judging books by their covers
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LiveJournal for we think were better than you. and we are..

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You're looking at the latest 9 entries.

Friday, February 4th, 2005

Posted by:misokisaragi.
Time:11:08 am.
BlackSkies_of_BrokenHeartsCollapse )
Comments: join the pack.

Saturday, April 24th, 2004

Subject:Fyi my name is Victoria
Posted by:xloveisdeadx.
Time:3:35 pm.
This knife cut fashionCollapse )
Comments: 1 angelheaded hipsters - join the pack.

Tuesday, November 25th, 2003

Posted by:ricecakes.
Time:3:31 pm.

what i say goes.
once youve been accepted you get voting rights.

we're shallow here- dont forget it.
you have to look the part.
its key.

thank you

Posted by:thexlastxword.
Time:12:47 pm.
be niceCollapse )
Comments: 4 angelheaded hipsters - join the pack.

Monday, November 24th, 2003

Subject:hey fucks
Posted by:lardking.
Time:9:40 pm.
My app-li-ca-tionCollapse )
Comments: 5 angelheaded hipsters - join the pack.

Posted by:erinberin793.
Time:9:05 pm.
Mood: creative.
we want 3+ pictures of you

thursday, billy talent, funeral for a friend, rufio, the used, the get up kids, story of the year, thrice, yellow card, coheed and cambria, the movielife, the ataris, taking back sunday, afi and many more..
we are the same.
Comments: 1 angelheaded hipsters - join the pack.

Posted by:xxriotgrrlxx.
Time:10:13 pm.
Name: Juliana
Age: Fifteen
Location: Lehigh Valley - PA
My Scene: Riot Grrl Who Tends To Be Vain And Indie As Fuck
+Le Tigre
+Bikini Kill
+The Faint
+Neutral Milk Hotel
+Yeah Yeah Yeahs
+Bitch And Animal
+The Faint
+Hot Hot Heat
+The Postal Service
+Pedro The Lion
+Elliot Smith

Three Plus PicturesCollapse )
Comments: 1 angelheaded hipsters - join the pack.

Posted by:waterwingsend.
Time:9:01 pm.
gowashyourfuckingmouthCollapse )
Comments: 4 angelheaded hipsters - join the pack.

Subject:the kick off.
Posted by:ricecakes.
Time:9:33 pm.
application guidelines are in the info.

dont all jump at once!
Comments: join the pack.

LiveJournal for we think were better than you. and we are..

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You're looking at the latest 9 entries.