"God bless us every one!" |
[09 Dec 2006|01:34am] |
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June 9th, 2006 02:57 AM "Tonight I had an awesome AIM conversation with Robert Schatz about politics, Charles Dickens, and Buddig lunchmeat. In conclusion, Mr. Ebenezer Schatz now owes me Christmas Turkey lunchmeat."
Friday, December 08, 2006 11:48 PM Morgoth665: do I still owe you lunch meat? AwesomeSKAsome: you remembered!
God bless him.
! |
[31 May 2004|05:19pm] |
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happy summer, all!
this community needs a breath of life.
the schatzes are now on summer vacation, but the kevin will be of limited availability. the family will be in colorado from the 11th to the 29th or so of june, and then they'll be in town for a little while before kevin goes to a workstudy thing in oregon.
soooooo, we will be robbed of the kevin, but we still love robert and erica!
p.s. hi, everyone!
the big one nine! |
[01 Jan 2004|02:08pm] |
and happy new year, everyone else!
[13 Dec 2003|05:24pm] |
Robert will be the featured guest of honor at my Cheese Party in two weeks (December 27th). If I understand correctly, his brother will be there too, so if any of you need an excuse to say hello to them this winter break, be sure and drop by!
You have to RSVP to get in, and you have to agree to the rules to RSVP. Sorry to be such a stickler, I just don't want there to be any problems.
So if you're interested, click here for more info, and to RSVP if you know you can go!
!! |
[17 Nov 2003|08:44pm] |
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well, apparently it is our favourite devil's birthday. thanks for the heads up, miss erica.
[17 Nov 2003|07:24pm] |
There is a new Schatz. I fear change adn I'll keep me bushes.
Hey Kevin you should add groping Motron as one of our interest becasue you know you love it.
Tron: The Legend Killer
Happy Halloween!!! |
[31 Oct 2003|02:32am] |
Aren't Robert and Kevin freakin' adorable? And their costumes match who they've become now that they're grown up, don't you think?
Hey fans of my bros!! |
[19 Oct 2003|09:24pm] |
It is me, Erica.....I do exist!!! I decided that since this community is dedicated to my only two brothers that I should join. Because, who else would have as many embarassing stories and photos than me?! With that said, here's a recent photo of Kevin at a cool pool party we went to:
news! |
[14 Oct 2003|01:03am] |
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he splits it with danny.
spread the word!
wonder of wonders! |
[12 Oct 2003|04:16pm] |
dispatch from the 909 adventure:
i just got back from a weekend visiting the claremont/pomona colleges.
this means, my friends, that i was in kevin's dorm at la verne. AND i met his sister who, it turns out, really DOES exist! amazing!
too bad there are no pictures to share because, silly me, i did not bring my camera.
redorangelegend and jedijournal were the lucky two who got to keep dear kevy company during the lonely friday night that danny was not in the dorm. they got to tailgate party together.
read into that what you will . . .
what a summer it has been |
[15 Sep 2003|11:15pm] |
i know many photos where take... hmm at least i hope so. any way i think it would be way cool for pple to scan and post if you can and if you have time.
[26 Aug 2003|08:20pm] |
I didn't get to say goodbye and that makes me feel really bad.
Last night my Old man and I went to see Motorhead, Dio, and Iron Maiden.
I was thinking about how great it would be if Robert was there and then I saw... Oh man! I can't even tell you who I saw it was so great.
I'll give you a hint though. He is almost family to all of us. Like, I don't know, maybe our BROTHER.
[26 Aug 2003|03:56am] |
Thank you all for a memorable summer. Let's do it again sometime.
rock, farewells, and more |
[25 Aug 2003|05:01pm] |
so kevin had a gig last night with some band in hollywood, and i heard it was fabulous. those of you who went -- fill the rest of us in!
by the way, robert left today for cornell i believe, and kevin is leaving tomorrow for la verne. we'll miss you guys, but through the magic of the internet it'll be almost like you're still here with us!
!! |
[20 Aug 2003|03:37am] |
maybe i'm crazy or maybe i'm up too late, but. . .
 this totally looked like robert to me
"all black but one!" |
[11 Aug 2003|12:48pm] |
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more updates --
a spontaneous idea from last night's boredom has now begotten a new production: the HORROR FILM.
so far, all the main parts have been cast and it remains untitled. all you can know thus far is that our fake blood is ketchup and water, and that kevin schatz is topless in (at least) one scene.
for anyone interested in bit parts -- grocer, mailman, nosy neighbor, distraught ex-girlfriend, annoying sister or brother . . . just know when to show up for the tapings and brainstorms.
big big love.
schatzi rhymes with yahtzee |
[09 Aug 2003|08:00pm] |
so, they're back. all of them. well, except the sister schatz, i think.
summer's almost over! let's enjoy ourselves. any ideas for hangouts?
[04 Aug 2003|01:45pm] |
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Hey Schatz boys Motron just saying whaddup.
[30 Jul 2003|05:30pm] |
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barefoot dancing |
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Can someone please update me on who has a journal, i am so lost on who is still alive. I need A.I.M's to please party people someone inform me of such things. I am losing human contact, i mean i'm actually starting to talk to my family (that has to say something!). HA, j/k but i love you and GOODNITE. i'll Try to see everyone at the party if i can find a ride and what not
In His Love, Jerame