Start a Fundraiser

There are countless ways you can fundraise to support the work of the National Scleroderma Foundation. Whether you host your own event, become a HOPE Raiser, or start a fundraiser on Facebook, we have the tools to help you make a big impact.

Host a Third-Party Event

Do you want to bring people together, raise awareness about scleroderma, and fundraise for the Foundation at the same time? Hosting your own event is a creative and high-impact way to raise funds and meet the growing demands of our critical mission work.

Individuals and organizations can host third-party fundraising events or gatherings that benefit the National Scleroderma Foundation. These events are executed independently of the Foundation and its staff.

You can…

  • Host an in-person or virtual event and donate the funds to the National Scleroderma Foundation. Bringing your friends and family together for a dinner, bake sale, car wash, sports tournament, virtual trivia night, school spirit day, or for an awareness campaign are all examples of ways you can fundraise. The possibilities are endless! Whatever you like to do, whatever your talents are—you can use them to support the fight against scleroderma.
  • Designate the National Scleroderma Foundation as a beneficiary of your event. If your business or organization hosts an annual event that generates revenue, consider donating a portion of the proceeds to the Foundation.

There is no limit to how you can help end scleroderma! We are excited to see your creativity. Get started planning your event by reviewing our toolkit below.

DOWNLOAD Third-party event paperwork

To enhance the success of your events and to avoid conflicts with the National Scleroderma Foundation’s donors, corporate sponsors, and other existing campaigns, the third-party policies should be observed.

Fundraise on Facebook

Facebook fundraising is an easy way to rally your friends and family to join you in your fight against scleroderma. Start a fundraiser for the National Scleroderma Foundation and share it with everyone you know so you can reach your goal!

Facebook lets you raise money for the National Scleroderma Foundation by…

  • Starting a fundraiser for the Foundation whenever you’d like.
  • Starting a birthday fundraiser for the Foundation so friends can make a gift to support you on your special day.
  • Adding a donate button to any of your posts about scleroderma or the Foundation.



We are here to help! If you have questions about how you can fundraise with us, please email [email protected] or call (978) 463-5843.