиардную историю и эволюцию в сравнении между собой и с эволюцией Земли. Важно отметить, что подобных исследований, которые бы представляли историю и эволюцию планет и спутников Солнечной системы в комплексе, с хронологией, сравнением истории планет в синхронных срезах, нет.
В этом, а также и в некоторых других отношениях данная книга является уникальной. Помимо истории планет и планетных тел нашей Солнечной системы, в этой книге также представлена краткая история химической эволюции – от зарождения первых атомов во Вселенной до абиогенеза на Земле, то есть этапа преджизни и формирования предпосылок для появления первых живых организмов. Раздел о химической эволюции очень важен для понимания как истории жизни (поскольку химическая абиогенная эволюция – это переход от косной к живой материи), так и истории Земли (геологической эволюции).
Книга будет интересна и полезна всем, кто интересуется проблемами космологии, эволюции и философии мироздания, кого волнуют проблемы устройства мира, тем, кто работает на стыке междисциплинарных проблем и хочет быть в курсе современных научных достижений. Она написана в достаточно популярной манере, но в то же время опирается на серьезные научные исследования, то есть рассчитана как на специалистов, так и на широкий круг читателей.
Мы надеемся, что данный выпуск ежегодника будет полезен как специалистам, так и широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся глобальными процессами, кризисами, прогнозами мирового развития.
The subtitle of the volume is ‘Global Evolution, Historical Globalistics and Globalization Studies’ which reflects the contents. The present issue brings together a variety of contributions devoted to mega- and global evolution (Part I); historical globalistics (Part II); globalization and glocalization (Parts III–IV). Besides, Part IV comprises some issues on the view in the future. We become more and more accustomed to think globally and to see global processes.
The yearbook will be interesting to a wide range of researchers, teachers, students and all those who are concerned about global issues
явления у одного из видов животных способности к ускоренному развитию на
основе социальной макроэволюции. Монография снабжена глоссарием.
Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей: социологов, историков, фи-
лософов, биологов, а также всех тех, кого интересуют возможности применения междисциплинарных подходов к изучению эволюции живой природы и общества.
В последние годы в Мир-Системе происходят процессы, которые свидетельствуют о том, что она вступает в довольно длительную полосу повышенной турбулентности, и это делает исследование факторов нестабильности еще более актуальным. Причем начавшиеся процессы реконфигурации Мир-Системы с характерными для нее процессами нестабильности захватили не только полупериферийные зоны, но и ядро Мир-Системы. В монографии исследуются причины этих явлений и делаются прогнозы о развитии мирового порядка в ближайшие десятилетия.
В целом настоящая монография содержит много интересных фактов, рассуждений и результатов проведенных нами исследований. Она будет полезна не только специалистам, но и всем, кто интересуется процессами дестабилизации и революций, в частности в различных обществах, их причинами, факторами и механизмами. Выход монографии актуализируется и в связи с тем, что в 2017 г. отмечается столетний юбилей Русской революции, оказавшей огромное влияние на весь ход истории в ХХ столетии.
Авторы надеются, что данное учебное пособие будет представлять интерес не только для студентов, изучающих глобальную историю, и специалистов по глобалистике, но и для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся историей глобального мира.
В настоящей книге затронут целый комплекс проблем, вполне удачно объединенных под названием «Н. Д. Кондратьев: кризисы и прогнозы в свете теории длинных волн. Взгляд из современности». Монография состоит из четырех частей. Первая часть («Н. Д. Кондратьев: биография, творчество, наследие») посвящена важным или малоизвестным аспектам жизни, творчества и наследия ученого. Вторая часть («Длинные волны, технологическая и инновационная динамика») описывает различные аспекты создания длинноволновой теории и ее применения для анализа исторических и современных экономических и иных процессов. Авторы глав третьей части («Циклы, кризисы, прогнозы») рассматривают различные аспекты изменения в развитии длинного цикла начала XXI в., характеризуют перспективы мирового развития в ближайшие десятилетия, прогнозируя наиболее вероятные точки перелома в экономической и политической ди-намике. Они используют весь спектр идей Н. Д. Кондратьева, в том числе методологи-ческие подходы к анализу сущего и должного; соотношение телеологического и генетического метода исследования и другие его разработки, основы которых он заложил или намеревался заложить в теорию прогнозирования. В четвертой части («Центр – периферия. Процессы модернизации и кризисы») дается анализ современных мир-системных процессов и того, как эти процессы будут преломляться в будущем. Завершает моно-графию Заключение («Приближающийся кризис в свете теории длинных волн»). В нем дан конкретный пример использования прогнозирования кризисов при помощи теории длинных волн.
What determines the transition of a society from one level of development to another? One of the most fundamental causes is the global technological transformations. Among all major technological breakthroughs in history the most important are three production revolutions: 1) the Agrarian Revolution; 2) the Industrial Revolution; and 3) the Cybernetic one. The book introduces the theory of production revolutions which is a new valuable explanatory paradigm that analyzes causes and trends of dramatic shifts in historical process. The authors describe the course of technological transformations in history and demonstrate a possible application of the theory to explain the present and forthcoming technological changes. They analyze the technological shifts which took place in the second half of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries and forecast the main shifts in the next half a century. On this basis the authors present a detailed analysis of the latest production revolution which is denoted as ‘Сybernetic’. They make some predictions about its development in the nearest five decades and up to the end of the twenty-first century and show that the development of various self-regulating systems will be the main trend of this revolution. The authors argue that the transition to the starting final phase of the Cybernetic Revolution (in the 2030–2040s) will first occur in the field of medicine (in some its innovative branches). In future we will deal with the started convergence of innovative technologies which will form the system of MANBRIC-technologies (i.e. the technological paradigm based on medicine, additive, nano- and bio- technologies, robotics, IT and cognitive technologies). The monograph gives an outline of the future breakthroughs in medicine and some other technologies (between the 2010s and 2070s).
What is the subject of the present issue of the Yearbook? Similar to the previous issues, it shows some aspects of the evolutionary advance from the earlier phases to the anticipated future of human society. But on the whole, this volume is devoted to different aspects and facts of megaevolution and some universal theories in an attempt to find common ground in the diversity of manifestation of evolution and its forms at different stages of development. So the title of this issue, ‘Evolution and Big History: Dimensions, Trends, and Forecasts’, is fully justified (besides, several papers contribute to the field of Big History).
The volume consists of four sections: Dimensions, Trends, and Aspects; Big History's Manifestations; Trends and Forecasts; and Reviews and Information.
This Yearbook will be useful both for those who study interdisciplinary macroproblems and for specialists working in focused directions, as well as for those who are interested in evolutionary issues of Cosmology, Biology, History, Anthropology, Economics and other areas of study. More than that, this edition will challenge and excite your vision of your own life and the new discoveries going on around us.
Humanity, using the best available empirical evidence and scholarly methods’. In recent years Big History has been developing very fast indeed. Big History courses are taught
in the schools and universities of several dozen countries. Hundreds of researchers are involved in studying and teaching Big History. The unique approach of Big History, the
interdisciplinary genre of history that deals with the grand narrative of 13.8 billion years, has opened up a vast amount of research agendas. Big History brings together constantly
updated information from the scientific disciplines and merges it with the contemplative realms of philosophy and the humanities. It also provides a connection between the past,
present, and future. Big History is a colossal and extremely heterogeneous field of research encompassing all the forms of existence and all timescales. Unsurprisingly, Big History
may be presented in very different aspects and facets. In this volume the Big History is presented and discussed in three different ways. In its first part, Big History is explored in terms
of methodology, theories of knowledge, as well as showcasing the personal approach of scholars to Big History. The second section comprises such articles that could clarify Big
History's main trends and laws. The third part of this book explores the nature of teaching Big History as well as profiling a number of educational methods. This volume will be useful both for those who study interdisciplinary macroproblems
and for specialists working in focused directions, as well as for those who are interested in evolutionary issues of Astrophysics, Geology, Biology, History, Anthropology, Linguistics and other areas of study.
Основной задачей нашего ежегодника является формирование междисциплинарного единого поля исследований, в котором ученые разных специализаций
могли бы работать в рамках единой или близких парадигм, использовать общую терминологию, искать общие правила, тенденции и закономерности. При этом для выработки такого единого поля необходимо использовать все имеющиеся возможности: теории, законы и методы. Каждый выпуск мы стремимся составить таким образом, чтобы выстроилась некая линия от космической эволюции к будущему человечества.
Восьмой выпуск, как и ряд предыдущих, представляет собой определенный срез, показывающий процесс эволюции от космической ее стадии до предполагаемого будущего человеческого общества. В целом выпуск посвящен рассмотрению различных аспектов и срезов мегаэволюции, некоторым общим правилам и теориям, пытающимся найти общее в разнообразии проявления эволюции и ее форм на разных стадиях развития. Поэтому он получил название «Срезы, правила, прогнозы». Здесь по-новому рассматриваются некоторые темы, которые исследовались
в наших изданиях ранее, в частности аспекты сингулярности и глобального старения. Данный выпуск ежегодника состоит из четырех разделов. Первый и самый обширный из них – «Аспекты, ритмы и механизмы эволюции». Раздел второй «Эволюционные теории (эволюция в теоретических подходах)» включает четыре статьи. Третий раздел посвящен взгляду в будущее и состоит из трех статей. Завершает выпуск четвертый раздел «Научная жизнь».
Работа над книгой проводилась в рамках исследований по проекту Российского научного фонда № 14-11-00634 «Математические методы прогнозирования мирового и странового социально-экономического развития» под руководством академика В. А. Садовничего и иностранного члена РАН А. А. Акаева.
В свете этого особое значение приобретает теория длинных волн, созданная Н. Д. Кондратьевым, которая служит важнейшим инструментом для адекватного понимания текущих мир-
системных процессов. Мало того, эта теория в совокупности с теорией смены технологических укладов является одной из немногих в экономической науке, которая позволяет строить научно обоснованные прогнозы. В настоящей монографии затронут целый комплекс проблем, вполне
удачно объединенных под названием «Кризисы и прогнозы в свете теории длинных волн». Задачей
авторов было более точно установить влияние на экономические подъемы и кризисы объективных
и субъективных факторов циклов разной периодичности; выявить влияние инноваций на экономическую динамику на разных фазах циклов; использовать теорию длинных волн в совокупности
с теорией смены технологических укладов для построения научно обоснованных прогнозов. Так
или иначе авторы также касались проблемы органичной связи теории длинных (кондратьевских)
волн с теорией средне-срочных (жюгляровских) циклов. Ведь экономический кризис (крах, спад и
депрессия) – это наиболее драматичная часть именно среднесрочного экономического цикла. Кри-
зисы всегда являются результатом предшествующего активного роста, поскольку этот рост неиз-
бежно создает структурные напряжения не только в экономике, но и в обществе в целом (институ-
ты общества рассчитаны на определенный объем и масштаб явлений и процессов). Но, разумеется,
все кризисы при некоторых сходствах проходят по-разному. Кроме того, заметно отличаются они в
зависимости от того, на какой – повышательной или понижательной – фазе длинной кондратьев-
ской волны они случаются.
В монографии также затрагиваются и очень важные вопросы связи государств и экономического развития, проблемы возникновения социально-политических кризисов в процессе модернизации, другие аспекты социально-политической нестабильности в разных регионах мира.
специфичные для каждого из двух типов макроэволюции черты, которые проиллюстрированы большим количеством примеров, взятых из разных областей эволюционной биологии, истории и социологии. На богатом фактическом материале
сделан сравнительный анализ черт сходства и различия биологической и социаль-
ной макроэволюции; показаны их преемственность и закономерный характер по-
явления у одного из видов животных способности к ускоренному развитию на
основе социальной макроэволюции. Монография снабжена глоссарием.
Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей: социологов, историков, философов, биологов, а также всех тех, кого интересуют возможности применения
междисциплинарных подходов к изучению эволюции живой природы и общества.
Многолинейность и альтернативность социальной эволюции, выражающаяся как в многообразии путей к государству, так и в существовании наряду с ранними государствами их альтернатив и аналогов, могут рассматриваться как общие идеи, пронизывающие большую часть статей данного сборника.
mechanisms at various levels and phases of Big History. Such an approach opens up some new perspectives for our understanding of evolution and Big History, their driving forces, vectors, and trends; it creates a consolidated
field for interdisciplinary research. Of special importance is the point that many principles, patterns, regularities, and rules of evolution, which we tend to find relevant only for the biological and social levels of evolution, may be also applied to the cosmic phase of evolution. This is not so surpris-ing, since the formation, life-cycle and renewal of stars, galaxies, as well as other celestial bodies is the longest evolutionary process that took place in the Universe.
On the whole, there are reasons to maintain that European countries suffer from ‘the Japanese disease’, and this disease can progress or even become chronic. The USA, albeit to a lesser extent, has signs of the disease as well. As a result, the financial infusions can become permanent, as it happened in Japan. The present paper defines reasons of the problem, explains the irregularity of the inflation-deflation processes in the world and also offers some forecasts on this basis that the crisis-depressive phase of development in the global economy will continue for a relatively long time. Based on our analysis of available resources and the theory of long cycles, we suppose that the new crisis will begin in 2020–2021. We also suppose that in the next 5–10 years, the global economy will continue being in the crisis-depression phase with rather sluggish and weak rises. The paper also offers some forecasts for the forthcoming sixth Kondratieff wave (2020 – the 2060/70s), identifies its possible technological basis and discusses possible consequences of the forthcoming technological transformations.
Thus, in the modern world, along with states, one can find numerous alternative social and political organizations, which, to a greater or lesser extent, have some features that are similar to certain ancient polities. How and why is this possible? We hope that this paper will shed some light on this question. However, it requires and deserves further study.
revolution which we denote as ‘Сybernetic’, and give some forecasts about its development up to the end of the 21st century. It is shown that the development of various self-regulating systems will be the main trend of this revolution. We argue that the technological transition of the final phase of the Cybernetic Revolution will start in medicine, which is to be the keystone of technological convergence forming the system of MANBRIC-technologies (based on medicine, additive, nano, bio, robotic, IT and cognitive technologies). Today we are at the threshold of post-human revolution, the era of an intensive impact on the human body. The authors consider the directions of this revolution such as considerable
life extension, organ replacement, BCIs, robotics, genome editing,
etc. It is very important to understand the mechanisms of technological development and to measure the possible risks arising from them.
The Inflation theory makes still widespread views of the Big Bang theory archaic as regards the following points: 1) the history of the Universe started with the Big Bang; 2) it started with the singularity. According to the Inflation theory, the Big Bang was not the beginning and the moment of the origin of the Universe, but it was preceded by at least two epochs: inflation and post-inflationary heating. That is, the Big Bang or precisely the hot Big Bang is just a phase transition from the state of cold inflation to the hot phase. Since the Inflation theory does not consider the Big Bang as the initial phase there emerges an intricate problem of the role of the Big Bang in the process of the formation the Universe as a whole. The paper considers the confusion with the Big Bang notion, a number and sequence of ‘bangs’ and why the theory can dispense easily without the notion the Big Bang. We will also discuss some advantages and disadvantages of the Inflation theory.
The first issue of the Yearbook entitled ‘Analyzing and Modeling Global Development’ came out in 2006 (see Grinin, de Munck, and Korotayev 2006). This volume initiated a series of edited volumes dedicated to various aspects of the application of mathematical methods to the study of history and society. It comprised articles that apply mathematical methods to the study of various epochs and scales: from deep historical reconstruction to the pressing problems of the modern world. On the other hand, all the articles of this issue were dedicated to the analysis, periodization, or modeling of global development. It was shown that the mathematical modeling of historical macroprocesses suggests a fresh approach to the periodization issue. The authors studied these problems from different perspectives (technological, economic, demographic, sociostructural, cultural-psychological, linguistic). New quantitative insights on the dynamics of contemporary processes were presented. These insights allowed the authors to make a number of important forecasts on this basis.
Islamism appears one of the most important phenomena of our times and it greatly affects many global processes. In the Muslim world one can hardly find a country where Islamism would not be an influential and stable political factor. It seems impossible to comprehend modern Muslim (especially Arab) societies without taking into account the role of Islamism as simultaneously an ideology, a cultural environment, and a mode of life and guideline to follow. And if one keeps in mind the increasingly large share of the Muslim population in the world, it appears impossible to ignore their impact in current and future globalization trends. All