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Journal created:
on 12 July 2003 (#1178066)
on 12 June 2016
The Schatz Club
Aquabania, California, United States
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated
This is the LiveJournal community celebrating the coolest brothers and sister (not, like, "brothahs and sistahs") on the planet -- THE SCHATZES!

The community is open to fans and friends of Kevy, Robby, and Erica. Members are invited to post funny stories, pictures, and announcements/news.

Loose-fit Guidelines:
- Try to stay on-topic. Stuff only belongs here if a Schatz had something to do with it!
- If you post lots of pictures, please use the cut tag:
<lj-cut text="what you want it to say">pictures and stuff here</lj-cut>
- Be smart about contact info. Avoid posting phone numbers and addresses; email and AIM is up to your discretion.
- No trash-talking. This isn't a flame forum so either you keep your beef in its shrink-wrap or you grill it up and eat it.

All that said and done, everyone have fun!

©, your moderator (pinkerdot)
baseball, biking to venice, brain teasers, chili dogs, coco the dog, cookie thievery, cornell university, cross-country, dance parties, danny batalla, erica schatz, fight-nite @ kincaids, kevin schatz, kevy wevy, lj user morgoth665, lomita, melted plastic, movie nights, mrs. chagnovich, narbonne high school, old school, oscar the weenie, pink and purple, pool parties, qk, quikkevin, robby wobby, robert schatz, schatz brothers, shotz beer, slurpees, the beach, the diff'rent strokes, the metro, the other brother, think hot dog, thrift shopping, torrance pier, track team, tramampoline, university of la verne, white guys, wienerschnitzel
