Setting up registration for workshops

What is Destiny One?

Schulich School of Engineering offers registration through a platform called Destiny One. This is how you will register to attend workshops in our Zetta, Maker Multiplex and Schulich Wellness spaces.

Below are answers to frequently asked questions that will help you create your Destiny One account. 

Frequently asked questions

Your University of Calgary identification number (UCID) is your unique number. In Destiny One, your UCID number serves as your username.

For people who are registering with Destiny One who don't have an existing UCID, when you first use this system, you will be assigned a temporary username that will allow you to complete your transaction. It will begin with an X followed by five numbers and can be used until you receive your permanent UCID. You will receive a UCID number within two business days of your initial setup.

If you are a UCalgary student, faculty or staff member, or alumni, please follow the same steps as above. If you are issued a different UCID number than the one you already had, please contact the UCalgary IT Support Centre and request an update your account.

Within your event registration site, click on “Forgot UCID.” You will be prompted to enter you email address. Please provide the one you entered during your initial Destiny One account creation. You will receive an email from the UCalgary IT Support Centre with your UCID. If you have not yet been assigned a UCID, you will receive your temporary number that consists of an X, followed by five numbers. 

Within your event registration site, click on “Forgot Password.” You will be prompted to enter in your UCID. You will receive an email from the UCalgary IT Support Centre with your temporary password. This email will be sent to the address you entered during your initial account creation.

When creating a Destiny One account, we will try to match up your Destiny One UCID to the one that you are using in other systems. If you have been assigned a UCID in Destiny One that is different from your current UCID, please email IT Support Centre to update your account.

Your Destiny One password, however, will be different from other University of Calgary systems. You will be prompted to create a password the first time you register for a Zetta, Schulich Wellness or Maker Multiplex event in Destiny One.

University of Calgary password guidelines:

  • 8 characters long
  • Contains a lower-case letter
  • Contains an upper-case letter
  • Contains a digit
  • Contains a special character
  • Does not contain " ' - $ / \ ` or space
  • Cannot contain your username, first name or last name

You will only need to create an account the first time you register for a Zetta, Maker Multiplex or Schulich Wellness event in Destiny One. Once you have created an account, you can use the same UCID (username) and password to register for subsequent events. 

Who do I contact if I'm having trouble registering?

Zetta workshops

Please contact [email protected]

Maker Multiplex workshops

Please contact [email protected]

Schulich Wellness workshops

Please contact [email protected].