Papers by Bruno Sousa Rodrigues

Online Dispute Resolution
, where over the past 30 years he has taught Private International Law, Comparative Law, Civil La... more , where over the past 30 years he has taught Private International Law, Comparative Law, Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law. He was the Chairman of the Scientific Council of the same Facul ty between 2020 and 2022. Admitted to the Portuguese Bar (Ordem dos Advogados) in 1987. Has participated as arbitrator, counsel and expert in numerous domestic and international arbitrations. Member of the ICSID panels of arbitrators and conciliators and of the arbitration rosters of several arbitration centres in Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Portugal. Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR. Chairman of the Portuguese Arbitration Association. Elsa Dias Oliveira is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon where she teaches inter alia Arbitration Law, Private International Law, International Contracts and Civil Law. She has published several articles and books also on arbitration, including Arbi tragem Voluntária: uma Introdução. She is also President of the Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Center of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. She has been a member of the Board of the Portuguese Arbitration Association (APA) since July 2021 and is a member of the International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL) and of the Private Law Research Center of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.

Online Dispute Resolution: New Challenges, 2022
The many benefits of online arbitration, especially in the context of the Covid crisis, are beyon... more The many benefits of online arbitration, especially in the context of the Covid crisis, are beyond question. Several of the elements of online arbitration will certainly survive – in a balanced way – even if one day the pandemic is (hopefully) put behind us. Even so, one must guard against online euphoria, because the conduct of arbitral proceedings in this setting throws up a number of challenges and difficulties. Most no tably, online arbitral proceedings can complicate the relationship between two foundational values governing any system of dispute resolution, i.e. that of equal treatment and that requiring a good administration of justice. Indeed, the benefits of cost reduction and expediency, usually associated with the transition to online proceedings, may also come at the cost of an increased concern for parties’ equality of arms. As has been the case in other circumstances, the expansion of arbitration over greener pastures has always come with a price tag on it.
This chapter will proceed as follows. First, it will discuss the limits to the principle of equal treatment in arbitration. It will then explore how the concept of good administration of justice is to be understood in the context of transnational arbitration. Lastly, it will explore a number of issues in the relationship between the good administration of transnational justice and equal treatment in the context of online arbitral proceedings. A final section will set out this chapter’s conclusions.
Qualified lawyer in Brazil and a PhD candidate at Sciences Po Law School.

RODRIGUES, Bruno Sousa. Os precedentes judiciais sob a ótica da doutrina do stare decisis”. Revista Jurídica da Justiça Federal da Bahia. Salvador, n. 12, p. 235-254, maio 2014.
Os efeitos da inconsistência das decisões judiciais impossibilitam ao indivíduo se orientar adequ... more Os efeitos da inconsistência das decisões judiciais impossibilitam ao indivíduo se orientar adequadamente em sociedade. Pouca serventia tem um texto normativo contínuo e coeso se sua interpretação é incoerente e instável. Embora essa temática seja apresentada como algo novo no Civil Law, há muito já se questiona sobre a mutabilidade do posicionamento dos tribunais como um elemento gerador de injustiça nos países filiados ao Common Law. Em função disso, bastante atenção foi dada à questão dos julgamentos temporalmente precedentes e concretamente replicáveis. Naqueles países, desenvolveu-se toda uma teoria e uma práxis relacionada ao stare decisis. O presente trabalho pretende passar em revista a doutrina do stare decisis, buscando, a partir de uma perspectiva comparatista, jogar luz sobre um tema que ganhou bastante relevância para o direito pátrio nos últimos anos.
Palavras-Chave: Precedentes Judiciais. Ratio Decidendi. Stare decisis. Overruling. Distinguishing.
Sumário: 1. Introdução; 2. Justiça Restaurativa: premissas e conceitos; 3. Práticas restaurativas... more Sumário: 1. Introdução; 2. Justiça Restaurativa: premissas e conceitos; 3. Práticas restaurativas em casos de homicídio?; 3.1. Disponibilidade da vida?; 3.2. Quem são as vítimas?; 4. Homicídio culposo; 5. Homicídio doloso; 6. Conclusão RESUMO: As práticas restaurativas têm observado grande crescimento ao longo da última década. Seu emprego tem se dado na justiça de menores infratores, conflitos familiares e crimes de menor potencial ofensivo. Sua aplicação em crimes de maior potencial ofensivo, no entanto, ainda não é pacífica. O presente estudo busca investigar acerca da possibilidade de adoção de práticas restaurativas em casos de homicídio, sejam eles de natureza culposa ou dolosa. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Justiça Restaurativa, Processo Penal, Homicídios, reparação penal.
O precedente judicial é o veículo de uma conclusão jurídica generalizável a casos/questões simila... more O precedente judicial é o veículo de uma conclusão jurídica generalizável a casos/questões similares. Para determinar se um julgado antecedente constituirá um precedente para um caso superveniente, deve-se, inicialmente, buscar a “razão” pela qual uma decisão atribuindo um dado efeito jurídico foi proferida. A essa “razão” a doutrina chamou de ratio decidendi. Duas abordagens quanto à identificação da ratio se destacam, sendo a primeira capitaneada por Eugène Wambaugh e a segunda desenvolvida por Arthur Goodhart. O presente estudo pretende promover breve análise desses dois vieses teóricos.
Books by Bruno Sousa Rodrigues
El fenómeno del crimen organizado transnacional y su impacto en la corrupción pública y privada en américa latina: Experiencias en la región amazónica y en Colombia, 2025
Copyright ® 2025 Todos los derechos reservados. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede repr... more Copyright ® 2025 Todos los derechos reservados. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación magnética, o cualquier almacenamiento de información y sistema de recuperación sin permiso escrito de los autores y del editor. En caso de erratas y actualizaciones, la Editorial Tirant lo Blanch publicará la pertinente corrección en la página web

Transnational Actors in International Investment Law, 2021
Has the performance of UNCITRAL’s mandate evolved over time in relation to the governance of inte... more Has the performance of UNCITRAL’s mandate evolved over time in relation to the governance of international investments? The chapter argues that UNCITRAL’s activities concerning investment law may be divided in two discrete instants. A first period is marked by an attentive performance of UNCITRAL’s mandate to promote “the progressive harmonization and unification of the law of international trade”, focused only on the private dimensions of international invest- ment transactions. A second period begins recently with UNCITRAL’s involvement in the governance of investment arbitration. In particular, the project of ISDS reform has been undertaken at UNCITRAL under a presumably expanded understanding of its mandate and mission. It is, however, unclear whether this reconstruction of UNCITRAL’s mandate merely reflects a stronger engagement with public interna- tional law or an attempt to pursue activities of institutional imagination seemingly geared towards the transnational constitutionalization of the international investment regime. In any event, the new set of tasks conducted by UNCITRAL will require changes to the methods and practices historically developed for the transnational harmonization of municipal commercial law. This chapter aims at contributing to a reflection on the obstacles that UNCITRAL may face in the years to come regarding its evolving role as one of the centres for the transnational governance of interna- tional investments.
Papers by Bruno Sousa Rodrigues
This chapter will proceed as follows. First, it will discuss the limits to the principle of equal treatment in arbitration. It will then explore how the concept of good administration of justice is to be understood in the context of transnational arbitration. Lastly, it will explore a number of issues in the relationship between the good administration of transnational justice and equal treatment in the context of online arbitral proceedings. A final section will set out this chapter’s conclusions.
Palavras-Chave: Precedentes Judiciais. Ratio Decidendi. Stare decisis. Overruling. Distinguishing.
Books by Bruno Sousa Rodrigues
This chapter will proceed as follows. First, it will discuss the limits to the principle of equal treatment in arbitration. It will then explore how the concept of good administration of justice is to be understood in the context of transnational arbitration. Lastly, it will explore a number of issues in the relationship between the good administration of transnational justice and equal treatment in the context of online arbitral proceedings. A final section will set out this chapter’s conclusions.
Palavras-Chave: Precedentes Judiciais. Ratio Decidendi. Stare decisis. Overruling. Distinguishing.