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We consider a partial ordered set (POSET) of assembling operations, with known execution durations, that must be accomplished. The assembling operations can be executed on an acyclic network with an identical set of robots on each... more
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We evaluate the possible benefit from improving the workload distribution in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) (e.g. a project network), by determining a lower bound for the project completion time. It is shown that a lower bound can be... more
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      Bipartite GraphLINEAR PROGRAMDirected Acyclic Graph
Given an Eulerian multigraph, a subset T of its vertices, and a collection H of subsets of T, we ask how few edge-disjoint paths can contain maximum (A, T "A)flows, for all A # H at once. We answer the question for a certain class of... more
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    • Pure Mathematics
We consider a partial ordered set (POSET) of assembling operations, with known execution durations, that must be accomplished. The assembling operations can be executed on an acyclic network with an identical set of robots on each... more
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      RoboticsLINEAR PROGRAM
The partially-concurrent open shop scheduling problem is presented. The standard open shop scheduling problem is generalized by allowing some operations to be processed concurrently. This generalization is directly motivated from a... more
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Partially Concurrent Open Shop Scheduling (PCOSS) is a relaxation of the well-known Open Shop Scheduling (OSS) problem, where some of the operations that refer to the same job may be processed concurrently. Here we extend the study of the... more
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The presented two-campus transport problem (TCTP) is a pickup-anddelivery scheduling problem. It is a problem of a college with two campuses located at two different cities. Lecturers living in one city should sometimes teach at the other... more
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We pose a new network flow problem and solve it by reducing to the b-matching problem. The result has application to integer multiflow optimization. 2000
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      Pure MathematicsNetwork Flow
The two-campus transport problem (TCTP) is a dial-a-ride problem with only two destinations. The problem is motivated by a transport problem between two campuses of an academic college. The two campuses are located in two different... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer ScienceNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
This research focuses on improving relational databases design of novice designers. Teaching conceptual data modelling is a challenge to Information Systems educators. Our goal is to test the effectiveness of the learning from errors... more
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We compare the expected revenue in first-and second-price auctions with asymmetric bidders. We consider a "close to uniform" distributions with identical supports. In contrast to the common conjecture in the literature, we show that in... more
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      Applied MathematicsGame TheoryStatisticsGames Theory
We compare the seller's expected revenue in asymmetric second-price auctions with the benchmark case where all bidders have the average distribution. We show that with two bidders, asymmetry has a negative e¤ect on revenue. However, for n... more
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We show that in a contest with many participants and a single prize, the expected e¤ort (or resources) made by a participant whose evaluation of the prize is ranked as the k th highest valuation obeys an exponential rule in the limit and... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
We study all-pay auctions with multiple prizes. The players have the same value for all the certain prizes except for one uncertain prize for which each player has a private value. We characterize the equilibrium strategy and show that if... more
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    • Applied Economics
This paper explores the issue of accountability in democratic systems by addressing the issue of the deliberate distortion (gaming) of performance measures in the context of the principal-agent theory. Our model identifies the conditions... more
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We study a two-stage sequential search model with two agents who compete for one job. The agents arrive sequentially, each one in a different stage. The agents' abilities are private information and they are derived from heterogeneous... more
    • by  and +1
This paper explores the issue of accountability in democratic systems by addressing the issue of the deliberate distortion (gaming) of performance measures in the context of the principal-agent theory. Our model identifies the conditions... more
    • by  and +1
A major question in the economics and managerial literatures is whether decentralized structures in which authority is delegated across the organization's units are superior to centralized structures. The problems of incomplete... more
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We study standard rent-seeking contests in which there are two forms of sabotaging. This study is conducted for a symmetric model of two contestants with complete information, when the first form of sabotaging negatively affects the... more
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    • Economics