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scearley, posts by tag: treadmill - LiveJournal
This here's my tsurezuregusa. You like?
5th-Aug-2010 09:54 am - Again.
Old broke-downness: vampire bat on a treadmill
New hotness: dogs named "Steve" on a treadmill

retro goodness: cats and a treadmill
3rd-Aug-2010 05:23 pm - blipverts, y'all.
Old broke-downness: cats and a treadmill.
New hotness: vampire bat on a treadmill.

retro goodness: kiwi on a treadmill.
1st-Aug-2010 10:01 pm - that was then, this is now.
Old broke-downness: kiwi on a treadmill.
New hotness: cats and a treadmill.

30th-Jul-2010 07:30 pm - Run!
Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you....

A kiwi on a treadmill.

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