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This is your one-stop shop for all Hubble media. View Hubble's iconic images and watch video explanations of the science behind those images. Allow your ears to enjoy sonifications of Hubble data turned into sound, or listen to podcasts about Hubble's mission and its images. Download e-books, fact sheets, and more. Don't forget to exercise your mind with Hubble's interactive activities!


Hubble is most famous for its beautiful and iconic images that forever changed the way we view the cosmos. From breathtaking nebulae and sparkling star clusters, to deep fields littered with galaxies, see more of Hubble's famous and latest images.

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NASA Hubble Space Telescope captures the chaotic activity atop a three-light-year-tall pillar of gas and dust that is being eaten away by the brilliant light from nearby bright stars in a tempestuous stellar nursery called the Carina Nebula.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captures the chaotic activity atop a three-light-year-tall pillar of gas and dust being eaten away by the brilliant light from nearby stars in a tempestuous stellar nursery called the Carina Nebula.
NASA, ESA, M. Livio and the Hubble 20th Anniversary Team (STScI)


From science to history, servicing missions to technology, and documentaries to human interest stories, NASA has produced a library of informative and interesting videos on the Hubble Space Telescope.

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Video Thumbnail text: Hubble's Inside the Image: Herbig-Haro Jet HH24. Background image holds clouds of yellow, white, gold, grey, and black. A bright jet of material runs appears to emerge from a bright cloud near image center. It runs from the cloud to the upper left and the lower right. NASA meatball logo is in the upper-right corner.
The Pillars of Creation visualization that uses data from NASA's Hubble and Webb space telescopes. Astronomers and artists modeled the iconic Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula (Messier 16 or M16) in three dimensions, creating a movie that allows viewers to fly past and among the pillars.
Greg Bacon, Ralf Crawford, Joseph DePasquale, Leah Hustak, Christian Nieves, Joseph Olmsted, Alyssa Pagan, and Frank Summers (STScI), NASA's Universe of Learning


Ever wonder what the music of the spheres would sound like? Hubble brings us cosmic sights, but these astronomical marvels can also be experienced with other senses. Through data sonification, the same digital data that is translated into images is transformed into sound.

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These episodes of NASA's Curious Universe podcast focus on Hubble. Learn more about the mission from scientists, engineers, outreach specialists, and others.

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NASA's Curious Universe podcast logo
After sunset, with oranges and pinks in the darkening sky, a young person appears in silhouette, looking through a telescope, pointed toward right. A group of adults, also in silhouette, are visible in the background.
People at a star party gathering around and gazing through telescopes at the night sky.
NASA/Aubrey Gemignani

STARGAZERS WELCOME! The night sky isn’t just for experts, it belongs to all of us! Join amateur astronomer and retired Hubble Science Operations Manager Kevin Hartnett, Hubble Social Media Lead Elizabeth Tammi, and the Astronomical Society of Greenbelt on a tour of the stars as they share how you can join from your own backyard. 


Investigate the mysteries of the universe, or dive into Hubble's history with our free, downloadable e-books.

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Hubble Space Telescope
Hubble: An Overview of the Space Telescope, an e-book that gives you the history, design, science,and more about the iconic mission.
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
Full cover image of the Hubble Focus: Dark Universe e-book. Black background with a galaxy cluster that is superimposed with a blue-white haze that indicates the location of dark matter. Top of the image holds the phrase, "Hubble Focus." The "o" in focus is Hubble as we look down the tube of the telescope.
“Hubble Focus: The Dark Universe” highlights the mission’s recent discoveries about two mysterious components of our universe, dark energy — an unexplained cosmic pressure that’s speeding up the universe’s expansion — and dark matter, an invisible substance detectable only by seeing how it gravitationally influences visible matter.


Hubble lithographs showcase some of Hubble's most stunning images and explain the science behind the object. Print these downloadable PDFs to create a gallery of astronomical art for your wall or use them as educational materials in your classroom.

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The front of a "lithograph" that contains a picture of a nebula framed. Lithos are two sided files with an image on the front and explanatory text on the back.
Hubble's 30th anniversary image of the Cosmic Reef is seen here on the front of a NASA lithograph.

Fact Sheets

Want to know more about Hubble's gyroscopes? Interested in the tools astronauts used to service Hubble? Download these NASA Hubble fact sheets that dive deeply into specific topics.

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The front of a standard NASA fact sheet that focuses on Hubble's fine guidance sensors.
Hubble’s Pointing Control System relies upon Fine Guidance Sensors to accurately measure the position of guide stars and thereby detect and correct unwanted drifts of the telescope from its desired pointing. This NASA fact sheet provides information on these highly accurate devices.

Online Activities

Expand your cosmic horizons and get to know the telescope behind some of astronomy’s most groundbreaking discoveries. Explore our online activities including games, 360 videos, trivia, interactive skymap, and more.

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People see all kinds of shapes in the cosmic clouds of the universe, from owls to soccer balls, skulls to insects. Test your nebulae knowledge and match these tumultuous clouds of gas and dust with their true names. The Name that Nebula game is just one of many interactives on the Online Activities page.

Media Resources

Need to talk to our communication's team? Need b-roll for the documentary your making? This page helps you find the Hubble media information you need.

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Image taken of the 1990 deployment of the Hubble Space Telescope. Hubble, bright and silver, reflects the Earth below, on either side of Hubble there are two golden solar arrays. At the bottom of the picture you can see the body of the Space Shuttle Discovery as well as the grapple arm letting go of Hubble.
Space Shuttle Discovery’s robotic arm deploys Hubble on April 25, 1990.