? ?
Journal created:
on 21 July 2006 (#10719772)
on 1 September 2009
Sci-Fi Genre
Durham, North Carolina, United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Welcome to the LJ Community for Sci-Fi Genre, a multimedia shopping experience for all your comic and gaming needs.

This community is a place for those who would frequent the actual store to meet and discuss upcoming events, products, and general geeky goings-on in the area. As moderator, I reserve the right to slay trolls, extinguish flames, and protect truth and justice by deleting posts and comments that are innapropriate. Sci-Fi Genre is an experience for those of all ages, so remember that children might read what you post. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself, "Would Superman ever say this?" If probably shouldn't either.

Other than that, post away! Connect with your fellow fringers! Have a great time, and hope to see you around the shop! -- spiral24

Sci-Fi Genre Comics & Games
3215 Old Chapel Hill Rd.
Durham, NC 27707

From I-40:

* Take I-40 to 15-501 (exit 269).
* Turn north on 15-501. You should pass a Bob Evans on your right then a Chili's on your left.
* When 15-501 splits, exit onto Martin Luthor King Jr. Blvd. (take the right fork and then almost immediately the right fork again.)
* At the traffic light (University Dr.) turn left.
* After a few lights, you'll be at the Old Chapel Hill Rd intersection. Turn right.
* We're about 200 yards down on the left!

From I-85 South:

* Take the 15-501 Exit.
* When 15-501 splits, take the middle option, Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
* Turn left at the light onto University Dr.
* After a few lights, you'll be at the Old Chapel Hill Rd intersection. Turn right.
* We're about 200 yards down on the left!
