Papers by Shafagat J Mahmudova

Research Square (Research Square), Jun 7, 2021
This paper develops a new algorithm by applying the Bayesian method to software using artificial ... more This paper develops a new algorithm by applying the Bayesian method to software using artificial immune systems. An artificial immune system is an adaptive computing system that uses models, principles, mechanisms, And functions used to solve problems in theoretical immunology. Its application to various fields of science is studied. The role that artificial immune systems play in software is invaluable. Methods for detecting malware are explored. Some works in the field of artificial immune system are analyzed and issues to be addressed are identified. The Bayesian method accurately calculates the probability of occurrence of any event under certain conditions. Therefore, the Bayesian method is applied to software using artificial immune systems. By applying this method, fast software performance can be achieved. For this, a new algorithm is developed and experiments are conducted. The developed algorithm is one of the new ones. The results of the experiments provide good performance.

Development of a method for increasing the reliability of distributed software systems on cloud systems platform
Cloud computing allows users to store and manage data efficiently. This research aims to develop ... more Cloud computing allows users to store and manage data efficiently. This research aims to develop a method for creating of distributed software systems on the platform of cloud systems and improving their reliability. The use of cloud computing in the construction of the software system can reduce expenses, minimize the cost of data storage, etc. The modern development of the world economy is accompanied by the wide application of information systems, among which cloud technologies have a special place. For this, cloud computing, their features and services are investigated, related works and the most common cloud computing models and cloud databases are studied. Digital twin technologies, their types, etc. are studied to increase the software system performance in cloud computing, forecasting, monitoring, and to reduce production time. Reliability criteria for software systems in cloud computing are selected. The calculations based on the obtained scientific results perform promising results.
Informasiya texnologiyaları problemləri, Jan 22, 2016
Ethnic belonging of any person is one of his/her groups of traits. Hence, the need for the study ... more Ethnic belonging of any person is one of his/her groups of traits. Hence, the need for the study may stem from variety of reasons such as face recognition of a person, issuance of ID card, describing the image of an unknown person, or creating photo portrait of a missing person or suspected criminal, based on verbal description, and so on. This article sheds light on the methods for the racial and ethnic determination of a person.
Bu işdə proqram mühəndisliyi və onun əhatə etdiyi bilik sahələri haqqında məlumat verilmişdir. Pr... more Bu işdə proqram mühəndisliyi və onun əhatə etdiyi bilik sahələri haqqında məlumat verilmişdir. Proqramlaşdırmanın inkişaf mərhələləri və bu sahədə olan problemlər araşdırılmışdır. Proqramlaşdırma dilləri haqqında məlumat verilmiş, onların müqayisəli təhlili aparılmış, üstün və çatışmayan cəhətləri aydınlaşdırılmışdır. Proqramlaşdırma dillərinin reytingi haqqında ststistik məlumatlar verilmişdir.
International journal of intelligent information systems, 2017
In the paper general information about biometric technologies is given. The advantages of databas... more In the paper general information about biometric technologies is given. The advantages of databases based on the unified platform in biometric network environment are shown. The ways of ensuring security in biometric network are clarified. The effective ways of recognition are investigated and their comparative analysis is implemented. The ways of increasing recognition in biometric network are studied and new method is suggested.

Soft Computing, Nov 23, 2019
Technique for Order of Prevention by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSİS) method is used for dec... more Technique for Order of Prevention by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSİS) method is used for decision-making to improve software efficiency and to optimize its management by using methodological approaches. TOPSIS method is a multi-criteria decision-making analysis method. TOPSIS identifies the best alternative variant based on compromise solution. The basic concept of the TOPSIS method is that the chosen alternate variant has to be at the shortest Euclidean distance from the positive ideal solution and at the farthest Euclidean distance from the negative ideal solution. Criteria and alternatives for software are identified. Two or three of software features from other studies are used. Based on international experience, practically, only few characteristics of software efficiency have been used in the articles so far, but not all eight characteristics. Eight attributes of software efficiency are used, which distinguish this study from others. The values of the worst and best alternatives are found in multi-criterion decision-making by using the estimations of four expert programmers. The software currently run in three systems was used in experiments. The skills of the experts are also taken into account for finding the values. The results of the experiments are estimated to be good.
Transactions on Networks and Communications, Apr 30, 2018
This study reviews software security, etc. It studies the methods for the analysis of software se... more This study reviews software security, etc. It studies the methods for the analysis of software security. The problems of software protection are identified. The risks for software projects, their management, determination and categories are studied. Software development process includes the construction of an agreed structure for software development. The design of large distributed systems uses many programming languages, which in turn causes certain difficulties. That is, security in these cases is not provided. Software security is a set of measures aimed at its protection. Security in software exploitation is also a key issue. Software security is understood as its functioning without any problems. Information security threats arise in the process of software exploitation.
Bu işdə proqramçıların proqramlaşdırma sahəsindəki bəzi problemləri araşdırılmışdır. Proqramlaşdı... more Bu işdə proqramçıların proqramlaşdırma sahəsindəki bəzi problemləri araşdırılmışdır. Proqramlaşdırma sahəsində çalışan proqramçıların statistik verilənlərinin bəzi göstəriciləri təhlil edilmişdir. Proqram mühəndisliyi sahəsində işləyən proqramçıların fərqli xüsusiyyətləri araşdırılmışdır. Proqramçıların istifadə etdiyi müasir texnologiyalar (big data, cloud computing və s.) və onlar üçün istifadə olunan proqramlaşdırma dilləri barədə məlumat verilmişdir.
Lecture notes on data engineering and communications technologies, 2023

Soft Computing, Dec 24, 2022
A log file is a document that keeps track of all events that occur on a website or server. Many l... more A log file is a document that keeps track of all events that occur on a website or server. Many log files are very large, so they can be regularly written over outdated content, or entire collections of log files with names, including a date, for example, can be created. In the event of technical problems, site inaccessibility, virus infection, hacker attacks and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, the resource administrator can use the information in log to find the cause, which makes it easier and faster to eliminate unwanted incidents. The paper analyzes the definition, types, location, use and examples of log files. Data is transferred to the MySQL database using the Squid.db database. Clustering is performed using a database. The study highlights clustering, analyzes metrics, and determines the proximity of clusters and objects in clusters in Euclidean space. Experiments are conducted and the results are satisfactory. For example, data is transferred to the MySQL database using the Squid.db database. Since the Squid proxy server is a cache proxy server, it stores resources, and the work is done quickly on the next request. Data are clustered using a compiled table of databases transferred to MySQL via Squid proxy. In this case, unnecessary entries are deleted from the table, which significantly speeds up data processing. The application of clustering method in problem solving is fast and simple. For the problem stated, the degree of closeness of clusters and objects in clusters in Euclidean space is determined. Experiments are conducted using obtained results.

International journal of natural sciences research, Nov 4, 2021
This article outlines the Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Things describes a network of... more This article outlines the Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Things describes a network of physical objects, i.e., the "thing" including sensors, software, and other technologies for connection and data sharing with other devices and systems over the Internet. In other words, IoT is a relatively new technology enabling many "smart" devices to get connected, to analyze, process, and transfer data to each other and connect to a network. The article clarifies the essence of intelligent systems for the Internet of Things, and analyzes the most popular software for the IoT platform. It studies high-level systems for IoT and analyzes available literature in this field. It highlights most advanced IoT software of 2021. The article also identifies the prospects and challenges of intelligent systems for the Internet of Things. The creation of new intelligent systems for IoT and the development of technology will greatly contribute to the development of economy. Contribution/Originality: This analyzes the most popular software for the IoT platform. 1. INTRODUCTION The fourth industrial revolution is often described through basic technologies. These may include a set of future technologies [1, 2]. One of them is the Internet of Things (IoT) [1-3]. The Internet of Things (IoT) describes a network of physical objects, i.e., the "thing" including sensors, software, and other technologies for data connection and sharing with other devices and systems over the Internet. In other words, IoT is a relatively new technology enabling many "smart" devices to get connected, to analyze, process, and transfer data to each other and connect to a network. The term IoT was first used in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, a British engineer, founder of the Auto-ID research group [2, 4]. IoT connects more and more devices and supports a variety of evolving applications. It is essentially a network where people and devices can communicate with each other, respond to surrounding changes, and make decisions without human intervention. People can configure them or provide access to data, and many people associate IoT with a "smart" house. Technologies and devices developed by Google, Yandex, Amazon, Apple and other companies enable users to shop online, adjust room temperature, turn on lights and music, and give voice commands to virtual assistants. Companies can automate processes and reduce labor costs through IoT. This reduces the amount of unnecessary product waste, improves the quality of services provided, and reduces production and logistics costs.
Springer series in reliability engineering, Sep 9, 2022

Review of information engineering and applications, 2018
The article provides information on the methods of organizing the technological process of softwa... more The article provides information on the methods of organizing the technological process of software development. The key point is that if information is processed, it must be used for these three elements It explores the interaction of people, technology and process. Types of technological processes and software development models are analyzed. Technological process is the adjusted sequence of interconnected actions, starting from the moment of initial data generation to the preferred result. Technological processes consist of "technological operations", which, in turn, are shaped by "technological transitions." "Technological transitions" are called a finished part of technological operation implemented with the same tools of technological supply. In other words, technological process is a part of production process, which includes purposeful actions for the determination of the state of subject of labor. The subject of labor includes software development. Software development process in its production is a process of grouping the implementations into separate stages to prepare and design software, and to improve product and project management. It is also known as a life cycle of software. The methodology may include predefined certain results and artifacts generating and finishing the project for software development together with team. The implementations during the phases of technological and innovation process are explained. The methods for effective organization of technological process of software development are shown. Disadvantages of technological process are examined. Possible risks for software projects and their solution ways are revealed. Contribution/Originality: This study contributes in the existing literature of methods of organizing the technological process of software development. Technological process is the adjusted sequence of inter connected actions, starting from the moment of initial data generation to the preferred result. These study users business areas a variety of software.

Review of information engineering and applications, Apr 18, 2022
This article provides information on the design of intelligent software systems. An intelligent s... more This article provides information on the design of intelligent software systems. An intelligent software system refers to any software using artificial intelligence to analyze and interpret data or to communicate with systems and people. The article substantiates the relevance of the issue and highlights existing problems. The following factors are taken into consideration when assessing the problems of intelligent software system designing: easy data collection, low cost of developing intelligent systems, availability of experts and necessary resources (computers, program developers, software, etc.). The article also reports of related studies and identifies application areas. A conceptual model is developed for the design of intelligent software systems. The stages, components, directions, etc. indicated in the conceptual model for the design of intelligent software systems are studied and the characteristics of each are determined. Some examples of design types by the fields of activity are identified. The developed model can be used in the design of intelligent software systems related to any instrumental programming. Contribution/Originality: A conceptual model is developed for the design of intelligent software systems. The stages, components, directions, etc. indicated in the conceptual model for the design of intelligent software systems are studied and the characteristics of each are determined. type of personality, i.e., a person belonging to the cyber world, is formed being affected by intelligent systems [2]. Intelligent systems also suffer from the security issues of a person's private life and provision of data security. Based
International Conference on Technics, Technologies and Education ICTTE .., 2019
The study machine learning for software based on Soft Computing technology. It analyzes Soft Comp... more The study machine learning for software based on Soft Computing technology. It analyzes Soft Computing components. Their use in software, their advantages and challenges are studied. Machine learning and its features are highlighted. The functions and features of neural networks are clarified, and recommendations were given.
IOS Press eBooks, Nov 9, 2022
This study reviews software security, etc. It studies the methods for the analysis of software se... more This study reviews software security, etc. It studies the methods for the analysis of software security. The problems of software protection are identified. The risks for software projects, their management, determination and categories are studied. The article describes the ontology of cybersecurity based on standards. The main concepts related to cybersecurity problem and their relationships are reviewed. It studies basic structure, concept, etc. of intelligent software system to ensure cybersecurity.
International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology, Nov 1, 2017

Soft Computing, Jun 22, 2021
This paper develops a new algorithm by applying the Bayesian method to software using artificial ... more This paper develops a new algorithm by applying the Bayesian method to software using artificial immune systems. An artificial immune system is an adaptive computing system that uses models, principles, mechanisms, And functions used to solve problems in theoretical immunology. Its application to various fields of science is studied. The role that artificial immune systems play in software is invaluable. Methods for detecting malware are explored. Some works in the field of artificial immune system are analyzed and issues to be addressed are identified. The Bayesian method accurately calculates the probability of occurrence of any event under certain conditions. Therefore, the Bayesian method is applied to software using artificial immune systems. By applying this method, fast software performance can be achieved. For this, a new algorithm is developed and experiments are conducted. The developed algorithm is one of the new ones. The results of the experiments provide good performance.

Problems of Information Society
As computing technology progresses, computer systems and their activity domain are becoming wides... more As computing technology progresses, computer systems and their activity domain are becoming widespread, and software projects are becoming complicated in the current society. Software testing is time-consuming and expensive. It aims at validating software functional and non-functional requirements, including software performance. During the test stages, first, it is specified whether software elements perform their tasks accurately and create correct output. While in software testing at the program code level, we can text all circles and lines of program and conditional parts of the program while there needs data in these tests which can test all these cases and cold pass the program lines with the most coating that is one of the most challenging problems in this type of software tests. Therefore, Imperialist Competitive Algorithm, an advanced algorithm, is considered for producing optimal test data for finding errors in programs. Practical results and evaluating the proposed method...
Papers by Shafagat J Mahmudova